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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Looks great! It looks like Ranka is the pilot judging by the markings. Good color scheme. - MT
  2. Whew! Talk about a BIG girl (that works on many levels) Carefully clean the areas so there is no dirt or fingerprints, and use super glue. That's what it looks like to me. - MT
  3. SWEeet! - MT
  4. It's not me, but someone is selling this (accidentally found it) http://cgi.ebay.com/ROBOTECH-MACROSS-1-100...S:B:SRCH:US:101 Somebody here may love me for this - only about $50 so far... - MT
  5. Looking great! I'm glad to finally see someone's WIP on this. Nice "injection of detail" with the needles! - MT
  6. Schizo was complaining about the thread being "resurrected." All you guys need to do is buy decal sheets with the tiger shark teeth (probably 1/72nd aircraft). Take the nicely posted picture of Ranka and print it onto decal paper. It's not really hard to do. If you need help, you can be walked through it, plus there are kits out there to help you. Nothing like the pride you get from your own custom decals! -- MT
  7. And I thought this thread was dying! Looking great! Remember that every detail you add makes it look that much better in the big scheme of things! - MT
  8. You can also use clear styrene; evergreen has 6 x 12" sheets. - MT
  9. Looks good! Watch it or you'll get "brushed off!" - MT
  10. Thanks guys and I'm going for both after all. The warning lights will correspond to the warning alarm. I found a great pair of old Yamaha computer speakers that I'm using an old Sony portable speaker amp with. 4.5 volts of portable fun with acceptable clarity. Not the awesome bass I hoped for from the Monster Guns, but close enough. Now I just need time to build it all! Nothing built, but when I'm taking a break, this is what I've captured and cleaned up so far: Macross_Original_Alarm.wav MacrossAlarm_Type_II.wav I don't which alarm was for what - still researching that one. Multi_fired_rounds.wav After the door goes down... Can you hear the casings drop? I've got other bits, but they still need cleaning up and combing. Feel free to spruce up your desktop sounds! That's it for now! By the way, I couldn't take down the big file I accidentally loaded. - MT Macross_Original_Alarm_Looped.wav
  11. That's not bad at all. - MT
  12. I can't read it, but I figured that was all the "history" of the destroid development. It all looked cool then (like a lot of stuff in the 80's), now I see it I see all the QUICK work that went into throwing some of the models together . It's all cool none the less! - MT
  13. Thanks CF18! Now I just have to keep from drooling on the keyboard! - MT
  14. It will have to have a warning label on it " Warning - Keep away from children, it may fall on them and crush them." - MT
  15. I've been away from the toys thread TOOooo long! This thing is huge (as will be the price tag). - MT
  16. Good thing I happened by! Thanks EXO. I've been happy with the quality of the first set (except for that reversed UN SPacy thing). The dimensions are good and these look great too. It will be nice to get the fan liner since my daughter squashed the one I scratchbuilt! Less work for me now ! -MT
  17. That is awesome work and in one week. I'm guessing he was on break or out of work! It takes me one week to complete my homework (after work) -MT
  18. Thanks Tetsujin! Too bad I can't do it. - MT
  19. You have a job now, that's great to hear!
  20. Thank you Rogue Trooper and Garou! The more I build this the more I'm thinking of prepping it for show. For instance, do I use just sound chips and tiny speakers for sound IN the ship, or do I put a stereo system in the stand of the ship and get GREAT sound (which will require AC voltage)?! Still working on school. After this month it's back to the Daedalus! - MT
  21. Great work overall. I can see you got "all your bases covered" with those builds Seriously, I know we hope to see more of your work soon! - MT
  22. Yes, you do have to start somewhere so don't sweat it! Some tips in areas I've seen that will help you (NOT criticism): Sanding two pieced halves (when flat) lightly on a piece of sandpaper glued to a flat surface will make your parts fit together better with smaller gaps and seems. If you hate filling seems (like we all do) this will limit them. For masking painted areas, get some Tamiya masking tape (IT DOES matter) or some clear tape that won't leave gum behind when peeled back (need to test on that one. It depends on tape and paint type). I usually build without painting the whole thing WHEN possible. I just use a closely colored paint to cover seems and simulate what would be "dirt." Lo budget and easy! You're model shows you're doing fine and you have the skills. Keep up the good work! - MT
  23. You build it at work! Wish I had time for that! It's looking good so far. The wheels look on the smaller side, but I'm also guessing you're adding tread to them and not cutting into them? Keep it up! - MT
  24. Wow, I miss a week and a lot of great building! Looks GREAT everyone! That Optimus is HUGE - on many levels! - MT
  25. Thanks!!! I've found that and some other good stuff too (rubs hands maniacally) - MT
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