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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Great observations! I didn't know that about the F-18's rudders, but I guessed it right knowing the aerodynamics of it. I'm familiar with the weird things deltas have to do. Our F4D / F-6 at the museum is one of my favorites. We also have the X-32, both of which use "elevons" as control surfaces. The F4D (Ford) also as inboard devices near the engines. I think your display is gonna come out awesome! - MT
  2. That looks great Nyankodevice! Nice changes to the proportions and adding articulation. Can't wait to see it finished. - MT
  3. The Magnagaurd looks cool with the modifications. The changes work with it! - MT
  4. Hey Grayson it's: http://paxmuseum.com/ As long as the Nov 6th photo is up there, it shows part of an early SH-3 Sea King we just moved into the hanger last week! The Director of NASA was our key speaker and everything went great! That actual building may not be open until Spring - date still pending getting displays and some of the basics sorted out. - MT
  5. Is your friend kicking himself in the butt now? It looks great! Nice photos too. You can never have enough Tomahawk! - MT
  6. That's looking great! It's big enough to put a small fire extinguisher in and hang it up on the wall in your kitchen like Max had on hand when Millia started a fire in the kitchen - MT
  7. "These are not the droids you are looking for..." They're looking good so far and the Falcon stand is going to be interesting. How much weight is it handling? - MT
  8. Congrats Jefuemon! They came out great and look really good together. Hopefully you have a shelf reserved for them some place. - MT
  9. That work looks awesome!!! It will be great to see it printed and in kit form. Nice execution of the concept! - MT
  10. If you go back a couple pages, this guy used blue (and other colors): http://dorobou.blog.so-net.ne.jp/archive/c2305690677-1 -MT
  11. Welcome to MW Dragon! The model looks great! The weathering adds realism to it. I've always loved that mecha too. - MT
  12. Someone took a LOT of liberties with the front half of that shuttle (and a few other things). Outside of being a nit-pic, it looks cool. - MT
  13. A shuttle casket / space launch would be interesting. Reminds me of Spock being shot out in a photon torpedo (I know, my geek is showing). A guy in our modelling club (we also meet in the museum) completed an aircraft carrier complete with all the planes. He asked if he's a "prolific builder" now When I bought the 1/350th Gallery Models (Trumpeter) LHD-1 Wasp, it came with EVERYTHING so now for a fraction of what I would have paid for in bigger scales or taken up in room, I have an amphib ship, 2 LCACs, 2 LCUs, flight deck equipment gallore, several tanks and wheeled armored vehicles, artillary, and several Marine aircraft! I agree, smaller is better (and they can't bury you in your model). - MT
  14. That came out gorgeous! The interior looks great and an area that often gets left out with this subject. The outside looks great too! - MT
  15. Thanks Big F! Yes, woodshop came in handy! The outer wings are removable panels and thanks to whoever worked on this before us, the panels would not align at all on the left side. In fact, the tip drooped like on an XB-70 wingtip. We had to shim it with quality plywood and break, then re-glue parts of the spars. If the cargo bays opened up, a six foot tall person could sleep (or ride) inside this beast! That's big enough for me. No, no more big scale Macross models - please! I'm still a small scale guy at heart! - MT
  16. Baby Got Back Shuttle! That's funny! Get 'er done MickyG! It's looking great so far! It's an honor to volunteer there. As a matter of fact, EVERYONE is a volunteer there except the gift shop personnel. Another side benefit, I work with some pioneers in the aviation industry. Some examples: first pilots of the H-3 Sea King, C-2 Greyhound, F-9F Panther and a lot of other really cool veteran pilots or program managers like weapons systems. Lot's of cool stories and inside info. On a side note, if anyone needs a close-up of a particular engine or weapon platform like the M-61 Vulcan cannon, just ask. We have originals and some mock-ups. Next big project is to design and make a display for them all! - MT
  17. I like it too! Even in 1/350th it would be a good sized model. Forget adding the booster - it would be about the size of a keg! - MT
  18. Thanks Firesped and Chas! Pictures would be awesome and millimeters are great, especially with small stuff. I must admit that the amount of detail that is off bothers me, especially for Hasegawa. The guys in my modelling club love their kits and use terms like, "it went together easily, no problems, typical of a Hasegawa kit" and so on. You can't take a dog body and put a cat head on it to make it a cat. It's just all kinda wrong in this case with what Hasegawa did. - MT
  19. These Macross profile models are just too cool! The latest brushless motors are powerful and lightweight. Running times are great too! Back in the day we had cobalt magnet motors and two pounds of nicads and got like 5 minutes out of it. God help you if it landed hard: 2lbs of gear eats a lot of dirt! They also flew like a dog! The LiPo - brushless systems can even do things that the glow engines can do. Some of the 3D racers can just sit there and hover (they have variable pitch props too). The down side, gotta watch charging and battery temperatures so they don't burst into flames. LiPo batteries are best charged in closed ceramic containers. I especially like the YF-19 profile. It looked totally manueverable and getting a design lilke that to fly is tough. - MT
  20. This is coming along nicely! That sucks about losing power too. Keep it up! - MT
  21. Thanks, I will when its done. Right now it's a bunch of OLD pieces of mahogany taking up 1/3 of my shop! - MT
  22. Thanks! It took 8 people to lift it onto the stands where it will temporarily stay for a while. It was tough repairing the holes since nothing was under them and we couldn't get access behind them. Ironically I've also got a 1/10th wind tunnel model of the Convair Sea Dart taking up half my shop. That sucker weighs at least 80lbs! They don't make them like that anymore. - MT
  23. When someone gets a kit in stock, would it be possiblt to pose the Daedalus next to a ruler? I'm wondering how long / tall they made it? I'm contemplating getting one, but we'll see. - MT
  24. That Rafael is looking great! Has anyone else noticed we're on the 100th page of this thread so far? Between going back to school full time and volunteering at my local museum, I have been VERY busy! Like no Macross models getting churned out of my shop . At least I'm getting to do some model making right now. Our museum recieved a 1/10 scale model of the Space Shuttle Discovery a while back that needed some cleaning and fixing up. So another volunteer and I have been restoring it and getting it ready for display. How big is 1/10h scale? The size of an American minivan - really! There is an I-beam going through the middle with other structures welded to it. Plywood frames and stringers make up the build with thin plywood covering which in turn was covered with fiberglass cloth, resin and a gel coating. The plywood is rotted or gone in some places making restoration a pain! The first photos show the damage from decades of wear and tear. The next photo shows how big the engines are, the size of a bathroom trashcan! I stuck a bag in one just to compare. Someone painted the nozzels light gray. I made them flat black with interior dark gray as most photos I've seen of actual missions. A "ring" affect was made with the paint to simulate the engines rings, but keep it close to original specs. The final photos are of the post-restoration work ready for display. It's not perfect (the left wing was ill-repaired by someone years back), but at least people can start enjoying it. Last year I think I had the largest Macross model completed (the Daedalus). This year I guess I'm going for the largest scale model worked on in North America. If anybody knows different, the museum actually wants to know - MT
  25. Looking great Mike! I can't wait to see it doen either. For those questioning Mike's dimensions, any time you start scratch building something from anime, you hit "anime magic" where reality takes a back seat and so do dimensions. A lot of the dimensions in Macross (not all) seem REALLY off. I've encountered it several times. It just goes with the territory. - MT
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