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Everything posted by NoSuchFile

  1. NoSuchFile

    Age Check! :)

    I'll be 22 early January
  2. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok anything than Rosie plz or I'll get sick!
  3. The new 1J are based on the Series fast pack, they are more gey than the first release and of course, lack the strike guns <_< Well those never where in the series to start with so it's a little normal As far as selling them seperately, nothing on that aswell
  4. No need to worry, the VF-1 line is almost done, so it wont be a problem, should getr rid of it soone enough entn all the new desig should copme in and we all will be celebrating dansing around some fire making sacrefices for the fgreat Kamouary or whatever, srorry for the spelling, I gopt a lot of Drinks tonight... this the season to be drinking anyway
  5. I only hope they are considering making an Octos, I've never seen a mecha look so mean in Macross, ever, this thing when look from in front looks like a Demon rdy to kill ya!!! I really hope their SV-51 to be great looking, as the SV-51 recently got at #1 in my top 10 fav Macross Design. I really like the VF-0, especialy the VF-0D because of the paint job, looks really awsome, I can't wait until they release them... But I think that what some of u guys are saying to be true, I feel as we probably won't see any of them released before late 2004 or later
  6. NoSuchFile

    VF-11B FP

    Nah. the old one had thet also <_<
  7. Last time I heard we where to expect Macross Zero toys in summer 2004
  8. La meilleure facon que j'ai trouver, bon ok a comprend un certain risque, c'est de pas faire assurer le paquet, y'as pas la valeur de l'envoi donc les douanes ne nous font pas trop chi** Moe je commande de VE ou de TwinMoons, eux autres y marquent "gift" sur le paquet donc les douanes regardent moins dedans pour trouver une facture, ce qui est une bonne chose parcequ'ils aiment bein, quelques fois, jouer avec ce qui a dans les paquets, ca m'est arriver pis y ont petter ce qui avait dans l'envoi pis y ont jamais voulus prendre leurs responsabilitées même si la paquet était assuré, gouv a marde, pis faire livrer ca par poste bein standard, US post si ca vient des States. Donc en résumant toute la patante, c'est de pas faire assurer le paquet et le faire livrer par US post en demandant de marquer "Gifts" sur le paquet pour pas te faire crosser par les douanes, mais c'est à tes risques <_<
  9. Maybe the AFOS will get control over her
  10. Not only Mao, Nora also mentionned it as being the AFOS head's !!! I am certain this thing is AFOS's head and I am more than certain that something BAD is going to happen to Mao thanks to the stupidity of the guys ontha Aska giving her the AFOS's blood!
  11. Well maybe the VF-0 and the Ghosts where sent to take the SV-51's down, the SV-51 group may have split in 2 groups, one for the attack and the other to lure in the Zero and the Ghosts, who knows But I have to agree with you Graham, it was kinda dumb to leave the battlegroup so poorly defended
  12. Yep that was Nora comming to get Shin, may she die fast in a bloody way like that poor bastard in Gundam Seed ep 29, that would be cool!!!
  13. Hahaha poor retard I hope he gets life in jail and gets what's "comming" I do feel sorry for his mom thought
  14. If you wish to know more about the US version of this toy, check http://www.toycom.net they are the ones going to sell this toy in the states
  15. Tout dépend de chez qui tu achette Montarvillois Mais si tu pogne un bon deal a HK tu me le feras savoir
  16. C drole g toujours payer pour les douanes quand ca venais d'asie, des USA tu fait seulement pas assurer ton paquet et puisqu'ils connaissent pas la valeur, pas de douanes Le transport Canada - USA est assez fiable pour prendre ce genre de risque
  17. dnload = 8 to 20 kbps upload = 40 kbps Still got 5 h to go on this and it's 1/4 done
  18. Ou déménage au Canada pis demande qui marque Gift sur le paquet
  19. Vary good news indeed
  20. It simply gets better and better and better .....
  21. Oh! yeah I'm glad I pre-ordered mine. For 50$ USD, those Toycom's release are a great deal and going to be a sweet addition to my collection
  22. Oh yeah, and they didn't leave a lot of people alive
  23. No naked Mao in this, that's a good thing I think
  24. Well he did get Nora this time
  25. Oh that would be soooo cool
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