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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Thanks for the heads up! I'm seriously thinking... I can't spend the rest of my life in 1/200 scale! - MT
  2. Nice "metal work" Kylwell. Chromed or bottle?
  3. UPDATE 5 NOVEMBER 06 Here is the latest (by the way-I get it wit the missle test-that's not until maybe March???). Here's the stern tower that holds up the pod shaft and allows it to be held up, or lowered down. I had a good photo of it from the top before accidentally deleting it. Don't know what's up with the focus issues!? [attachmentid=37736] The stern tower. The curved parts were made on my toaster before. They were strong, stiff and lightweight so I though they'd be perfect. The tower is rock solid and won't allow any flex when the motors are mounted to the brass tubing. [attachmentid=37737] Side view. The threaded rod will be trimmed down when everything is in place. [attachmentid=37738] The stern tower clamped (in focus) and showing the threaded rod protruding. I hope to finish the mechanical parts of it this week. - MT
  4. !Gracias! - MT
  5. I got a yellowed Super Ostrich I'm thinking of "fixing up" someday, let us know what you've decided upon. - MT
  6. I remember this thread. I wondered what happened!? - MT
  7. No float test yet. I still have to finish off the stern "drive" area and water proof around the stabilizer boxes and main coupling joint in the hull's center. Hopefully the lowering of the drive won't throw the C/G off, but make it more stable. Time will tell! It's broad beamed and flat bottomed, hopefully "battleship stable." SDF-1, missile test??? - MT
  8. All right, someone crazy enough to build the "other" ship! Congratulations and I hope it all comes out good. It sounds like you're right on with the measurements. - MT
  9. Kylwell - Nice cannon whatever they're going on??? Shiyao - The Dom looks good, but on the "Clean" side. If you do use a diorama, just make sure it's not "dirty." The Dom will not look like it is supposed to be there. Keep it up! - MT
  10. Thanks Isamu. Hopefully I'll finish the mounting part this week. - MT
  11. Not bad. Sounds good for "home brewed." Anything better than the original DYRL in English please! My tapes are dying - time to go with a new DVD now I guess. - MT
  12. UPDATE 28 October 06 Here's the painted bracket and gluing on the deck that will hold the bracket. The deck will have several longitudnal ribs to strengthen it and a couple of high ones to support the hanging weight of the assembly (that's what will enable it to raise or lower). [attachmentid=37517] Painted bracket (heavy on the solder for strength). [attachmentid=37518] Fitting in the bracket (note one side is thicker than the other of the hull). The bracket is centered on the hull to keep the center of gravity balanced). Too late to fix the hull now ! [attachmentid=37519] Bracket sitting on pod showing how it will fit in the "UP" or "stowed" position. [attachmentid=37520] Gluing on the deck to hold the bracket (ribs will be glued on when it dries thoroughly). I'm getting there! I can almost taste the final coat of paint on the lower hull (I hope it's not lead based ). - MT
  13. Another good place is www.modernplastics.com . They call it HIS (High Impact Styrene). .040 is the thinnest they have. That's where I've gotten all my stock (and a lot of it too ) - MT.
  14. I haven't seen anything concrete, but it looks like they are around the same size as SDF's secondary weapon turrets. Then again, the Zentaedi destriyer looks like it has multiple sizes. How's that for a good answer? - MT
  15. Congratulations! What a cute little bella too!
  16. Hey Valkyrie, aren't you forgetting your tugger? You gotta finish it! - MT
  17. MechTech

    Wall Art

    At least it's not the usual stupid street "tagging." - MT
  18. Looks great! I always loved the VF-2SS. I loved the model even more since the nose actually rectracted in one piece. The uparmored version looks cool too. Something I wouldn't want to meet down a dark alley.
  19. Looks great! Just click on "browse" to find the picture on your drive, then "add this attachment button next to it. Then click on the "add into post button next to it." Make sure you put the cursor where you want it to go in your post. You can also paste it right into your thread, but I don't know how to do that. - MT
  20. Drawing wise, it looks good enough to be original! (Despite that whole "sacrilage thing") - MT
  21. Thanks guys! This thing is going TOOooooo slow for me, but family first. It looks like the lower hull will be done for December, but I'm hoping for more to be done before then. I just have to finish this assembly and it's down hill from there! - MT
  22. UPDATE 23 October 06 I am still working on the finer engineering points of the motor mount and building it. The post you see sticking out of the motor box is just sitting there. It is not cut to size or mounted. The funny looking brass bracket is the actual motor mount that will support the motor box shaft. The bracket is not done yet or cleaned up yet. We're talking some serious soldering when I'm done. BUT it will be strong enough to support the several pounds the motor box weighs. Enough talk, here's the photos: [attachmentid=37394] Remember that the shaft is being cut down. The gear on the end will be engaged by another gear on the servo (heavy duty 1/5 scale car servo w/ brass gears). The threaded rod will raise or lower the height of the pod with a threaded handle. [attachmentid=37395] A closer shot showing the bracket (it's 6" across and feels like a paperweight). That it's for now. - MT
  23. You know, if you look at either sculpt, Guld's got some SERIOUS eyebrows. They probably would keep the rain off his face! Not a crack on your sculpts, they're both great (even "lemon" Guld). I suck at sculpting people. - MT
  24. They're great too! I still have to build mine. - MT
  25. I looked at that and said, what? TOOooo much wing "stuff." In reality, if the wing roots did open up, it'd probably stall out and crash. Remember the P-3 the Chinese colided with? Only part of it's nose went and the pilot lost control over it. Wow, what if your wings did that? Canards are awesome (just ask the Swedes), but not like that... - MT
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