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Everything posted by NoSuchFile

  1. F-22 didn't exist when the VF-1 was made
  2. NoSuchFile

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Someone who may live
  3. NoSuchFile

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    My heart, my HeArT !!! Actually it's sounds more like my wallet, my WaLlEt !!!
  4. My favorite airplane is the SU-47, bad ass black Russian airplane, my second is the good old F-14, classic
  5. They did keep crashing it, bit dince it's macross and SWAG or whatever you call it is on all the VF's it simply means that it dosen't get disintegrated when it crashes, but the pilots got some action for their money, some died and apparently some of them will never pilot again, they could be lucky if they could walk again More reasons to go with the 21, the FSW of the 19 makes it tooo dangerous in atmosphere, especialy since they are waaayyyyy back of the plane, talk about instability, waaaaa!!!!!!! BOOM crashed on the ground As I remember, nobody got killed or badly injured test flying the 21, well they never mentionned it but it sounds that way In the end, if u wanna live, go with the 21 or yeah, send a ghost instead of going out and grab one of those good beers
  6. Strange I always thought the 21 was faster but the 19 was more meneuverable, but one thing i'm sure is that the 21 has two gunpods, oh yeah bring em on
  7. I always felt the 21 waas superior to the 19, from their fights, one against another, we see that the two planes specs are pretty close, both are really fast and highly maneuverable. The 21 has a better payload of weapons and has a direct brain controling system, thought it is not perfect and never maid it into the VF-22 this method of piloting an aircraft gives the pilot a faster response time wich can save your butt in a critical situation, just my 2 cents
  8. She's hot, but her costume is kinda dumb
  9. Zaku II it's a classic and one of the best looking Ginn (Scout version, black with a huge gun) GuAIZ (Commander type silver colored) HGUC Z'Gok E Ex-S Gundam too many guns, nice Justice (SEED) Freedom (SEED) Forbidden (SEED) and some more I don't know the names
  10. I would have voted for the monster but the 1/60 monster is too big so I voted for the last option, bring em up girls
  11. If it looks good im interested, scale doesn’t matter the looks do
  12. It simply that the rumors, that where probably wrong, mentionned that they would be in 1/48 scale, I 4 1 think thay will be made at about the same size, 1/60 or 1/55, probably at 1/60 to go with the rest of the line
  13. NoSuchFile

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    LoL u never really know until u try
  14. NoSuchFile

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I'll get this really cool 1/60 GPB, why you ask, simple, I am sick and tired of vf-1's, it's not my favorite design and yet they make up for most of my macross collection , so I am keeping my $$$ for future non VF-1 releases B)
  15. It about time they did that, because the standalones were getting very boring. Not to mention the removal of the Tachikomas have been the best thing to happen to the series. I really miss those Tachikomas, they where really funny Last 3 episodes where really great, finally laughing man again, I wonder what he uploaded to her
  16. I think it's quite simple to guess the reason of the VF-0 being built in the first place, like it's mentionned, the thermo nuclear engine wasen't combat ready by that time, the anti-UN had a brand new variable fighter that they where putting on the front lines and the UNS didn't have anything to go up against it. They simply made the VF-0 in a hurry to go against the SV-51, the VF-1 more than possibly has all the technologocal gimics the VF-0 had + the new engines, the reason why the VF-0 can't be a simple VF-1 with standart engines was because it needs a bigger frame to hold enough fuel. The reason why we don't see any of those cool gimics was because the VF-1 was designed by Kawamori-San in the 80's, he had no way to predict what the technologies our actual modern fighters would have, now that he knows, he simply made the VF-0 up to date with our current technological knowledge, the VF-1 if designed today would be more futuristic than the VF-0, it simply reflects the technologies seen in airplanes during the 80's, that is reflected in the Valkyrie Development History written by Studio Nue B)
  17. Funniest thing I saw in a while, thanks for posting it
  18. My friend gave me the opportunity to try the beta version when I was visiting him, only the single player was working and I wasen't all that impressed, made me decide NOT to buy it, that and the fact my funds are limited Will wait for UT2004, shows all the fun of playing with vehicules like in Halo but with the graphics of today, not 2 years ago!
  19. Go with your finances
  20. Waiting for the Q-Rau, after that no more original / DYRL toys for me Monster costs toooooo much $$$$$ and take toooooooo much place, would rather have something usefull for that size Spelling
  21. Who knows, maybe they'll put his name in the histoty books as one of the great heroes of the Plant VS Earth war
  22. Personnaly I don't mind to see natarle being killed in 49, it's the way she died that I find a bit tooooo cruel <_< Mwu's death was something alright, I would have prefered for him to stay alive but he got killed in a very heroic way, that's doing justice to the character he was Oruga's death sure was cheap but his gundam wasen't made to fight high speed targets and he faced the 2 fastest units ever produced in this war, he didn't have a chance to start The all nuke missile destruction isn't all that impossible since those morons fired the missiles in groups, blow one up and the other missiles near it blows up with it, stupid way to attack Flay is dead, lets celebrate, :yoshi: <-- oh yeah, this one dosen't work now <_< Patrick killed by some guy, we don't know who he was but we don't care, he will go down as the guy who killed Partick Can't wait until the start of SEED 2 B)
  23. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! keep that movie away from me!!!!! I don't wanna a scarry horror movie either, last "horror movie" I saw I laughed so much I almost wet my pants <_< Just like Hikuro I think the Predator sequel wasen't all that good, it's a nice little movie, simply not as good as it should have been. Alien 3 was really bad, the 4 wasen't too bad but they could have done better. Lets hope they get a good script and get descent actors to play it, add in blood and parts flying around and u could have a 2 hours well spent in a rainy summer day Missed something
  24. I for one am simply expecting these simple things out of this movie, loads of violence, and some more violence, and a little more here and there with blood and people, or aliens, organs flying all around the screen... and of course, the out of nowhere female butt
  25. Rommel wasen't a traitor, he only was accused of being one in times when if you weren't kissing Hitler's butt 24/7 the SS would consider you to be a "problem" But the story does in fact have a lot of ties with the events of history History will repeat itself watch out emoticon how much I miss u
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