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Everything posted by NoSuchFile

  1. Dude, it's official, this big ass bad boy is comming out
  2. I know what u mean, this is a total dissapointement comming from Yamato, plus add the head lasers that makes it even worst, too bad they didn't bother to make something nice for Macross Zero, the OVA deserves better than that.
  3. Congrats Kev, she looks nothing like you Joking dude of course She's really cute Kev, congrats to you and your wife
  4. It doesn't go anywhere, it rotates and that's it.
  5. That's a good idea! Hey i'd buy extra heads
  6. Remember that a 1/48 VF/YF-19 would be the size of a PG Gundam. I don't know for you, but I won't be able to justify buying such a big, and most likely costly toy, especially a Yamato
  7. Well the front landing gear of the 19 is basically IMPOSSIBLE so it they need to make it as a removable part, then please let them do so.
  8. What did you expect, it's Hollywood, most movies they make is crap
  9. Head sux, really bad, if it's not that ugly, i might get one, if not, i'll keep my money for something else, best way o tell a company their product sux is by not buying it Hmmm.... just noticed, they fixed the tail wings, maybe i'll get this then and leave it in fighter, fighter looks really good
  10. From what i heard, the ones that spend the most on anime stuff in japan are the kids, and none of them know what macross is, it's something for people our age, so it can't sell as much as let say Gundam or crap like pokemon and the followers of crappy anime series like that
  11. The one that transforms into a bacow is nice, the other ones look like crap, this new series is SOOOO gonna sux
  12. It's a nice song and all, but it's never been released, the only version available is the one where Basara is signing, and believe me, you don't whant it PS : the name of the song is Light The Light
  13. 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 雄大 Masahiro (big hero) Sounds cool to me
  14. Well i'll see if mine's gonna be defective...
  15. I'll have to admit that the robot mode of the VB-6 really look kick ass, way better than i had expected, here's to hoping it will have a solid sculpt unlike most of Yamato's previous works
  16. I have to say i was expecting way worst than this, my gaming comp can take that no prob, this is good news
  17. Master Chief from Halo, oh yeah, that's a nice one
  18. I just finished watching Macross Zero ep4, and this is what I have to say : I didn't understood crap what they said, but wow!
  19. Latitude: 49 Degrees 57 Minutes (North) Longitude: 66 Degrees 58 Minutes (West) town's name is Port-Cartier, unless u like to smoke pot, drink beer, look at a calm town and enjoy fishing, don't come to this place.
  20. OMG, how can I sleep now!!!!!
  21. Thanks it did, no more crashing 4 me
  22. Yes there is, the KONSPIRA version makes all my video programs crash!!!!! Sounds like you need to update your codecs. Yep, I too had a hard time getting KONSPRIAs stuff to work until I got the freshest codecs. What codecs do you need, i have the latest Xvid and Divx ones and i still cant get the bloody things to work! Hybridchild I got the latest DIVX and it still crashes my Vid players and Explorer when it's attempting to do the preview
  23. Yes there is, the KONSPIRA version makes all my video programs crash!!!!!
  24. I doubt Edgar will die from the shute fall / Anti-UN killing him on the ground, that death would be tooooo dumb, I'm sure he'll die in a ball of fire or something cool, I hope
  25. Nora is my idol now
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