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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. As was said earlier, it is best to strip the ABS and repaint. A LIGHT sanding to ensure paint adhesion helps. ABS is actaully close to styrene in some areas, obviously more durable. I've found from experience that the light sanding helps. Especially if you're going to pose it differently from time to time. High grit sandpaper should be used. Coarser grades will ruin the texture. That's one difference between the two types of plastics. ABS doesn't sand well unless you wet sand it too by the way. Just my two cents... - MT
  2. Thanks guys. There's another section on this site? I'm hoping to finish planking this weekend. I spent the last two weeks in networking classes!
  3. Nice job! Love the windows with person viewing. - MT
  4. It's not as cool as something specifically Macross, but if you've got nothing else better to do in May... http://www.londonexpo.com/ I'm trying to go. I'm sure there'll be lots of vendors. I'm not big into celebreties, but it looks like there are lots scheduled to appear. - MT
  5. Iceland, been there, done that. I spent four years there and its EXPENSIVE! It is nice to visit there. Did I say it's expensive?
  6. honneamise, you're right about the yellowing. I build engineering parts out of resin too other than model stuff. I like dying to see that the resin is thoroughly mixed and for a proffesional appearance. I haven't had any dyed parts yellow yet, even after several years. I can't vouch for the color white though. In your case, I could see not using dye to keep production cost down. Plus everyone is going to paint their's anyhow (those who actaully get to buiding them) It's more of a customizing thing really. Take care. - MT
  7. I'm so there; I mean, Im here! Count me in. I travel all the time. I think my wife (and wallet) would prefer the UK though. Common sdf-1! Haven't you always wanted to see England? It gets cold here too in case you get homesick! I think SAR is in too, but I'll let him speak for himself.
  8. Looks great honneamise! Better get a couple of those on flying patrol to keep our fellow MW'ers under control. It sounds like they're gonna riot! Have you tried any color dies (besides paint) to tint your resin? It's great stuff! I built a whole Destroid Phalanx in color. No more scratched paint to worry about! "Keep 'em flying..." - MT
  9. 1.) To come clean, I'm a 1/72nd scale guy at heart. Then those Nichimo guys came out with all that stuff in 1/200. Cool and alright. Then there's the 1/200th Monster. Then Nichimo has all these ships in 1/200 (got a destroyer and the massive Yamato battleship ). Then Hasegawa came out with their line of 1/200th scale aircraft (got some of them too). I have a bunch of 1/100 Macross kits, but there isn't any craft small enough for them to all "go with." I got the crazy idea to build the Daedalus about four years ago and have been working the idea and buying things every now and then to go with it. (Just bought a six channel radio a couple weeks back). I've actaully had the heavy guage plastic for about four years too. In short, I just wanted everything to go together. Like Jardann said, to put stuff side by side for comparison. I finally got the tools to make all the plastic cutting easier and that's why I just started on the Daedalus. The lack of stuff in 1/200th is frustrating! That's the sole purpose for the scratch building. Why couldn't Nichimo make everything in 1/144th! I'm blaming them! I can buy almost anything (non-Macross) in 1/144th! GRRrrrr! 2.) OK, how many people really want a shuttle in 1/200th? I've had a few people ask about scratch building "how-to's". I'll get both done at the same time. Who is there so far?
  10. VF 1s, Thank you for the compliments. I've had a couple of people ask about "how to" scratch build-ups. I'll do a general article and pick a subject. I'm thinking of doing the shuttle due to a couple of requests for it. Does that sound good? It would be hard to describe the build up of the fan jet since I really didn't use any plans. Your aircraft look great. What scale are they in? (I haven't seen those shows yet)
  11. Ooops, double post. MODS can you delete? - MT
  12. Some people asked me before about the laser engraved parts. They're posted above with the rest of the photos. I'm not using these, but you have an idea of what they look. The operator moved the plastic so it blurred and the engraver charred some areas for some mysterious reason? - MT Oh, and I suddenly get the urge for some arromatic duck this weekend.
  13. Don't worry, I'll keep away from the swans. I've been "told off" by them a lot at lake sides. You'd think they were peaceful. We should name a plane after them! Scale Solutions? That's new to me. Do I sense an advertisement coming?
  14. I found some airport ground crews I'm going to get. If anybody asks why there isn't anymore people on board, I'll just say they're on shore leave. I gotta get a Gloval figure though. Does anyone make 1/200 scale pipes! Now that is something you can get away with in 1/72nd. I gotta confess that 1/72nd is my favorite scale (before Macross), but I wouldn't be able to build some of the things I have that large (and still have a wife).
  15. Somebody build a giant paper mache Zentraedi ship and I'll "operate" on it.
  16. Thanks everyone for the further compliments! I'm humbled. Did some more planking tonight. The slower rate of the cement takes a while. I'd use superglue, but it will leave uneven areas when I sand it down. The superglue is harder and doesn't sand down as evenly. Knight26 - I got ya. The RAM-like launchers on the Promethius. I can't believe someone would design a warship without on board weapons (OK, so when would torpedos be a good defensive weapon). I'm going to try to work something in. In real life, I've got to water gun pumps I'll probably arm it with. The swans get really mean (no kidding) if you go near their territory. I seriously looked at doing the Promethius instead, but it would never work. The hull is too narrow and there is too much overhang as compared to a modern day carrier. One giant ship is enough for now. I'm outa shelf space.
  17. Naw, just the plain ole' Phalanx CIWS (20mm Vulcan cannon, as on the destroyer model in the post). But that sounds cool!
  18. Guess who makes 1/200 figures? Preiser. They are greatly detailed even for that size. I have some. The HO ones have to be that much better! I highly reccomend their stuff. - MT
  19. If anyone else wants one, now's the time to speak up. If I go to a caster, they'll probably want a minimum quantity. This way if there's enough, they might be interested. It's a matter of balancing cost out unfortuneatly. Unless you wanna pay a hundred bucks for a tiny plane. Oh wait, we do that here We'll keep it in this thread too. - MT
  20. In order: Like Big F said, we'll work the CON out in the "Conventions and local gatherings section. Knight 26 - The bow will open and the ramp extend. I even got my wife helping me engineer how the ramp works in the drawings. The ramp will probably extend on a screw drive since that's the easiest and most reliable solution I could come up with. Sar - You're in the next "shire" from my area. Don't laugh, it could be your gagrage! I've built several free flight, R/C aircraft and a few other preformed boat kits, but that's it. I love doing engineering projects. Go figure, I'm an electronics technician, but love building stuff more. Career mismatch? Neptunesurvey and Viceland - It will be in kit form when enough rich and crazy people come up to me and ask That would take some serious work. I get tired just thinking about it. Honneamise - YES! It is a fictional model, BUT, the hull and deck is Trumpeter Keifang class (it's lightweight), Nichimo Takatsuki bridge/funnel, and everything else is scratchbuilt. The hanger is Japanese influenced. The ship is R/C too. I've redone the helideck. I've put netting on it and redone the surface since the photo. (I gotta have something to drive in the mean time!) I'm thinking of putting copies of it's CIWS units on the Daedalus inconspiciously.
  21. Alright, you gotta know where I stand on this one. I have a "token" Yamato Hikaru VF-1J and, ah... that's it.
  22. That's what I'm talking about! Turbines ROCK! More power! (Tim Allen grunt Arr-Arr-Arr-Arr)
  23. That's the one. If there are more takers, I might be able to do it through starship modeller or another service. I've gotta get my Daedalus done, but I can put it down for my fellow MW'ers. Obviously the VC-33 is done, the shuttle would require sculpting. - MT
  24. You can do it man! Try modifying some exhisting figures like the MinMei Sculpt.
  25. Aaaah, now you know why I built these suckers: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=15542&hl=vc-33 The Mom's Kitchen, Tunny and of course Valkyries would definitely go on deck. There's certainly enough room. It's bigger than any super carrier of the same scale. It's like a supertanker, but with destroids instead of oil! I have all the Nichimo releases, plus a ton of the Testor's "Robot" kits, repackaged from Nichimo's first release. Thank you for the e-bay postings. If I buy anymore, my wife might kick my butt! - MT
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