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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. "1/100 MacRoss Super Weapons Set Movie Edition" Wasn't Ross that guy on "Friends?" Thanks for sharing! - MT
  2. Welcome, JoeEPAtron! Thank you VERY MUCH and I appreciate it. Yes, all of the information you asked about is in the thread, you'll just have to find your way through all the pages. I'm going back to school so I don't have much time to model, let alone compose music, but I am working on it! I'm about 1/4 way done with the music. Do get some kits built and share with us! It will motivate the rest of us too! - MT
  3. WOW, that thing looks big enough to actually kick someone's butt even if the cannon aren't real - MT
  4. That's a nice, quick video that covers it all - cool! Thanks for posting! - MT
  5. Nice Yamato Thom! Congrats. Maybe I should buy those colors for mine? - MT
  6. This will look great! How will you do the clear parts? - MT
  7. @VF-19 - That QE-2 looks great! I like the details. It looks like the pools even have resin in them for a "wet" look. @NZEOD - That hallway is looking great!!! It will look great with some kits in there! - MT
  8. Thanks Big F! School and real-life projects like building a T-shirt screen-printing machine for a friend have kept me busy, but the plan is to redo the Daedalus as a kit in 1/350th scale along with the other 1/350th models that are getting casted right now. The full-sized Daedalus plan drawings are hanging on my wall right now crying out - "build me, build me!" - MT
  9. That's cool! Plus I'm glad to find someone else recognized those signs are styrene - MT
  10. I'd be hiding quid all over the house to save for this one too (especially if it was my scale)! - MT
  11. It does look better, as best as I can tell. I would love to see it in the TV version now. - MT
  12. It DOES look much better! Sharpies are great for trimming stuff. - MT
  13. It looks GREAT!!! Nice and clean build. Even the pilot looks good! - MT
  14. I was afraid they'd go the sticker route... But it does look "easy" in the video. - MT
  15. That came out GREAT! It is a cool idea! You just need the "L" or "Learner" sticker on the back now. Or here's an idea from an MRAP ... - MT
  16. Cool bit with the panel llines! Thanks Coronoadlux! - MT
  17. Thanks Major Focker. BIG thanks NZEOD for the resistor posts! I hate having to calculate for them all the time. - MT
  18. Yeah, what Plasticman said! I need my nerves, that's how I know to stop cutting my parts with a X-Acto There's more hardware in that one photo than in my fastener stock. - MT
  19. Thanks! I'm working on my own music (taking lots of time) so no one can say anything more. - MT
  20. That's cool! Just build it, put a wash on it, decals and done! - MT
  21. Maybe one of our members needs to drive by Hasegawa's headquarters building and look for an "under new management" sign? - MT
  22. Do you want to add lights or special effects to your model or dioram? Are you on a ramen and bologna budget (tight budget), but want to light up one of your models or dioramas? I recently came across a cheap, but VERY versatile way to do it. If you find one of these light wands (see photo) or similar LED product, you can accomplish it. What’s so special about this "patrol wand"? Instead of just “blinking” or staying on, it has four multi-colored LEDs with SEVEN modes to help animate the lighting of your project. Once again, there are probably other toys or products that will do this, but I found this one for only $1.00 and the circuit card is slim and easily used in a lot of models! Mode 1: All on. Mode 2: All blink together quickly. Mode 3: All blink together slower speed. Mode 4: Chase one after the other and back slow. Mode 5: Chase one after the other, one direction only. Mode 6: Chase one after the other quickly (directional strobe in the opposite direction). Mode 7: Chase one after the other, blinking twice before going to next color and then backwards. “So how does this help me?” you might ask. If you want to make landing lights inside of your model or on your runway, #5 or #6 will work depending on what speed you want. Just push the button to get to the mode you want. You want to put random blinking lights on your SDF-1 mode #7 will work, or LED’s put close together you can get a staggered “KITT effect” as on Night Rider. The LEDs are multi-colored, but can be replaced with white or amber LEDs for your purpose and coupled to fiber optics to get light where and in what sequence you want it. I did find a white LED version, but can’t find it again. For those of you in America, I got mine at Target (pronounced Tar-Jhay if you want to sound snobby). Sorry, couldn’t find a part number to order, but they are up front with the cheap $1.00 items. For those of you overseas, look for the picture on-line under “LED wand.” Here is a video link (not mine) of what the modes look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC9ANtEQygA An online source (there are MANY) is: http://www.banggood.com/Wholesale-Multi-Color-7-Modes-LED-Flashing-Light-Glow-Wand-Sticks-Party-Fun-Supplies-p-56850.html This is just an inexpensive suggestion to help you get your lighting done without breaking the bank. If you have similar inexpensive ideas, please share them!- MT
  23. That's great Xigfrid! You've done something most of us would NEVER do - put our works into the hands of our children! Cool Thom! I've got the 1/350th waiting for about five years now. I won't build it until I have display case to put it in. NZEOD, if I'm ever over in your neck of the woods and invite myself over, make sure we don't tour "the little shop of horrors" section before dinner - MT
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