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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. That does look like a good sculpt for its size. "Borrow" the CM's ordnance and load it up . - MT
  2. I just saw this. They look pretty accurate. I just wish they were 1/200 like the Goshapons. Thanks for sharing everyone. - MT
  3. Like I was saying abaove, you're good with ABS (the chunky monkies are made of that). A Q-Tip soaked in it should get down there. Just don't let it soak in any one spot at a time or the paint can sometimes lighten up. Be sure to use good ole 70% (grocery store/pharmacy), not the industrial 90% and you'll be very safe. -MT
  4. I couldn't work without it! Styrene is softer than ABS and I've have no problems with it ever. Go easy on the paint. 70% can thin off some dried paint if you let it soak too long. - MT
  5. Thanks for the advice. I'm also thinking of one of the counter rotating blade models. They're very stable. - MT
  6. It's out of my budget and scale, BUT I'm looking forward to it! - MT
  7. Thanks MilSpex. I'm working on it. Neptunesurvey, I found the perfect thing: http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=fire...20&aff=1272 and a new body for it: http://cgi.ebay.com/PICOOZ-SEA-KING-BODY-K...VQQcmdZViewItem I went and bought more carbon fiber today with my little son and we both thought it would be cool. It WILL fly on/off the deck no sweat! - MT
  8. Ooops, sorry! My brain was having a Malox moment ! - MT
  9. Thanks HWR, I was wondering what the story was based on. The S&M stuff I can do without too. I thought Macross Zero was weird enough going off the beaten path with the whole other alien thang. The end MAC II sequence ALMOST made all worthwhile though. So I'm not getting us into a rabbit hole, here's what's on my workbench now when I can't draw on the PC (wives gotta shop ya know . I'm trying to get one of everything in 1:200. So if you take an overly tall 1/48 scale figure, slap a helmet on them, add some Milliput (and a lot more sculpting yet) you get... I'm doing the male too. I got a bunch of overly tall 1/48 figures from Takara's old kits. That means more Milliput and Zentraedi for me! - MT
  10. Great detail work HWR. Was that whole series supposed to be a alternate reality thing? I never really got into it. The mecha are interesting though because they are a "what might ahve been" look alike. - MT
  11. Don't worry. I'm sure somebody is smart enough to know these will sell like crazy. I bet they work out the deformed sculpts too. The funny thing is this thread is several pages long over a toy that doesn't exhist ! Hopefully CM knows there's serious fans out there. You can count me in that category. - MT
  12. Thanks guys. I'm still drawing out the plans for the decks and other details. If I would have planned this good when making the lower hull, I wouldn't have changed the bow sections so many times! Here's a line drawing comparison with the original. The original is missing tons of detail and was drawn small and not with accuarcy (note how badly the lines slant on the top deck). Talk to yo guys later. - MT
  13. In case anyone cares, here's what I have for plans so far. - MT
  14. I knew ther was no hope for him! It was the Wonderwoman costume that spelled it out - MT
  15. Those look like the ones from robotech.com. - MT
  16. Digging the Tomahawk! Valkyrie, you really gonna finish those things?! I'm still waiting to see the ground support vehicles . - MT
  17. I saw this thread and laughed before even reading it ! I've been building so long and specifically Macross stuff, that my wife knew she had to take me and the models too! When I left home (about a couple decades ago), my mom had the carpet redone in my old room because of the imprint where I sat on the floor building and from patches of glue. My wife knows that when we look at a house she doesn't just see what she can do, but where I can work too! I think that's what's called blessed! - MT
  18. Thanks Martin. It's fun now I know what the heck size to make everything in! It doesn't look like much, but here's the parts to make 4 cross sections from today's work. The black graphite parts fit fairly snug over the fiberglass square peices. Add some 2-Ton epoxy and it should be rock solid. There is hardly any flex in the 12" (longest) sections. Carbon graphite is awesome stuff. No wonder they make planes out of it! The squares are there because the bottom corners will be rounded and the top corners with a 45 degree bevel. There's not enough meat left if I just glued the two corners together. I'll confess something, I cut all the slots to fit over the square, and forgot that only one side needs to go over all the way. So now the side will have a gap. That's no big deal though because I have carbon dowel to fit snugly in there. There shouldn't be any problems with strength either. Here's one cross section loosly fitted over my "plan." - MT [attachmentid=42281] What parts I've machined so far...
  19. See, I knew if I just waited 25 years or so, I'd finally get a good model/toy of the whole Legios/TREAD thang. It only took 26 years to find a wife . Things are looking up though on the Mospeada front. - MT
  20. I should have kept up with this thread better. Eugimon's picture was my screensaver for ever. Good way to begin your day at work! I also agree with Graham on the Legios nose - seriously TOOOoooo long. I'm also hoping they retool the design. Like every question in this thread, time will tell! - MT
  21. Thanks guys for the input and positive comments! I've measured every drawing I can find and of course they all vary. Most line art just isn't meant to be "geeked out" and taken seriously (too late now!). I AM going with the 8.25" height. That means after putting it off for a month, I can start cutting stuff and gluing again. Time to get the resperator out for the carbon fiber... - MT
  22. Looks great man! Excellent weathering and detail. How about making about 40 or so in 1/200th scale . - MT
  23. Alright guys, I've been working on it tonight. Here's what I've pretty much settled on. Feedback is more than welcome! [attachmentid=42253] Deck heights (all mecha to exact scale) [attachmentid=42254] How she should look from the side with a hanger deck 8.25" high! The lowest deck at 2" will still accomodate mostly assembled mecha for repair and full aircraft. - MT
  24. You guys be the judge. The attached shows the correct heights and EXACT destroid dimensions to the models. You can see there is not much room. A super valk just fits in the smaller lower deck areas. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome (thanks IAD). - MT [attachmentid=42250]
  25. I ordered the Mospeada TREAD/Legios kit and it took about three months or so. I did get it though! - MT
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