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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. I painted the 1/12 scale Misa figure for my daughter and Misa looked more like Little Orphan Annie eyes wise! I lost the decal sheet somehow. - MT
  2. Ha ha! Where have I seen this before... That looks cool Arbit! - MT
  3. OK Salamander, you're going to make me build the gunship! Its been sitting around too long anyhow. The AT-AT is looking good Derex! - MT
  4. Those look great! It would be cool to put airsoft gear in there!- MT
  5. She came out great Nyankodevice! Nice job with the articulation! - MT
  6. That's coming out great Xigfrid! - MT
  7. Arbit, thanks! The silicone will get everywhere so only use a LITTLE bit. It is thick now, but it gets into everything. So only apply a thin amount to the moving surfaces. My oils drawer has a soaked paper towel in it from the silicone oil escaping through the cap. Nice finish and crackling effect Mr. Jones. It convincing. - MT
  8. The Nautilus came out great Arbit! Congratulations! The Nausiscaa and Kai look great too! I built that like 27 years ago. Lot it since. I liked that kit. Thinking of getting the others to build with my children now. You guys are going to make me get out my Nausicaa gunship and build it. Sorry I haven't been on the boards guys. I'm on my last three weeks of college. Busy building my portfolio website and several projects due each week. Soon back to model building! - MT
  9. That SDF-1 is coming along nicely Pengbuzz! For those of you in the U.S., I found some great LED tape that is only 5mm (about 3/16") wide with a surface mount LED every 2cm or about 1" apart. It has a peel off tape backing and only runs on 3 volts! The best part, it is on printed circuit tape and is 2.4 meters (7.9 feet) long (not clumsy wrapped wire). It comes with a A battery pack too. The warm white makes them perfect for carrier or hanger styled scenes and lighting. These are only about 3mm or 1/8" thick too. They will hardly take up any room. The tape color comes in white, chrome and a blackish chrome color too. Michael's has them on sale for only $6.00. Almost 8 feet of tiny LED tape for 6 bucks! The name of the attached file is also their UPC code. Oddly enough, I couldn't find it online, so it may be in-store only. Back to schoolwork... - MT
  10. That will be a TON of detail work, but will be worth it when done. This would make a great anime museum piece. - MT
  11. Man! Lots of great stuff going on while I'm busy doing schoolwork. Keep it up fellas! - MT
  12. That sucks Derex. You know what they say, "When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade---errr a diorama where the Rebels are kicking butt over the AT ATs>" -MT
  13. I'm just now seeing this, but it looks great! Great job overall putting everything together. - MT
  14. It will also look cool sitting on your coffee table or bookshelf (with the lasers forward of course). - MT
  15. It's great to see you haven't given up on this yet. - MT
  16. Derex, you have all the paint I need to go out an buy! All of mine is like 20 years old now! That looks great Xigfrid! It came out great along with your customs. Arbit, if anyone can make that fit into a tiny Valk, you can after seeing your Yamato with all that gear in it. I keep going for the "Biggest Model on Macross World" contest. If the six foot Daeadalus and then the Space Shuttle model refurbish wasn't big enough, now it's a Tomahawk cruise missile! The photos are of a 1/1 scale model of a block IV Tomahawk cruise missile (over 20 feet long). It was made in 2004 for trade shows and then I suspect sat outside in a non-sealed crate for about ten years. After we vacuumed out the 2 dead mice and gave it a wash, there was still several cracks, one of which is about 5 feet long. The hatch to connect the wings was even broken on two corners. Next I'll have photos of it painted. It should be done, but my airbrush and paint both gave me serious issues this week. - MT
  17. Those came out GREAT! It is toooo bad that you will have licensing issues. We would see more products here if that were not the case.- MT
  18. There are as many scales here as members! You won't be able to please everyone, but a few. With a screen name of latheboy, I thought you would have turned the barrels - MT
  19. That's cool, classic MinMei! Her hair buns look like the princesses headphones in Space Balls. - MT
  20. WOW! That is one heck of a sprue. Just guessing, but I'd say we're looking at at least $300 US! Maybe even going ABS for strength and to reduce cost. -MT
  21. That's great Arbit! That is also a LOT of hardware! Your scout is coming along great Ceasar! Lots of details too. The Storch is coming along great Salamander. Personally, I would have gone with super glue to reduce all that time. I'd hate waiting that long.
  22. That's great! Like David said, that's closer to what they should be doing. I save LEDs from everything and when I go to use them, it drives me nuts when they all have a different current draw! - MT
  23. You may find some of his kits sold by those who bought the molds up at Starship Modeller's store: http://www.starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm. - MT
  24. Hey Arbit! Finally on semester break! From experience, not all LEDs are created equally. It looks like some are drawing more amperage than others since they are higher voltage. The dim ones look like they are 4.5v vs 3v. You may need to go with one manufacturer. I've had that same issue with a special flashlight I made with multiple colors on it. - MT
  25. That came out really good. I'll have to look into the crystal resin too. - MT
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