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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Cool! I liked the Ingram kit, but I'm trying to figure out why they made them light grey instead of white. - MT
  2. @arbit The video was good. I would focus on speaking clearly with confidence, be precise / brief to the point, edit footage to keep it brief, and keep a sense of humor. And don't be afraid to be funny - BUT be yourself! @electric indigo That cockpit looks great! You can never have enough Harriers! @Urashiman Yes, mental health is important!😁 That is a great looking photoetch set! @505thAirborne What series is that from? I'm not familiar with it? @Thom Those ejection seat fixes look good! - MT
  3. Nice finish on that kit! Out of the box, its full of seam lines, but it looks like you did a great job getting rid of them. The base looks cool too. - MT
  4. I don't know if you found them yet, but they're on our legacy site: https://macrossworld.com/macross/models/_models_index.htm - MT
  5. I second that! This WOULD make an awesome poster! - MT
  6. He looks cool! Ready to confidently crush some human cars or something. - MT
  7. That would be cool! Over 30 years plus and the technology is there to improve over the old Imai kits. - MT
  8. I don't miss my networking days just for that reason Hopefully you got to work on them instead of saving the world from not being able to access black Friday deal websites! - MT
  9. @arbit That's a cool idea! Just keep your work short and to the point. I see some videos and the dudes talk for like 10 minutes before they actually do anything. I look forward to your upcoming build! - MT
  10. @pengbuzz GREAT save! That was an ingenious fix and creative with the materials too! The force is strong with this one!😁 Now you have a beautiful model for your collection. - MT
  11. You're getting a GOOD workout sanding and a good looking fuselage too. -MT
  12. Hi everyone, I got some more work done over the past couple of weekends. Sorry for photo-bombing you guys with so many photos! The armored car I'm modifying is based on the French Panhard AML-90 (below). I modernized it a bit. You can see where the over-sized turret comes from. Normal people remove screws from their tires and plug the hole. I punched a hole and glued some hanging out! These are what will hold the model to the base. I used silicone RTV to glue them in place. Here's the completed tires and base with screw heads underneath. I FINALLY got to put a base coat of paint on my model this weekend. Time for A LOT of weathering and detailing. Last weekend was spent doing landscaping on the base by adding more sand and more dead plant life. This was BEFORE I drilled the holes for the screws in the base. I also rusted parts from an old artillery carriage frame. I'm thinking of calling this diorama "The Sands of Time" or "Haunt of Jackals", but I'm not sure yet. That's it for this time. Thanks for checking in everyone! - MT
  13. @Thom That cockpit looks great! Those details including the velcro seams on the seats makes it VERY realistic AND clean looking. I've never heard of that putty before - cool! @electric indigo That's a great looking composite of your fighter! @Urashiman You are brave! It's looking much better now. - MT
  14. Those are great! Somebody has been busy with LEDs!!! - MT
  15. @Urashiman Funny! I admit I've done that before @electric indigo Great finish on that model! I've always thought it looks like a type of spaceship. - MT
  16. Beautiful finish and it's great to see a VERY rare version that is actually opened up! - MT
  17. Looks like some major work! Its looking good. - MT
  18. @joscasle That is a BEAUTIFUL show-worthy build! All the little details look clean and so does your paint! It's hard to tell the difference between the model and the real thing other than the backdrop. Congratulations on a good modelling year too! @Urashiman Too bad about the melted plastic. With it being a rough kit already, I think I would personally bin it and get a modern kit😧 But I'm sure you can resurrect it! @daBlah! That is a small, but cool looking kit! @electric indigo That's a great composite photo! The lighting adds dynamic movement to it along with the tracers. - MT
  19. The SDF-1 is AWESOME!!! I guess he used foam for parts to keep cost and weight down. - MT
  20. Another "home run" knocked out of the ball park!!! - MT
  21. I agree with Chronocidal. The only -fighter aircraft- that are white in past/present active U.S. service are usually trainers. In the 50's there were some very light colored aircraft like the attached (notice the white elevators). But I think white fighters are an anime or demonstration team / trainer kinda thing. - MT
  22. @derex3592 Those windows look good! About 5 minutes per window, what a drag. @Thom Your Phantom is looking good so far! What is it with Phantoms this year? There are multiple new kits out on the market for them. It looks like Tamiya's 1/48th is the best fitting from what I've seen. - MT
  23. That's looking cool! Don't give up working on this! - MT
  24. @arbit Your work looks awesome in that video! Brilliant work creating all those figures and compiling them together. I haven't seen the video separately, but hopefully you mentioned what scale they are so people know how small they are and look that good! AWESOME job again Arbit! What's he up to next? @Rock I don't see your flaws. That's a great build AND finish! All the work with those crazy decals paid off! @wm cheng That's a awesome looking Eagle! I think you got the weathering just right for an Air Force bird too. The extra effort in the canopy and nozzles paid off. The details make it stand out and "pop"! - MT
  25. It is actually the Tiger Model AMX-10RCR T 40M (pictured) after I chopped and channeled it to reduce the size. It's about the same dimensions of a light tank. I made it closer to the width of a LAV-25, but shorter. This vehicle never went into production, it was a demo vehicle. A similar turret was used on the new French armored cars. @peter A Mercedes with a light turret huh, interesting. My model is armored with a lightweight turret. So it looks bad, but not as bad as it looks. Would I take a corner with it at high speed? Thankfully its not real, so no one has to worry about it!🤣 - MT
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