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Everything posted by MechTech
I popped in to see how the project was going (SHAWEEeeeet castings by the way!). This thread is gettin' a bit threatening so I'm ducking out before someone starts shooting plasma, or worse, 40cm shells! - MT
Thanks everybody. I'll post pictures tomorrow after the Milliput sets and I sand down the reshaped parts. - MT
What wooden boats? Well, there was that walnut shell boat in kindergarten, but I don't think that counts . I build almost exclusively in styrene. This is my first "planking" model. Sanded down you can't tell on the outside 'cause the seems go away. Inside it looks like old plaster boarding. The bow section is trying to kick my butt with all the compound curves everywhere. Don't follow another model for your model - USE THE DRAWINGS! That's why I've had to make so many changes to the bow section. I think I got it now. I've trimmed the top sections back and covered it with plastic. Tonight I'll clean it up and Milliput the seams and stem area. Gotta go and shop for propellers! - MT
Thank you. I'm reshaping the top of the bow now! Almost happy with the shape, but not quite. - MT
ALL FUTURE POSTS WILL BE HERE IN "REPLIES." Some foam and two boxes of Milliput later, the bow section is nearly completed. I jsut have a about two hours of sanding and I can begin priming. There will be some plating detail showing simulated panel lines. The primer will tell me what detail is left after sanding. Adding panel lines will be the easiest stem if I have to. I purchased my motors and speed controls already. I'm getting an itchy "throttle finger" to take this thing out for a cruise! - MT
Check out the top picture with Daedalus comparrisons. BOTH ships have to be smaller than what the books say. So maybe your model would be only 2M long? - MT
Those look awesome! The Legios IS to scale by the way. How does it feel to have your own squadron? I'm ashamed 'cause I haven't even seen Macross Zero yet I'm sure when I do, I'll buy a "zero." They look great. I've gotta get my "retro" project done and "modernize" with some newer generation stuff. - MT
Greyryder: Now I have the whole picture - 1/35. Tamiya? If you don't have speed controls for each side already, try the Novak SPY. I use it in my destroyer ship model. Isamu Dyson: If you build a 1/200th Promethius, I'll bring my Daedalus over there and we can sail to "Macross Island" together! I think it's somewhere near Calais!? Gutsand Casca: "My 4 yr. old son asks me why he's got so much more Cobra stuff than GIjoe stuff. So I told him that GIjoe is underfunded by the government, whilst Cobra has unlimited money as they are backed by the ACLU after someone in the world was offended by the Joe's "Real American Hero" slogan. (I neglected to tell him that Cobra's arsenal looks cooler to Dad)" Dude - how come that sounds so realistic? I'd believe it? Stupid ACLU backing Cobra. I knew they were up to no good! Now I know how they got their nickname "American Communist Lawyers Union."
If you can set exponential steering on the module that would be great. Then again it may not need it. I haven't messed with aftermarket control modules like that. Just as long as you don't get all or nothing when you turn the wheel. I hope it works out. That is the easier way to go than two sticks. I'm just more accustomed to them myself. Have you contacted "HWR MKII" yet? He's BIG into R/C tanks. He might have used a similar module. Hope that helps. - MT
It might work. Especially if you have a computer radio that you can program special combinations into. I've never tried it personally. I went through the work of two throttles solely because of the ease and simplicity of two levers. A computer radio might even be able to couple the two for you now (in case you do have one). - MT
24 MAY UPDATE. At the very bottom of the pictures you'll see what I've been doing for the last month. It's been fun and tough to do the engineering on this. I had to make everything work and be rugged still. This meant fiberglass board throttle handles and 3mm thick styrene plastic where any stress might be (see, I was still model building). Oh, and then it had to look "store bought" and not a prop from a movie laboratory. I did find a two throttle lever assembly for another brand of transmitter, but at the same cost as my whole radio - forget it! The two throttles mean the left side motors can go forward, while the right go backwards and help make a tighter turn. Or just use one set to save battery run time. If I build a tank later on, this would control my steering/motor control. - MT
I hope to have some pictures soon. I've been working on radio transmitter. I've taken the two, two-way gimbals on the radio and converted them to dual throttles on the left hand side. The right hand side is now a steering wheel with bow thruster buttons and eight other functions all on the same control. It's been an engineering challenge to make it all work smoothly. All my time on line lately has been to track down some good motors for the ship at a decent price. I'm almost there though. Thanks for asking. I'll post pictures soon! - MT
LAUNCHARIFFIC! Great sculpt! - MT
Thanks for the comment. I want at least the hull up and running to play with this summer!
I know I'm coming into this a little late, I've been busy lately. Whew, talk about heated debates. Someone turn down the thermostat! If you don't mind my 30 years experience...I must admit, I was REALLY surprised when I heard Hasegawa was going to make Macross models. Then I got excited because I knew they would do a good job! I believe they don't do transformable models because they have always been more geared towards static kits. For decades that's what they've done best and know best. Why change. Change is scarey and costly. Not to mention the longer engineering time for each kit to make it transform. People always talk about accuracy and lineart in our section of the model building hobby. A lot of us have been sculpting and scratchbuilding a long time. It's frustrating some times. You can do something that looks right, look at it the next day and so D'OH! (angry exclamation) Interpretation is the word! Calmer heads prevailing, I would be surprised-- again --if Hasegawa did transformable kits. All I do is model building when it come to Macross. I thought I was in "model heaven" when the Imai transformable valks came out. I love the whole engineering thing with transformable models! Unlike toys, you can easily glue or paint modifications because styrene is more easily machined than ABS. I too would love a "perfect" valk that was lineart accurate. Knowing Hasegawa's past, I'd guess they're not in the engineering business as much as modeling. Just my two cents/two pence. - MT
Thank you. The covering of the bow is going slow because of the compound curves. - MT
APRIL 29th UPDATE: Scratch built bow thruster due to extra power needed. Graupner and Robbe make them, but not with enough power to haul my hull around in the strong British breezes. I also corrected the shape of the stem and bow area. NEVER use one source for your referances, the model I was using didn't match the drawings (in that area at least). I'm off to cover the bow now... - MT
You're going to build a Tomahawk too! What happened to "I'm not doing this again!" I think once you go big, there's no turnin' back! I'm NOT building a Promethius either! Looks great. You just need to find a "vertically challenged" individual to drive it for you!
I don't have my diecast monster anymore, but they were pretty close in height domension. - MT
I HIGHLY advise doing a "search." This topic has been brought up a lot. Suppliers, how to's etc...
Thanks for the website. It's new to me. I'm markin' it! Bonus points...My wife found "Starblazers" on tape for me today at the thrift store. Can't go wrong for buck - even if it is badly edited! I haven't seen it since it first came out! Thanks again! - MT
memnon, have you considered putting some fiber optics or similar lighting in there? You might as well go "all out." Some fiber optics on the instrument panel would make your great cockpit work look awesome! - MT
UPDATED the post with latest progress photos (above). David - Thank you for the advice on the colors. I've actaually got a Nichimo 1/200th Yamato (52" hull) on the back burner and related resource book. The book mentions colors and mixing ratios. I'll take your advice into consideration. You're right about "battleship grey." It's more of a metaphor really. Maybe I can buy paint in bulk, save some money and paint them both the same colors! Seriously though, thanks. I'm still torn between the "clown coloration" or grey scheme. - MT
honneamise, you thought you'd have a life and major modeling project going at the same time? My wife gets annoyed when I do big casting projects. It usually means stuff laying around and around. Not to mention the smells. Even with the non-stinky stuff. Great results mean hard work though. Keep it up! Happy molding! - MT
Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Nice job. I "stopped in" to break from the glue. I love small details. They make a difference. - MT