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Everything posted by evilcat005

  1. Its getting close to Release day for SD SDF1. Going to consolidate final number at end of this month. Those who didn't get their order in still have time. Once order is consolidated only those who Pre-order will receive it. Those who didn't Pre-order it will still have a chance to get the extra stock that I will be selling at NYCC, but NYCC customers will have priority. Any remaining stock that didn't get sold out at NYCC will be distributed to all online customers. I will try to get extra units at cut off day for late comer, if those units get sold out, then you guys will have to run your chance with retailer in China, and EvilBay. Being a US based seller, US customers will have a easier time to address replacement part, or defect issue. http://www.lunartoystore.com/collections/02-pre-orders/products/master-made-sdf1-makuros-pre-order
  2. http://www.lunartoystore.com/collections/02-pre-orders/products/master-made-sdf1-makuros-pre-order
  3. I heard there are going to be another product announcement on NYCC from Master Made. I have no Detail yet, and I don't know if its Macross related. They will let me know the product once its NYCC. I will keep you all posted.
  4. review is up. Hope you all enjoy it. Second review is coming up soon. I know how you guys love second opinions. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lunar-Toy-Store/411482228959458
  5. No price yet. it will be a different PO for it. Its schedule for early 2015 release. so its going to be a while before PO go up. BUT, you guys do know that Makuros is going to have friends down the line
  6. Review is going to come out late night, i wonder who is waiting for it right now to get a first peek at it.
  7. Those who are waiting for review to come on, you better get your coffees ready. Reviewers got their hand on the figure and are racing to complete it for you guys. I wouldn't be surprise if they upload their review tonight. Enjoy!
  8. Is that you peaugh?
  9. Great for Army build, and display very well with SDF1.
  10. FB update with shadow picture of the add on pack! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lunar-Toy-Store/411482228959458
  11. LOL they won't tell me anything regarding to that, even if they are making it. company normally keep those a secret, but i will be the first to know and share when they do tell me.
  12. The pack come with 3 figures, only 1 figure was confirmed. We don't know the other 2 SD figures yet.
  13. Did some one say Monster? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41665 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lunar-Toy-Store/411482228959458
  14. Master Made have let me know they are going to produce Makuros Add on pack. The add on pack will be consist of multiple SD figures. One of the confirmed SD figure is "Not Monster"! Rest they didn't share with me yet. I expect this add on pack to extend the play ability of Makuros. Build your own little fleet, or collect your own desk top Makuros SD figures. Enjoy the news! Picture will be up soon. Picture is up! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lunar-Toy-Store/411482228959458
  15. The rail gun is part forming. It can be pop out and pop back in any way you like it.
  16. I'll leave some details for the video reviewers who are about to get their hands on it soon. LOL but enjoy it.
  17. I just want to show the amazing detail it have on. hehe its not really a review, but still, Thanks!
  18. Head is detachable, and i Realize it make a cool little display!
  19. This is the back side of the bot, very solid looking. So is the ship mode very solid looking. No ugly gap, or hollow area.
  20. You guys still have sometimes. I understand you guys want to see review and that is why i'm trying to get the figure out asap to reviewer so those who order it will feel justified More photo was uploaded Enjoy! That it for photo tonight, I hope your all happy with your PO.
  21. Super detail photo taken with D600 and Micro lens is up for your enjoyment, and judgement. Hope you all enjoy it. Figures will be send out to reviewers soon. For now enjoy these photos, and feel good about your purchase! Photo don't do justice for the amount of detail this figure have. Only in hand you realize you can't take your eyes off of it! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lunar-Toy-Store/411482228959458
  22. TEST SHOT IN HAND!!! EPIC FUN FIGURE!! A very solid in hand feeling of the figure. And the Paint app is amazing!! I'll try to snag some picture for you guys and post it on form and FB. Sample will be sent out, so expect review soon!!! Hang on people! Picture is coming!
  23. I think the macross form want to do a photograph written review of it. We might see some early photo soon, as they are getting a test shot for MWC
  24. I don't believe Jenius ever reached out to me. I only contacted those who reached out to me, and have express vast interest in reviewing the product. I did contact optibotimus, but i never heard back from him neither.
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