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Everything posted by Perrych

  1. It is amazing that Chinese factories will screw up a mold and then charge you for the fix, push your work back while they do otherr jobs, force so many redoes, and still US companies claim it is cheaper doing business over there. I can’t help but think of the health of middle managers who are overseeing production as the stress must be terrible -or you would just give up caring.
  2. Received my fast pack today. The batteries are a pain to deal with but the set looks great. I have mine in G mode and it is cool. I just hope it holds together over time. I really wish they put the switches in a place where you didn’t have to unscrew or remove something to turn them on.
  3. I am in. I have all your other Invid so need the complete set!
  4. I saw the same thing today, as I was expecting an email saying the order was processing any day now. I hope it’s a mistake!
  5. CMs had a few of them in regular outfits and the seemed to do well even though they were static poses and were often posed a little oddly. And they left out several characters - although Annie was included with Red. Those figures show that even in a relatively poor line the figures sell. Today they go for quite a bit on the secondary market,
  6. Looks awesome! Can't wait to see this finished!
  7. My understanding is that the art books will have a strong Macross flavor as they will include art given to them from the original series - things they promised would be remarkable. It will be interesting what they produce from the archives. I don't think even the publishers know what they are going to use or produce yet.
  8. To be fair, hearing how many folks have gloated that the contributions were inflated by Macross fans who planned to take them back at the least second, I would say that there was an effort by some folks to do more than just talk bad about HG. Sure, it would only hurt HG if the real fans were supporting the cause but a mass exodus would almost certainly undermine the effort. It's more psychological than economic - if people think RA is good, why contribute any more? So, while not every Macross fan is nefarious, some were up to no good.
  9. To go along with this, it was just simply not a well thought out Kickstarter - almost as if it was created in an afternoon so it could be announced at a convention. It was quite late in the game that they became somewhat synergistic across the different Robotech brands by suggesting add-on toys, exclusive Tactics game pieces, a new "art of" book, etc. I'm not sure if they just thought that if they offered new animation that fans would jump on it - no matter how ill fitting the title was to what they were attempting to create (Robotech Academy implies it would be about the education of the students, not an adventure to follow their parents to Tirol). On top of this, you have the added issues created by the creators of the Tactics game who have failed to meet deadlines and promises to fans on multiple occasions and you have a fan-base that is jittery about Kickstarter to begin with. There was a complete failure to reach out to fans of the show that are not on fan sites but might have supported this via advertising or creating some PR. No bone was thrown to Macross fans, only a slight nod was given to the Project:Valkyrie group, and there was virtually no attempt to ask if fans even wanted this concept. To the original response - this would have likely succeeded if it had been a continuation of the Sentinels. It would have succeeded if they had negotiated a new deal with Big West and worked out their legal issues and announced that they were tying the new animation in with perhaps Macross 7. It might have even succeeded if they had chosen to not make this a pilot but an OVA. But HG doesn't listen to anyone so fans responded by refusing to pay. But don't assume for a second that this was all that HG was capable of raising. They just didn't try to woo the fans - they just thought we would jump at the chance for more Robotech.
  10. Macross zero could have worked in the robotech universe. Heck, we kind of had a live action robotech zero on youtube until HG stepped in.
  11. Part of me really believes that HG will pay out the remainder at the end, although that would be kind of dumb as they would be paying kickstarter to pay themselves. I think the biggest blunder was saying this might go forward without kickstarter.
  12. Sweet!
  13. Not sure what the point of your post was as of course someone who has not watched, grown up, or has any connection to a series would not care about it. The same argument you are making could made for any of the following: GI JOe, Masters of the Universe, transformers, thunder cats, tmnt, etc. Yet many of those have had resurgence recently. Just like many of them, Robotech has hung around in various forms for quite a while now - in fact, it only really died when HG started working on shadow Chronicles. The same could be said for these other shows. In fact, many of them stole ideas from other franchises - GI Joe= shield, Transformers=Diaclone. To your point, Starblazers - another westernized anime - has been rebooted and continued numerous times, even via a live action movie (albeit by the original Japanese company, not a westernized version). Robotech could follow their lead - if HG could simply move forward.
  14. First, among Robotch fans, there are a lot of fans of mospeada/new generation. Macross is not the end all for them. It just happens to be the loose end - what happened to Rick Hunter and co. The Sentinels wasn't bad in concept, but the idea of planet hopping was just a means of dragging out the story for syndication. Some of the ideas - confronting the Masters before they came and realizing that they were not only too late, but left their children and Earth wide open to attack, confronting the Regent to prevent further invasions, the civil war from Edwards - were great. Not much in terms of mecha was unique, as it all borrowed from all 3 shows. Second, few cartoons are popular among kids these days. We live in a different world where kids have so many options that few kids shows gain traction for long. Most shows that are created with nostalgia in mind have not done well recently, particularly with kids. Probably the best route for Robotech was OVAs or a Netflix exclusive.
  15. If you are still taking orders, I would love to purchase 1!
  16. Wow! Just discovered this kit. Wish that it was still available. Looks amazing!
  17. Let's be fair: Robotech did a better job with Southern Cross than the original writers did.
  18. I'm not defending that abomination, but Shadow Chronicles was a mix of Sentinels, Macross, Mospeada, and even a Louie thrown in from SC. That's not a bad combination. Why Dana, Bowie, Dante,etc were left out beats me. Macross actually had a kind of small showing.
  19. Actually, I would argue that is what pretty creative to take three completely different anime shows and bridge them together with some pretty small things that just managed to work out. The idea of protoculture was pretty creative in Robotech, as it went from culture meaning a product of a society to a culture like something created in a lab. That was pretty clever. And as Mospeada was often focused on finding fuel, and Southern Cross having the weird scenes around the mounds, it kind of worked. Not perfectly, and certainly not when you see the originals and realize what things were. The mounds in SC also kind of worked with the fake out of the SDF-2. (That was the one glaring omission that every kid who saw Robotech wondered - where was the SDF-2 and why did we never see it!) The idea of Claudia's nephew was a little racist - I guess they were trying to connect the only real African American character in Macross. Dana was in Macross so that connection made a little sense - even though they had to spend a whole episode explaining the connection. Mospeada had the least connection - and in some ways the most. It of course tied together with Macross as the REF came back - but the mysterious missing Admiral Hunter was a bit strange, as was the returning expedition that clearly was following other failed expeditions that were never really mentioned in context. The ending with Scott looking for the SDF-3 made little sense - how was he going to get there is his little fighter?! But with all the plot holes, all the contextual issues, in the end, it was better contextually than so many movies made as sequels that have far more issues - including X-men, Star Wars, among others. To the original point, the current HG projects are having FAR more contextual issues that what the original Robotech had with three completely different shows. Shadow Chronicles seemed like a bad fan project from people who didn't watch the original show or had no concept of the Sentinels except some vague understanding. Coming from HG, it made no sense at all. That makes me have little confidence in Academy. I realize that I am a Robotech apologist to many of you - it has a special place for me in my childhood and opened up anime to me (particularly the Robotech Art I book which honestly spoke of the sources of Robotech and origins of anime). But I'm not supporting this kickstarter simply because I don't think Shadow Chronicles did justice to the source material or enhanced the story. It did nothing to draw in new fans, and created more issues for old fans. With Academy, we can assume that it is the story of the Mars and Jupiter divisions being trained - but it could be the training of Jack Baker and Karen Penn. Or maybe it is the training of Dana Sterling and Bowie Grant. But I kind of thought Jack Baker was trained on the Zentradi station. And we saw Dana graduate on "Earth" in "Dana's Story". And if it follows any other story line, what would be the point? As it stands, I'm not sure there is a point to Academy at any rate as I don't see it advancing the story at all.
  20. But ripping LLA, you are really ripping the Mospeada original - plus two extra minutes. Shadow Chronicles I will give you. And that is primarily because it doesn't fit in with the pre-existing contunuity often for no real reason.
  21. But in doing so you are basically dissing two other anime that have their own fan bases. Macross II is the albatross that macross fans must carry. Also, Macross 7. Robotech has it's issues but many prefer its linear story. Arguing against it feels a little bit like the argument in the movie Crimson Tide about which silver surfer was best. It comes down to preference. And to be fair, have you looked online at the rabid dans in South America and Central America? That seems to be the greatest concentration of Robotech fans!
  22. I think the pilot probably could be picked on 2nd tier cable channel, as they are always looking for new content. The challenge I have to your premise about the legal problems of the Sentinels is that they continue to release it on video. Not sure why profiting off something made 20 years ago is ok but not today. If this was accurate, how are they doing the Voltron crossover which is only using Macross characters?
  23. I think Yune must hate The sentinels because all the ground work is done for that and yet they still won't follow through. The excuse of books and comics covering the subject matter is weak. I read the. Hobbit, saw the cartoon, read the comic, and still watch the Peter Jackson versions. If it is a good story, they have nothing to worry about.
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