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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Are you drawing these in 3D or hand sculpting? If you do virtual, they can easily be scaled. I would be interested in some, but in 1/350th (I know there's other out there too). - MT
  2. Dirty yes, but also AWESOME finnish! Nice work and changes! - MT
  3. Long story, but most of the places I lived didn't have this stuff. That's why I made the toolbox to help others. Another good place for general stuff is Scale Hobbyist. They take 2-3 days to ship, but I've been buying from them a few years now: https://www.scalehobbyist.com/%C2'> - MT
  4. Defeinitely gonna need to do a video for the completed project! - MT
  5. That sucks Derex. Like 007-VF1 said, battledamage is what came to my mind too. If the plastic is that bad, make new barrels. If you got a Dremmel or drill you can "lathe" one out with a sanding stick or file. If the barrels are good you have, that's the other way, carefully remove the tabs with a sanding stick. Just my two cents... - MT
  6. Thanks Azrael. TIGHT budget, about $500. I could go refurbished, but my limitations are based around Adobe Illustrator's requirements (for school). CPU is not a problem, but the graphics card needs to be a minimum of the list below. Best Buy is the only big chain near me. They have an ASUS A10 with R7. I'm starting to think that's my best bet right now. Other refurbed PC's seem to have below requirements graphics card. Thanks for your input! - MT NVIDIA Quadro K Series Intel HD Graphics 4000 Series AMD Radeon R7 / R9 Series Graphics 8 GB RAM P4 or Athelon CPU (definitely got to do better though)
  7. Alright, it's not exactly 2199, but this week my wife was nice enough to purchase the Yamato live action movie at Best Buy for my son and I. Needless to say, my son and I were VERY disappointed. My wife and I had to keep telling BOTH of us to shut up! Yuh Mutto!? It's a dog ship now!? That kept driving us nuts and then the whole story line was like a bad dream. I'm sure others in the past commented on their disappointment. My wife liked the movie, but she didn't have any expectations or story knowledge watching it. They even botched Analyzer! My son was mad they didn't go back for him after the end attack Yamato was the only thing that looked -similar- to what it should. And the ending!? OK, I feel better now that I've vented. We'll probably watch it again someday as just a movie, not part of the franchise - official or not. - MT
  8. Personally, I just buy the sanding sticks or the blocks with grit embedded in them They can be 4 sided. If you check my tool box in signature there's a couple of links for tools and plastic. Happy sanding!- MT
  9. Another 80's kit, but STILL cool! You'd have to backorder it, and I don't know shipping charges, but HLJ sells it for like $6.00! - MT http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN953438/Sci
  10. BTG, Staples had a nice looking 24" Samsung for $149 yesterday, video sample running looked good. I've had a couple of Samsung monitors for years with no issues. Hey everyone, it's time for me to get or build a new desktop. Has to be able to handle 3D drawing, but no gaming. I built my last computer, AMD dual core with ASUS motherboard. But I'm thinking it's cheaper to just buy a decent desktop this time around. I'm on a student budget so it's got to be cheap! Any suggestions? I haven't kept up on hardware so I'm a little behind the power curve. I was happy with my AMD chipped machine and personally think Intel is usually over-priced. I'm not animating a movie so it doesn't have to blow the doors off my shop. - MT
  11. When I get sucked into going into the beauty supply store with my wife I make the most of it and purchase sanding blocks and sanding sticks (foam core) there. Those places are all over and easy to find. The "beauty blocks" are all waterproof so will take wet sanding and give you a smoother finish, espedcially on windshields. Many of the blocks are multigritted and perfect grits already for what we do. The sanding sticks are good too. Adam Savage from Mythbusters has some video on it (unless that's what you posted already). I HATE the Testors plastic paper. The grit always came off easily for me (long time ago) and ddin't last long. I also use rough industrial type sanding blocks from the hardware store for large areas or heavy removal like in scratch building. They also take wet sanding well too. - MT
  12. Welcome Werwulf! The joints are pretty complex for something that small and designed that way. The hip pretty much rotates forward and back about 180 degress. The backward knees are double jointed, hinged top and bottom. The toe and foot pads rotate too. The lineart you included shows what your up against. It can be done, but it's tough. I built mine in 1/350th scale and the knees ha to be locked for strength: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41133&hl=mechtech Hope that helps you out. The old Imai 1/100 kit represents the joints pretty well if you have one. - MT
  13. Nice work Derex on the TIE. The green blasts are cool looking. If I didn't have my head burried in school work, I'd have voted for the SDF-1. It looks just like my beat up box too! Can't argue though for $49! The scout pod is STILL cool - love the classics. - MT
  14. I agree with everyone. I'm finding as models get old and newer, better versions are released to exceed them, the old ones get dropped in price like the Bandai one posted. It WAS the bomb back in the day though - 25 years ago Those had the cool comic tips with two girls doing crazy things like displaying models as insects with pins. They also had small binder formatted cards to collect with nice artwork and detailed line drawings. Today you're doing great with just good decals! - Phill
  15. The Workshop area is supposed to kinda take over that, but hey, I NEVER build anything right out of the box for myself, so the more scratch building the better!-MT
  16. NZEOD, you should try a simple resin model. They're different because of the material. They usually cover less popular versions of models. Bubbles can be an issue on lower quality kits, but a simple one is a good way to break into them. They just need good a good parts degreasing and superglue. If it turns out bad, "practice" on it at the range! Recasts are simply copied work from someone else, piracy. It's stealing and it happened to some of our members so it's a touchy subject. I'd hate for someone to copy my stuff and take credit for it or profit off it myself. Welcome aboard by the way! - MT
  17. AWESOME finish! Weathered; I'd say more like slightly crispy, like the scene where Hikaru rescues Misa in the tunnel at Alaska Base and flies through the flames. Especially the photo where you removed the canopy! Great work, yuo can see the layers of techniques. - MT
  18. Welcome! That sounds like the original 1980's kit. I had that one. They are more difficult to assemble by todays standards mainly because of parts fit. If you just want to build it outright to put on your shelf, it's not to difficult. If you want to make it look good, it will take some putty to fill in the seems - 80's technology. Those valks were interesting because of how much larger the fast packs were than the lineart, still cool though. For a hobby shop to have that is interesting; I wonder if he bought it second-hand? - MT
  19. The painting in there looks awesome! It looks like it all belongs too. You gotta leave that open at shows or at least in your house!-MT
  20. That looks cool for minfig size, but you're right about rescaling. Nice job.- MT
  21. It came out great despite your setbacks! - MT
  22. Lots of great stuff guys; been vicariously living through your builds most days lately! I've been burried in schoolwork doing the full-time student thing. Hardly any time to have fun. I HAD to build something to calm the styrene withdrawls, so my son and I pulled out a Gundam Xeku Eins and built it up together without any frills and seem filling. The only detailing was as a lesson and with a modified micro-tip Sharpie pen. No finish on it since my son's now playing with it! - MT
  23. BEAUTIFUL BUILD!!! Thanks for sharing the finishing process with us! I personally get more into the build than the finishes; gotta work on that! - MT
  24. Awesome interior finish! I think you captured the well worn, "I'm not pickin' up chicks with this" look. I have to second the lettering on the screen too. - MT
  25. Th PE parts really make the engine parts realistic. The whole thing is looking great!-MT
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