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Everything posted by NoSuchFile

  1. When the Macross blows up Boldoza and his ship and the nukes flying around the place and of course, the face Boldoza makes, what a surprise he had on that day
  2. BTW Captain of the SDF-1 Macross, that's one really nice looking picture of Lux u got there
  3. Buster got Busted and Izak is more a killer than I imagined, he got 2 of the 3 stooges Shocking to say the least I always thought Freedom was the one to get destroyed, it only got trashed really good, and I think it's salvagable, with a lot of repair hours done by a huge maintenance crew Providence, well it was mentionned earlier, the backpack is simply fugly, but it sure had a bad ass BFG! And got trashed really good, this one is never comming back In the end I would say the ending rules, althought I would have prefered Mwu to survive, but it was expected since the start that he wouldn't survive, being the only main character not seen in any of the endings, but that was in 49 The series is a defenite must buy for me Verry GOOD! B)
  4. The first one I got was the good old Jetfire, many good souvenirs until some SOB stole it The next one was a VF-19A, and no one gets his hands on it exept me
  5. From the picture we can't see clearely if it's a 1A or maybe a 1J, but it's definitely not a 1S
  6. Did u get the file from the Torrent link on Baka Update? Because if u did, was the image correct, mine was all jumpy and all when they was movement
  7. http://www.gundams.net/index2.shtml for some better wallpapers I got a nice picture of a meteor unit with Freedom attached but it has full of writings, and I dont like that in a wallpaper
  8. Can anyone point me out to a nice wallpaper of a meteor unit with Freedom or Justice attached? That would rock Spelling mistake
  9. A GPB or anything other than a VF-1, they are oversaturating the market with them
  10. Yes but I'll have to wait until sunday/monday to get a sub version of the finale
  11. That's really nice, at that price, I can get some transforming CF and destroy them, get a non transformable Hikaru VF-1J and loads of regulds and make a cool battle field
  12. OMG, when is this comming out again
  13. Maybe Cagali, a little payback for Orb. Hmm, starting to like that idea better. OK, Cagalli for wiping out the Raider. And while Kira is doing his thing, whatever that ends up being, Asuran may end up fighting Kuruze. Hell, Asuran, Yzak, and Deakka should all gang up on their old commander. Edit: spelingg That would be really nice, heck Kuruze might kill some of them too, this series finale is going to be another slaughter I think. Cagalli killing that Raider A$$ would make it very interesting and really fun to watch, I really hate this moron! Can't wait till next week
  14. I think im gonna be sick
  15. SPOILER ALERT....... From the preview of the next episode at the end of ep 49, we can see that Kira will not survive the war
  16. It could be nice for them to make one to fill an eventual blank in their release schedule B)
  17. NoSuchFile

    Hello all....

    Welcome Caufield, it's always nice to see more lurkers joining in, as far as ordering online, the best way to avoid paying taxes on those is to not insure them, you take a big risk not doing so <_< , but it's worth saving the 30-40$, or more, in taxes customs charges ya.
  18. Don't know what a funnel is, but Prividence is ugly http://www.987.info/zaph/gundamseed/mecha/...a/zgmfx11a.html
  19. The providence is simply the ugliest Gundam of this series, no problem, it will probably be destroyed in the last 2 episodes anyway
  20. Uranium shell would make lots of sence, it could really explain why they mounted a ridiculous 12.7 mm gun on such a craft
  21. If u loved the Macross music, you'll love this
  22. Flapping wings give the plane more maneuverability, we see Nora going against a Zero and "retracts" the 51's wings so that it falls, the fall puts her plane directly behind the VF-0, a really cool maneuver if u ask me
  23. If I didn't know better I would be tempted to say they're from HELL
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