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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Looks good, but the photos are dark - too low viz Are you creating a squadron type scheme for it? - MT
  2. Nice Tiger! It's weird seeing a pilot NOT in a Macross flight suit - MT
  3. AWESOME Macross collection! It looks like you're gonna inspire some people to get off (or on) their butts and start modeliing again! - MT
  4. It's stating the obvious, but that thing's huge!!! It looks like you're using regular speaker wire versus the smaller gauge stuff that it appeared to be first until your hand showed up in the picture to scale it against. This will be great to see come together! - MT
  5. GREAT JOB! Nice presentation on the stand too! - MT
  6. That's cool looking! Of course you could just make your own. It's not tough to do. - MT
  7. I should switch to LED bulbs. Maybe it will help with my balding! Thanks for the advice. I'm comptemplating building a display case and it's gotta have LEDs since they're cooler and safer on plastics. - MT
  8. From Zero to Hero! Nice job Noyhauser; that came out beautiful! - MT
  9. That's cool! Hopefully the articulation won't lead to flimsy and droopy parts. Do keep us posted! - MT
  10. I thought this was SOOOooo coool when I read it in the news. Now Brittany's the front for a new version of Twister! - MT
  11. Thank you guys for all the compliments!!! Two main reasons for selling my "baby." First off, yes, it's HUGE and takes up OVER six feet. I can't find a place in my current house to display it. Second, 1/200th scale sucks to find common models in - and I've researched them all! I've found I can find nearly anything I want to include armor in 1/350th, it takes up less than half the space, and the cost is way better. This way I can keep everything the same scale (even Godzilla ).No, I won't get back nearly what time and money I sunk into this venture, but I learned a lot and had a lot of fun! I'm hoping to finish it withing a couple of weeks if my job allows. If you're thinking, "there's not much in 1/350th scale for Macross stuff." There will be. I've already marketed the one kit, three more are done for casting and I've already sneaked out the Monster in progress. So now the scratchbuilding will be focused on Macross stuff instead of everything else I couldn't find. THE GOOD NEWS: There WILL be another Daedalus (1/350th), maybe even in kit or kit conversion form to share. I'm even throwing book ends around as an idea for those Daedlaus lovers that would like to "Daedalus Attack" their books! Thanks for checking in everyone! - MT
  12. First off, that sucks!!! Looks like the Zentraedi got another comrade. Epoxies are NASTY!!! When they cure, they're stable and relatively safe (except for the dust which can cause alergic reactions). Heated up releases all the "wet" nastiness and then some all over again! Tell your nephews they'll be the first targets you practice on when it's done! - MT
  13. Nice job Berttt! Now it just needs a shave. I'll be following you Derex, I picked up all four for a good price online. I built Misa for my daughter a couple years back, we lost the eye decals, now she kinda has the old looking Little Orphan Annie eyes! I put some wash in there, so it's not that bad, but I'm NOT a figure painter! - MT
  14. Simply contact the creator and ask them! A lot of these guys will do it for you, especially if you show them the interest in this thread! - MT
  15. This IS a beautiful kit! Nicely done! - MT
  16. Bry, have you considered aluminum tubing with a printed rifling insert at the muzzle? The cannons don't have much taper so you could probablt get by with it. It's coming along nicely! Hey Focker, I've got to finish the Daedalus first. The humidity had me indoors working on this until fall hit. The good new is my big baby should be done soon and I'll be back on this. - MT
  17. This DOES bring new meaning to the term "anime accurate"!!! Thanks for sharing! There was a lot of thinking put into the effects of this model. I had to keep squinting to look for signs it was actually a model!!! - MT
  18. If you're still serious, just use the foam idea Felindar used for his cout ship. The sheets are cheap enough and you can easily cut the sides of the ship out and glue them together. You can still build internal decks and it would be light enough to carry. Just make it two pieces for transport - or buy a delivery truck! If you still aren't sure about cutting the pieces out, see about a water jet cutting quote with you supplying the materials. The water jet would make quick, smooth work out of the foam. - MT
  19. Alright Felinder, you're gonna need more than Captain America to protect your scout. The Daedalus is gunning for ya man! Seriously though, that looks cool! That is one nice work of foam! The good news is that the Zentraedi ships have rough surfaces so you won't have to smooth it out much. I can hardly wait to see this one done! Just keep your assistant away from the giant axe in the background Look forward to the update! - MT
  20. That came out great! Congrats on not giving up and overcoming the resin! - MT
  21. Great job - AGAIN cool8or!!! The finish looks great despite the issues you had. Nice job cleaning it! - MT
  22. Since there's no landing gear in the photo, you have artistic license. But the tail wheel sounds good, just build it up big enough to house one. That's how it goes with "anime magic!" - MT
  23. UPDATE 20 OCTOBER 2013 [X] - Construction [X] - Wiring [ / ] - Paint Small Update. The humidity is FINALLY gone and things are THANKFULLY cooling down. Making the masks for each wall light was a task in itself! Here's some photos and a test of the "Blue Light" district. Got the ramp painted and tried to replicate the heavy wear of millions of tons of destroids rubbing up the non-skid tape. The "foot" under the ramp totally flexes side to side and is weighted so it always lands, well, on it's foot instead of crooked. I managed to get one coat of paint on the interior, the can clogged, I went to the store to get more, and when I walked out of the store, it was raining! Thankfully the paint did not affect what was painted. No painted interior photos yet. Hopefully I'll finish it SOON! - MT
  24. Yeah, that looks great! The tail looks realistic and the cockpit looks good. Too bad we don't have a "real one" to compare it to! - MT
  25. Somebody needs to tell them there's no school like the old school! I think the 1/48th Strike is going to look great. - MT
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