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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. @Shawn @WiseGuyVic Thanks for sharing guys! There are some awesome models there that we haven't seen in decades, and in quantity that I thought we'd never see again! You guys are making it possible - THANK YOU again! - MT
  2. That was cool they posted that video, thanks for sharing guys! That would have been cool to attend, but got other things going on. - MT
  3. @derex3592 The sub looks bootiful comrade! Cool decals too! @electric indigo The Tweety and pilots look super clean (in a good way)! - MT
  4. @pengbuzzThat's AWESOME!!! Glad to hear it and see you back on the boards too! @derex3592 That cockpit looks GREAT! The Texas looks great too! The green highlights are unusual. I don't think I've seen that before. - MT
  5. @derex3592 That effect looks great! I'm also glad you're not fryin'! Be careful with the Mission Models paint! Everyone I know refers to it with four lettered words - if you get me meaning. It seems to easily peel off, so try to avoid masking it if you can. One vendor practically gave his whole stock away to a friend for REAL cheap - to include the case it was inπŸ˜‰ @electric indigo Your tweety is looking smooth! - MT
  6. @wm cheng Your Galactica came out great! The finish has nice levels of depth and doesn't look like there's a clear coat over it to make it bland. The lighting levels are actually at realistic levels when compared to real life subjects. You never see that stuff anyhow until the lights go down. I think you nailed it! @Ignacio Ocamica Your soldier is looking good! That is a cool sculpt! - MT
  7. @derex3592 I put the Tamiya powders on last. You just can't clear-coat some things - it takes away the effect. Especially when I did my robot diorama from the dessert. The powders made the tires look realistic. Clear coating them too wouldn't have worked out. - MT
  8. Thanks again, Shawn! REALLY COOL stuff to see in all those boxes! - MT
  9. Cool! Now we just need the rest of it😁 - MT
  10. Thank you @Shawn and @WiseGuyVic for the updates! It's great seeing all these kits back on the market in regular quantities and better prices than what we've had to go through the past couple decades or so! Thank you @Shawn for the trip update too! - MT
  11. @foundshaian Sorry, I forgot to reply to you. The carrier model is of CVN-78. It was just for a display, so not much more being done to it. - MT
  12. That's looking absolutely AWESOME!!! Nice n sharp details too! - MT
  13. @arbit Great sculpts as always! I like the MinMei in the plaid outfilt from the artwork. You don't see that much. @derex3592 Great decal work and paint on the Enterprise. It has a really nice depth for a smallish model. Your LA sub looks great too! The paint layers also added depth to it too. @Chas That is a VERY COOL looking concept! I like where its going and honestly don't know why they never went with that in the anime. - MT
  14. Toooo funny! - MT
  15. My dad told me about how high-pitched those turbines are - ear piercing vs thundering. - MT
  16. @wm cheng That would look great! I'd try the AK metalic color pencils or regular Prismacolor pencils. They look cool and are EASY to use. They look realistic too. AND now for something completely different... Ever wonder what would happen if you took a tiny paper model, blew it up and made it out of foam board? Me too! So I did (looooong story...) After some editing and blowing it up to 1/72nd scale, this is what happened... A standard 24" x 36" foam board sheet laminated with the print out on regular paper. It took about 8 sheets to make this model! Front and back. The original artwork was for paper, foam board is about 3/16" thick, so back-cut / bevels had to be made for it to fold correctly. Gluing the pieces together... I cheated 😁 Instead of folding paper to make all those domes, I used old plastic shapes I saved (see kids, I told you saving those domes after last year's fireworks would pay off!). Speaking of fireworks... Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans! - MT
  17. @derex3592 Your Enterprise is looking good! @Chronocidal That's REALLY cool! I'm guessing F-4 (and a lot of other aircraft of the era)? If so, then there's a KY-57 coming too (voice encryption that sucked). @wm cheng Your Galactica mods and paint are looking awesome! It's got a nice sheen to it. @Rock Cool but different looking spray booth (at least form this perspective). - MT
  18. Thank you, guys - much appreciated! - MT
  19. That's funny! I would laugh, except I actually did that with a few kits back in the 80's 😁 Guilty! - MT
  20. @arbit She looks fantastic! You're not really going to let her fly that are? 🀣 @pengbuzz Your Tomcat is looking great! Your dio idea sounds like a good idea too! @foundshaian Your Hornet is looking good. What a pain with BIG seems. I use Tamiya's putty sometimes. While it's probably waterproof, its VERY porous, so it will probably soak up water and bulge or mess with the paint going over it later on. Like Big S said, seal it first. - MT
  21. Cool @arbit ! Looks like you got the helmets right too for that funky design. It's actually got rabbit ears😁! - MT
  22. @derex3592 You got it easy! Looks like your supervisor sleeps a lot! - MT
  23. Thank you guys for all the compliments! This I believe was my first big scratch build. Sorry for the delay to some of you - it's been a busy week! - MT
  24. I don't know if this deserves a separate thread, but I pulled the 1/350th Tunny out of storage to complete it. I tried to get it ready for our Club's "Macross Mania" night, but epically failed. Too many things broke on it and the great citrus based glue I used also oxidized the metal parts. So here's it getting refurbished like my Monster build. Kit highlights: When the horizontal stabilizer is tilted down, the flaps go down via a linkage in the tail. The engines are on magnets and can be rotated around via a ball bearing. The rear ramps open and close. I got more work done on the nose this weekend. The interior and cargo bay insert. New horizontal stabilizers were made. The old ones crack and the linkage cable was oxidized. Flaps up. Flaps down. Here's the linkage to the flaps. Flaps up. Flaps down. Still A LOT more to go one this one. - MT
  25. About 28 years ago when I was on a 1/100 scale Macross building spree, I built a 1/100 scale Monster. Some of you may remember it and the BAD photos taken of it later on. The barrels actually curved down from the bad camera lens. Our model club actually had a "Macross Mania" themed night this month. I recently dug this out of the ammo can it was stored in and dusted it off. It sat in my case for awhile and thought it should be cleaned up and brought in to share with the club. It still needs a lot of work, but I decided not to redo it. Too many other models I'd like to build and I'll chalk this one up to learning from your mistakes. This was also free-hand; no machines were used to make this except a Dremel for cutting . It was also the first time I made custom decals. I had to rely on an office store to do it. I also used toner based decals. I'll never do either again! They are chunky and not thin at all. Now the toner is flaking off the white base coating and a lot of the white has also yellowed as you'll see. Since I didn't have a model case to store this monster in originally, I finished it with a clear gloss coat so dust would come off rather than stick to it. The repairs. First, the antenna got all bent and damaged. So I turned a new base and added springs to the top antenna piece. The springs already paid off multiple times allowing the antenna to bend rather than break off. They're not quite canon, but they're not broken either!πŸ˜‰ The left side had moving damage and the Milliput (there's like two boxes in this model) didn't cure all the way in one part. It probably wasn't fully mixed together because the rest if fine. So it had to be redone. I originally used Tamiya spray paint for this special build. I couldn't remember what color for the body, so I mixed some acrylics and hand painted it to repair it. The fixed model was clear coated with Mr. Super Clear Matt - the best top coat in my humble opinion. The original "silver" windows don't look canon or cool. So I took an old chrome Automobile Club decal (junk mail isn't always bad) and coated part with Tamiya clear red. Then carefully trimmed the windows since it will chip off. Hint: if you do chip it, a red Sharpie marker fixes it. I originally made a shell from styrene parts. It doesn't look so hot today and the eye lug on the nose broke off. So I milled a new one from steel and posed it with one of the decals from the 1/200 Daedlaus build. So like I said, it's not going to win any IPMS contests, but at least it has a new lease on life. Thank you everyone for your comments in advance! - MT
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