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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. The Tamiya cement is made for styrene and will marr, but not glue ABS, unless you soak it like crazy, then it's no longer a clean seem. PVC, I don't know. That's another plastic when used in models usually needs super glue (CA). - MT
  2. Thanks for pressing on with this despite all the setbacks! That sucks about the delivery guy, but great your supplier is so helpful! Man, 5 gallons! My family doesn't even drink 5 gallons of milk in a week! Pour on man, pour on! - MT
  3. That Zero is coming along nicely! I too like metal finishes on planes. They'e a great opportunity to make plastic look "real." I had a battloid with metal finish on it and a friend went to pick it up and almost threw it! I asked what he was doing and he said, "it looked heavy!" - MT
  4. That came out great! The kit size DOES look cool, I just wish I had room for that size of scale. Congrats on a great build! - MT
  5. It will probably be a pain, but doable! I did the Spartan in 1/350th (hopefully getting casted soon) and it was tough getting it all to sit right. It's just a weird (but cool) engineered mecha. Do it right, and it looks cool, align it wrong and it looks lame. You gonna open up the missiles? - MT
  6. If you're looking at other than styrene (or styrene), Plastruct's stuff is good. Use AWESOME ventilations with all of these except the enviromentally safe ones: http://www.plastruct.com/pages/GlueContents.html Another great line. I LOVE their green and SAFE styrene cement. THE BEST decal aids too. They also cary superglue:http://www.microscale.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=FINPROD All of these I've used and reccomend. - MT
  7. Cartograf is an Italian decal company that makes EXCELLENT decals for most major modelling companies. Their reputation is so good that they are commissioned on specialty or commemorative models - like this eye buster. It still hurts to look at it! - MT
  8. Hold off on the vinegar unless you are making salad dressing! The vinegar WILL corrode any metal parts, even brass if allowed to sit, evem in small amounts. Try the window cleaner, I hear it works great. - MT
  9. Great job! There's no school like the old school. Yeah, that kit does have a jacked up nose, but I consider it a trademark for it! - MT
  10. I know there is a lot of criticism, but this kit is looking better each time! If they make the changes Vifam pointed out, all the better. I'm diggin the armament package too! I thought the folding knee piece looked awkward too. The original Imai Valks looked pretty good in that department and they didn't have that piece in there. My main concern is with all those parts that can move, they would eventually become loose; unless this becomes a mostly ABS kit? - MT
  11. This should help: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38794&page=1 - MT
  12. "Any possibility of a Re-entry pod?"x2! - MT
  13. And my wife's favorite line from Aliens - "get away from her you b!#@#" Nicely done again Cain! - MT
  14. Just in case not, have you seen this above: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38794 There's some good tips and tricks! - MT
  15. The black DOES look good! To answer the questions about paints, here's the Tamiya (America - Japan is seperate) link for their paints and thinners: http://www.tamiyausa.com/articles/feature.php?article-id=72 As far as an isopropyl substitute goes, there really is none. I've heard people suggest Windex window cleaner or even trying booze! But booze is ethyl alcohol. I'd send you a bottle of IPA, but it's illegal to mail ;^( No, I'm not sending booze - MT
  16. Plastruct makes vacuformed sheets and one has a textured lunar like surface potholed with various craters. You might want to check it out (only catalog download): http://www.plastruct.com/Pages/OnlineCatalog.lasso - MT
  17. I thought only my wife called me hot Thanks again for further postings. My son and I have parts 2 and 3 to catch up on! - MT
  18. Love the kit Cain! I gotta watch that movie again. - MT
  19. I missed out on this thread growing! Denatured alcohol does not work well with thinning or cleaning like isopropyl. I've found out the hard way. Iocidm, I DO know that the Tamiya Polycarbonate paints are dsesigned to flex. I've actually seen it sheet off plastic before (when an R/C car body was hammered - BADLY). I would stick with the enamel sprays even though the polycarbonates seems to be everywhere thanks to R/C cars being more popular. - MT
  20. The Bug Eye looks great Derex! I think the display and whole base look great! I love that kit. I'm getting the 1/350th version from Yeti/Neptune. Giving a cool ship some BIG love!
  21. Thanks a MILLION Antibiotictab! My son and I REALLY enjoyed the videos! It's probably a good thing I can't go anyhow; I'd probably drool all over the displays - MT
  22. That came out gret Yeti! I'm glad I could be a tiny (1/350th) part of this It would have been AWESOME to be there with you guys just to say hi! Getting my money together... - MT
  23. Thanks Antibioticab! I'm liking the Battleship Yamato kits! More 1/350th big scale scale kist to come??? - MT
  24. It's still early looking at some spects, but I'm beginning to think if you took this and the OLD Imai transforming valk and swapped parts, you'd get the way it's supposed to look - just sayin' - MT
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