This is a customization, so I thought I'd post it here...
I had to step back from the Daedalus floorplan drawings, so I did this. I'm also taking a weeks vacation tomorrow so I didn't want to start anything big right now.
[attachmentid=41777] Customized Buttons for my "Valks" keyless entry.
Got some leftover decals? Clean up the buttons on whatever electronics device you want to mod (has to be hard plastic), cover in silver or other backing color, slide on your decals, and cover with 5min or other epoxy resin. A thin coat should last a long time. The old printing on the buttons wore off anyhow except "Panic," but a good valk pilot shouldn't use "Panic" much anyhow . I whish I had a decal that said "Easy" for an easy button! That would be cool! - MT