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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Awesome work Maverick! Floortiles! That's something new. My hat off to your creativity and craftsmanship! - MT
  2. I loved the 1/5000 cruiser model and I'm bummed it's no longer in production. Something twice that size would be awesome. I think the TV version would be great and you've got to put the Daedalus and Prometheus on it (not that I'm biased or anything ). I have lots of Daedalus material if you need it. An open hatch option would make a cool pose on it for a Daedalus attack (if built in the stormer version). I think DYRL is getting enough love for the SDF-1. That's my two cents. - MT
  3. UNMarine, I see. You even got the recoil spring too! Nice touch. I get it Tancist, thanks. Mavrerick, I think you're on the right track with the TV version. Are you going to put the bridge and park in the tower too? Too bad making copies is impractical! - MT
  4. You guys have fun! I'll be at the world's largest military air show ( http://www.airtattoo.com/airshow/AboutTheTattoo/event_info ), but still missing you micronians I'll be in the area around Christmas time if anyone is interested in meeting up. - MT
  5. Welcome to MW world. I HIGHLY recommend you do a search under airbrush here or the models threads. This topic has been covered and you're missing out on lots of good information. - MT
  6. Looking great guys! That fighter design looks slick (I haven't seen Yukikaze yet). Yes, you gotta give props for the scratatchbuilt M-60. You just need some ammo belts. Williams Bros. makes some rubber ammo belts for their R/C model aircraft guns. Cool mini-kits if you haven't seen one before. http://www.williamsbrothersmodelproducts.com/guns.jpg Nice to see some 1/200 love TSP. Your mod looks great. I'm just biting at the bit to get my destroids built, but I don't want to put the cart before the horse! Tancist, is that like the same as getting deported to Siberia ? - MT
  7. There's some good creativity on this thread! I one time told my children to use their "imagination" (insert hand gesture here). My daughter said, "daddy, stop that!" - MT
  8. Awesome work Ron! Eeven the video is smooooth as Exlax! I think you stole Mr. Rodger's trolly though Seriously man, it looks great! You get my absentee vote for the convention "Best Diorama." - MT
  9. Thanks Zinjo. I also learned something new. I was given some of the clear kits by someone and didn't realize it was THAT special. - MT
  10. I'm not a big toy guy, but Christmas is BIG in Japan. Don't tell me something like this wouldn't sell: A full sized toy I think people would laugh at, maybe a couple of people would buy when no one is looking. Maybe something smaller scaled and cheaper would sell. Has anyone decorated their tree in 1/144 or 1/200 valks yet. I think I know what I'm doing this year - MT
  11. AWESOME work as always Cap'n. Some very happy guys will be getting this in the mail one day. - MT
  12. Awesome (and fast) work ahiachris! It looks like after all these years the 1/72nd guys are going to FINALLY get some REAL Macross ground support vehicles! - MT
  13. Paper has never looked so ominous before. Wait, I take that back, tax time made it look worse Thanks for sharing!
  14. Hang in there Maverick! Sometimes things like that are for the better and we don't see it until it's all over and done. I've rebuilt several parts of my Daedalus up to three time getting things the way I wanted them to look. I feel your pain man! Compound that with a couple of accidents my children caused. Keep us posted. If you have access to it, something that that is strong and light is Gatorboard. It's foam core with a styrene outside so you can glue model pieces and spares right on to it. Smooth surface and you can scribe it too. Plus it will be light weight (a good thing in a 4 foot long model. I almost used it myself. - MT
  15. Man, I wish I could go! I'll still be here across the pond! I'm moving soon so buying a ticket to fly across is out of the question. Can we still register for the free stuff if we pay for shipping I'll be in LA around Christmas time if anyone is interested in meeting up. - MT
  16. Awesome and FAST work so far Maverick! If I wasn't studying and playing with my children, I'd give you a run for your money Keep it up man, lookin' good! (insert really suave Filipino text here) - MT P.S. - If you want to add motion to your model, check out my link below to Gizmoszone. His motors are great and run smooth. The smallest diameter is a mere 6mm. I'm going to have to buy more myself soon. If you're picky, you may want to wrap whatever motors you end up using in a rubber grommet to insulate the nise that goes through the model. - MT
  17. Looks great for a 1/144 model! Good detail. As far as large build ups go, Maverick has to beat 6 feet I'm not touchin' the rest of those comments. - MT
  18. A search is a good idea (I STILL use it after all these years). There are also different kinds of weathering effect too: hydraulic leaks, exhaust marks, mud, dirt, soil. It also depends on where you imagine it's location to be. If it's going to be out in space, not too dirty. Not much settles down; it all floats around . Let us know how you fared and if you're stuck for help. - MT
  19. Welcome Nick and it looks great. Working with the steel finishes and such can be tough. You then coat it with clear coat and lose the whole affect you like before! Keep it up and we'll see you around. - MT
  20. The work looks awesome! If you are wise, yiou'll make some copies. If you love your Macross bretheren, you'll make some copies - MT
  21. Aoshima will be releasing Graug fuzzy dice last quarter of 09. Nice forthought for the modders with the cockpit! - MT
  22. The Meagan Fox vending machine would go well, with the guys. I think the females would take me to court Optimus at night looks great. I don't remember seeing that when I drove through LA. Then again it was in the daytime (Little Tokyo). The photos look awesome! - MT
  23. Thank you guys for the encouragement. I FINALLY got to do some work this weeknd. On that note, Happy Fathers day to my fellow dads in the UK and Stateside (yes its on the same day). UPDATE 21 June 2009 Progress has been a little slow, but it has been to detail and engineer a few things. This time, I'll work my way backwards. First the tower and mast temporarily fitted together. The radar antenna leaning against the tower is what would have been the radar to fit on the tower. It would have been "canon", but just too plane for me. (Note the two gray radar antenna - both rotate) So I built this: Why do all of this? Because there is already a fixed planar array on the lower part of the tower like the Aegis ship's SPY-1D. Even the Aegis ships have a couple of rotating antennas on them so I thought I'd add them for realism. So I took another Gizmoszone motor (their WWW address is below) and added rubber to it to insulate the noise from the structure. The motor is quiet, but the design of the plastic structure amplifies the sound. The gear case connects to a MICRO drive belt (1mm thick, 2 cm circle). Next I sealed off the "arm" with thin brass. You can see how thin it is: And for the secondary surface search radar, some take off gears the extend the unit away from the mast and keep it in unison with the bigger unit: That's it for now. I still have a lot to do on the bridge (tower) assembly) I knew it would take a while, just not this long - MT
  24. Absolutely astounding work! My hat off to you for the great engineering of light and motion too! My opinion is if your going to make something that big, make it real! Thanks for sharing! - MT
  25. Concerning my room build, it was a work related project for a dormitory. I currently live in the UK. We did have an old cabinet with Meagan Fox in there, but we tore it out to make room for the vending machines . I love the 1/44th scale destroids. I almost went with 1/144th scale to do my Daedalus in because there is so much stuff in 1/144th. I think those models are pretty cool. - MT
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