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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Thanks for the photos Jefuemon, those look cool! -MT
  2. That's cool! I hate to think how much that cost to print up. - MT
  3. We have them listed here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/arii/arii_15reissue.htm Four kits total - complete with instructions which have photos and content. The figures are all the same set for all of the kits as I recall. - MT
  4. I have them all. They are cool leftovers from the 80's. The people and vehicles are 1/100 versus the 1/144-1/170 scale of the mecha. They have cool "extras" like missiles, vehicles and engines (none of them originally from Macross). But everything together is really cool. There are even openings in the floor. They not only fit the 1/170th vehicles but could be used with 1/200th scale Nichimo kits too. - MT
  5. That model looks great. That's cool with the cats! Forget sharks with lasers, let's go cats with high output energy cannon! - MT
  6. My wife would be like, "what the heck!?" It is kinda a weird concept. - MT
  7. I'm glad to see one of the old kits getting some love! Good ideas. - MT
  8. That looks great! The antenna kinda look big, bu toverall, that is great looking and overly "studdy" looking like soem LEGO builds can get. - MT
  9. That is coming along great! I wondered what happened to this project. - MT
  10. That's so "cheesy" - MT
  11. There go my birth control pills Seriously though, cool idea! - MT
  12. It's got to be the 1/8000 scale if you are worried about cost: http://hlj.com/product/BAN953442/Sci%C2'> At under $6, that's it. The detail is good for its size too. - MT
  13. Awesome Cesar! I thought you did something to the cockpit. the details and paint make it "pop!" - MT
  14. The box art was SO cool I used it as an example in my Graphic Communications class! Without putting in a Jacob's Ladder circuit on that model, maybe some tinted fishing line going partly across in segments or a clear piece with the effect painted on might work to re-create that. - MT
  15. It's like a purebred puppy - cute and expensive. What's the deal with the cost? - MT
  16. That's cool looking, thanks for sharing! - MT
  17. Looking good! - MT
  18. Looking awesome! I second that; the color looks great! What did you use? - MT
  19. Looking cool! - MT
  20. What you said Jefuemon! - MT
  21. Thanks Vifam 7, I've never heard of or used those before. They sound great though. - MT
  22. Those little guys look cool! I think they're too big to scale, but look cool all the same! - MT
  23. Cool Arbit! NZEOD, PITA members everywhere are cursing you right now for your "Seal Clubber" decals Looking cool Derex! I wish I still had mine from years ago - different manufacturer. - MT
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