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Everything posted by NoSuchFile

  1. Watched ep 28, really cool show, finally no more talking and some action, bout time I have to say that I'm dissapointed with how Athrun reacted in this episode, Cagalli was obviously in danger and he does nothing bout it, he only fights Kira, hey that guy must have been some awsome body guard, he see's his fiance getting shot at and he's doing nothing about that Shinn evil was cool, but it's too obvious that he'll learn that he actually killed the guy that helped him out of Orb, he'll prally turn all crying and then all good Twas a cool episode thought, lots of things where blown up
  2. God i hope that thing didn't reproduce, would you imagine another of those walking around
  3. The only problems SP2 has is that some programs won't run anymore, the firewall can be shut down with a simple command comming from internet, idiots and it auto-updates itself without asking, so it can reboot itself without asking while you're doing something important Well, that's Micro$oft for ya
  4. Well saw the movie and to say the least, it's quite unique, it was like watching a comic book The color effects are really nice, they're really eye catching with the rest being black and white. Action wise, this movie is really awsome, lots of action and it felt like watching a comic book, really crazy stuff, really different from anything else made, for once they actually did it right, i highly recommend it
  5. I think it's a shame that a lot of fans can't accept the way where Macross is going. Most of you are flaming Zero cuz you don't like all the protoculture with song energy stuff that can make rocks float. Zero was a really nice OVA and yeah, character wise, we didn't get much, thought i think it rocked. Most of you are going to have to get used to the protoculture thing and the song part cuz if there is ever another Macross show/OVA/movie, it's gonna have lots of that in it, prally more than in the previous Macross stuff we've seen. Zero is done and no, we won't get a direct follow up of it, but we ARE gonna see more about Protoculture, they'll prally even mention the events of Zero, but i think that shose who felt that Zero sucked cuz of the protoculture events and the floating rocks, and floating carrier fleet plus a submarine, should refrain from watching any more Macross stuff, cuz the power of song is there to stay
  6. I can't see how or why they'd make a follow-up to Zero, it ended in the most final version imaginable, Shin is gone and what follows the war over Mayan is Space War 1, where Mayan including the vast majority of the earth are blown up
  7. Do them again, you probably missed something, once you get all parts, you get the falken, then you can go sunk that huge sub in one shot Since that's bout the only usefullness the plane has
  8. Nah, they needed to kill an important Zaft character, you can't kill off Shin, main character, you can't kill Ray cuz you whant to see him fighting Neo, and you can't kill Luna, wouldn't please the "fans" So they got some other guy come in, introduce himself, make him look all friendly and important, and them BAM you got your dead Zaft character, plus you show off a Gouf, Gouf's are nice
  9. Not really an issue Hikuro, it was the same with the original Seed show, Bandai sent legal notes to fansub groups, but i ended up downloading them each week the show was aired, even if Bandai sends legal notices to fansub groups, it doesn't stop them from starting another group and sub the show, worst case senario is a delayed release for a week or two. But it can't be blamed that people download these shows, especially when they get aired at 1am on a sunday, hey CN, at that time, I'm in bars, half drunk and picking up chicks, i aint gonna stop that to watch a cartoon Anyway, no matter what they do, it'll get fansubbed anyway, because there's a HUGE demand for it. Just one thing thought, buy it when it's released
  10. To answer the question, now that the Macross toy line is dying, I'll be keeping my money to myself Plus some Gundam toys here and there
  11. OMG what are those people smoking !!!
  12. Saw it too, sky was dark, it sucked
  13. Hikaru and Roy knew each other before the war. Hikaru would've stayed a stunt flyer. Same with Roy, Roy left for the war, they'd have ended up flying stunts together
  14. There's too many anyway, if Macross would be produced as a life action movie, it would be made by Hollywood, and Hollywood only made in the past few years really really crappy movies, so i vote no cuz no matter what the budget, they'd find a way to make it suck
  15. So??? Where is our Mini review?? I wonder about the head sculpt and the waist. In my Metal MAterial Strike I found the head sculpt wasnt so good and the waist looks too wide. Are they using the same frame of the Strike? There's the review of the MMMGQ Force Impulse on page 50 if you're in a hurry to find out more
  16. Well....it's a little more magenta than purple.....but ain't that a coincidence...... Strange, i've just realized that Neo's new Windam is the same color as his Mobile Armor
  17. I'd tell ya just how awsome the job you did is, but right now i have to pick my jaw off the floor
  18. I'd buy at least 2, i jost love too much the YF-19 design
  19. Finished playing throught Half-Life 2, that game ROCKS, best single player i've had in a long time, a little short thought and the final combat is somewhat dissapointing, but overall really great game, i'm spending loads of time playing Counter Strike Source that comes with HL2, really cool game
  20. If you're talking about shin's VF-0A getting feathery wings and then "magically" folding, well i for one think that since Sarah is controling AFOS, she made it bring a little souvenir of earth with them, who knows where they ended up thought well, that's what i think
  21. Here you go Graham MMMGQSword Impulse
  22. Like i said, B on the stick, there should be a B just over it, if it doesn't work, well it's broken
  23. Uh, can somebody help me? thanks Cancel button??? what is it spose to do, i have the stick and i've never heard of or had a use for a cancel button Maybe you're talking about the bouton marked as "B" on the stick?
  24. I read somewhere on LMF's website, when it was still on, that the subbing was given to another guy and that he was working on the other episodes. It can't be blamed on him, subbing season 2 is a s*** load more work than subbing season 1
  25. cool thanks
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