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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Thanks for sharing! He was a GREAT artist! I always loved that SDF-1 with the green hue to it. RIP. - Phill
  2. OOooops! Sorry Herve - still looks cool! The engine looks great! It's hard to believe that's 2 foot-o-lights!
  3. Thundercats and Macross unit! Now you now what it would look like! Most important, your daughter got some quality time in with you. - MT
  4. Nice Rafael Spanner! That should be cool. Love the ginat Falcon so far Derex. The engine glow looks great! - Phill
  5. That's AWESOME!!! They certainly have PLENTY of power in them too! - MT
  6. Thanks for sharing Nick! Sucked not to be there. - MT
  7. Welcome Kajnrig! Yeah, NZEOD is right! I built something similar using three PC fans. You can get them in household current too. I used that and triple walled cardboard going into my dryer vent when the dryer wasn't on it. It worked great for glue and airbrushing - nothing high volume like spray cans. - MT
  8. Is that the Revell kit Thom? - MT
  9. Looks like it could shoot that beer bottle. Looking great too!!! Would you want to sell these? - MT
  10. Better late than never! It looks great and so do the photos! Nice finish and detailing. - MT
  11. That looks great! - MT
  12. That looks cool Derex! My son may change his mind about his Christmas gifts
  13. That's AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing that. He did a nice job showing how he did the fiber optics. - MT
  14. I gotta dig the missile parts too! Nice engineering. - MT
  15. Using it on paper, it gets all over you too ! We had to use charcoal and that was even worse! I learned to start high up on the paper (or your model) and work my way down so as to not rub it off or smear it more. - MT
  16. Personally, I always got frustrated with my Badger dual action. There always seemed to be something and I baby my airbrushes. The upside is that places like Michael's have a lot of parts for them in store. - MT
  17. This looks great, especially at an odd scale. The 1/350th models have my vote and I'll pass word on to others I know want them. Would you consider sizing all the fighters in 1/350th? - MT
  18. It looks great! Nice and clear visuals, but my streaming was chopped up. - MT
  19. Superglue is the best! I was gluing carbon fiber parts together with epoxy. Clean the joints, mix the epoxy, spread the epoxy and clamp the parts to sit overnight. Then I used superglue and it was STRONGER, faster and better (like the Six Million Dollar Man) - MT
  20. This week is the last week of my formal drawing (sketching) class for college. I was thinking about doing the same thing with my graphites. Most of the panel lines in tiny 1/350th models are too shallow to accept a wash, like the X-47B I've gotta finish. If they won't "catch" the powder, then maybe the pencil will work. - MT
  21. As I was going through your build Nyankodevice I kept thinking, "that would make a GREAT resin kit!" You SHOULD do it! Not just because of people's issues with Hasegawa's kit, but the size and detail are in a completely better class. This way your work goes double - for yourself AND fellow fans. - MT
  22. That build is coming along AWESOME! - MT
  23. That video was groovy baby (background blues music :^) Yeah, like that machine. That's cool Model Junkie! I like what they said, "would probably not be sold today due to safety regulations." I would have LOVED that as a toy! It's going down a rabbit trail, but I had a similar one that heated up to make rubber monsters and then re-cube them up again http://www.snowcrest.net/fox/str.html - MT
  24. I was thinking of checking out the Adafruit stuff. I'm working on some museum ideas. This might be the way to go. - MT
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