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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Awesome concept! I built something similar, but I put nowhere near the effort you did! Awesome work and execution! The paint looks good too! The Aussies have a con and we can't get one started in the UK! We'll have to work on that one! - MT
  2. Awesome work so far! I think there's going to be some jealous people if you don't sell this as a kit! - MT
  3. "This helps to feed my new addiction and my wife's Coach purse habit. laugh.gif" My wife buys the purses and I buy models, and occasionally a toy. We each just have to save up. We DO plan meals to save money. Like what was said a couple of times, cook in big portions. Take the leftovers to work or freeze for later. I know some people that work 14 hour shifts and they cook at the beginning of week for the whole week. Microwave of fast food meals add up! - MT
  4. The Spartan is looking good! - MT
  5. Awesome work! I think it came out great after all. The Eurocopter style rotor was a nice touch. You need to photoshop it in a dive firing rockets! It would be very realistic! - MT
  6. Great execution of your idea. The Jolly Roger's Scheme came out great on it. Awesome work! - MT
  7. Looks great and the gun looks like it's worth the effort! I'd say use pastels. Easier to work with and you can rub/wash off what you don't like. - MT
  8. Great sculpt and falls under the true meaning of "garage kit." - MT
  9. There is nothing you can do about it. You can use a bleaching method with hydrogen peroxide after the fact, but you'll have the same problem again. You can bleach and then UV protect all the parts individually, but then that's a lot of work and also detracts from value (if you're concerned). - MT
  10. Thanks Claude! UPDATE 10 MAY 09 I got some work done on the tactical bridge. You can also say I went into the furniture and decorating business too . The tactical bridge basics Completed chairs with "bridge bunny" to scale. Here's the furnished bridge BEFORE making further changes Next comes what I think is a sensor array And the final assemblies to include a test fit [ attachment=66759:Test_Fit_Bridge_1.JPG] The parts will fit perfect when glued, these are just test fit to show assembly. Next I'm on to the mast and making some radars that turn (even though there's none in the lineart). Even the Aegis destroyers have rotating surface scan radars! - MT
  11. Awesome work man! Looks great! The images wouldn't come up so I couldn't see the details. What was the main construction material? - MT
  12. Looks great! The stand adds a nice flair to it. - MT
  13. That Optimus is awesome looking man! I'm waiting for him to start moving on his own! I wouldn't be flashing my matrix around like that! - MT
  14. Thumbs up!! I think the stock color looks drab too. The Jolly rogers theme would be great! You can paint "Jack" (the skull and crossbones) on the tail! - MT
  15. I just saw this today! I need to get out into the tiy section more One thing I do know, the second oxygen atom in Hydrogen peroxide has a loose bond. That's what makes it work so well. The down side - DON'T SHAKE THE CONTAINER! Even that will dilute the diluted solution you already have! Like was said earlier, tooth bleaching compounds spread on the surface might work. As always, test something first! If possible, you may be able to coat your cleaned parts with a UV resistant clear coat spary. That should add some stabilization to the plastic after cleaning it. I have a yellowed 1/55 E-1 that looks almost tan! It's been wrapped up and in a box for years (kept cool too)! It seems age catches up with plastic too. Plastic breaks down easier than what a lot of scare mongers say-personal experience! Like people, the skin is always the first to show the signs! - MT
  16. That explains it with the whole scale thang. I saw the 1/250 and thought, " what!?" I'm keeping to 1/200! - MT
  17. I'm glad I held off on the Hellhound. I would have only bought it for a "fun" build. I'm not that big of a Patlabor fan. - MT
  18. In one piece for episode 1, upside down and busted up from then on . - MT
  19. The GIANT Optimus looks great! With that size the gun should really shoot airsoft rounds or something! - MT
  20. I thought I'd seen everything! A realistic Klan Klan would never work well, you couldn't move your wrist side ways - MT
  21. I'm glad to see two buildups! - MT
  22. At least a decal sheet would be nice! Just alter the vertical stabs a little and I think that's the only difference. - MT
  23. Miriya - if you're talking about the yellow one, episode 34 - "Private Time." As far as sponsorship goes, this site DEFINITELY sponsors Yamato, officially and unofficially Recasts are for kits no longer made after several decades and the artist is dead or gives you permission. Its that whole ethical/anti-piracy thang. - MT
  24. Last time took about three months or so If I remember correctly. I of course was wondering the same. I'm hoping they even release it! Sales from the other set don't seem to be as common. - MT
  25. Thanks 505! I'm getting bored building it Pineapple salad - Welcome to MW and thank you! A 1/200 VF-1 standing up is 2.4 inches tall. A figure is about 8mm tall. UPDATE 27 APRIL 09 Most of my work has been on the sail and the funky towers going on top of it. The most complicated (and detailed one) I'm hitting first, the tactical bridge. I'm forming the towers by vacu-form to make them light! These sit at the very top and have to be light to keep the center of gravity down. The sail bottom is left off so I can put the deck with people and crane components in it. Not a lot of pictures, but LOT of sanding and a lot of measuring/shaping. That's it for now. - MT
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