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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Thanks! - MT
  2. Thank you guys. At long last (evil laughing voice) mooaw hah hah! I've completed the last vehicle in the set!!! The bad thing about using a really close up lens, it shows every speck of dirt and flaw. It also blurs stuff outside the center of focus (which is only a couple of millimeters away!. So here it is. The rear metal handle rail will have to be glued on separately. All parts with dime and X-Acto blade to show size. I don't know if this takes gas, diesel or fryer left overs, but it has a gas cap! Note the leather seats Note the glove compartment and Bose sound system And finally what the Imai 1/100 looks like next to my little baby. See what I mean about focus? Oh well. I'm done! I'll be ordering molding supplies in a week or two!- MT
  3. Hey look, it's a speeder bike chick or speedbike mamma! - MT
  4. Great work! I always did like the VF2SS. I think the fact that they are hard to keep in stock says something too. - MT
  5. You know what, a set of missiles in 1/200th would be great! How much for a set, 1 ea? I can mold copies. Material costs will be minimal - MT
  6. Looks great! Now you just need lots of stains and a couple of gash marks where those lazy fork-lift drivers hit the wall - MT
  7. That would be Captain America up above^ - MT
  8. There's no end to the bad puns this will generate (covers eyes like lion)! I might have to get one. - MT
  9. Mold milkin' time! Looks great all the same! The "Non Egg" egg looking valk looks cool too. More egg planes for Hasegawa's series. - MT
  10. The missiles came out great! How about some 1/200th ones - MT
  11. Looking great Blue! If I had a nickel for every time I had a new idea or changed my my mind mid-stream o a project... - MT
  12. Now that I can get on the website - finally...great job! I think she'll come out terrific! - MT
  13. Sorry for the delays in updates. I've been working some crazy hours lately. Here's where I am so far... I used the rotary table to make the wheel. That's the tip of an X-acto knife next to it. Next I'm on to the seat and steering column. - MT
  14. Welcome and awesome work Vince. I like the scheme a lot. Wales are cool. I thought orcas were really menacing so I stuck "Shamu" on the left knee cap of this 1/100 monster. Keep up the great work! - MT
  15. The easiest thing to do that I've done is use a grain of sand light bulb (ask your local train store about it). Pull off the resistor and it's 1.5volts. Encase it in a piece of plastic and wrap that with foil to hide light coming out from the sides. I save the colored plastic bits from Gundam models and use that material for color filters. You can do the same with LED's. Look up surface mount models if space is tight. A piece of sanded plastic (both sides) filters out brightness and makes it "warm" in appearance. Use clear lights/LED's and use Tamiya clear colors for various colors on the same panel. I've messed with all of these before. LED's are my favorite because a couple of button cells outlasts an incadescent bulb on a AA. No heat either (though grain of sand bulbs hardly make any either). PM me if you need details. I have other projects going on that are keeping me away from the boards here. - MT
  16. HEY! That's a Huey in the photo, not a Chinnook! I want my money back! That is funny though!!! - MT
  17. I need some pain killa looking at the camo job Very intricate! Great work and nice "loin cloth" - MT
  18. Sometimes you have to go AROUND the block to get to your destination. I didn't like the wheel I pieced together for the Sugarfoot. No that I have the X-Y table on my drill press (making it a light mill), I decided to make a rotary table since no one makes one that small. The case is 1/4" styrene in most places and .080" thick where strength wasn't an issue. Here's some photos in brief: [attac hment=77004:Rotary_T...ailstock.JPG] You can lathe with this, only the piece turns slowly and the drill bit spins fast. Take the tailstock off (which fits just right into my vice as shown) and you can machine something right in the drill chuck, like styrene dowel (made from squares). That's how I got my new wheels. Picture to come. Note my ghetto fabulous index points on the rotary box, I bought a cheap compass and used the backing. Lay the box on it's side and rotate the table to a point on the compass. Now you can drill holes around something in uniform. - MT
  19. Looks great. I almsot bought those and went with that for my Daedalus. You can get everything in 1/144 (non-Macross), but 1/200, NOooo! Just make some of your own decals. At least they're black. Then again, great chance for some custom "nose" art! - MT
  20. Nice work on the Fatty and the veritechs guys! My radiator leaked so every time I filled it there was a ton of rust coming from it. I took the rust and bottled it. Now I've got realistic rust! - MT
  21. You had some 4" dryer vent tubing laying around that you just had to find a home for huh! Looks great! There's a theme with you - BIG MODELS - MT
  22. Yeah, I heard that it's getting released too. If I had taken pictures of the real thing, I would have posted them for ya, but sorry. - MT
  23. Looks great! I always wanted to do that when I was younger. I started but then grew up and left home - only to make even more Macross stuff with less shelf space Keep it up! - MT
  24. Sorry for the delays. I'm working on a shift for a while so my time is kinda cramped. I have not abandoned either project though! - MT
  25. This is an important thread for us "Macross Anonymous" members BEFORE my wife and I got married I warned her of what she was getting into. As long as I get a corner INSIDE the house (climate controlled) when we have to move, it's cool. Plus she knows where to find a tool (or tape measure) when she needs one. For what EXO said, yeah, I win too-woo hoo! Then came children. We have a boy and a girl. BOTH are fans (some of you have met my son). I've had Robotech for years (before Macross got dubbed) and we've all sat down and watched that as a family. In fact my shildren still love to watch it with me! My wife and I sat and watched Macross and Mospeada before the children cam along. My daughter has the vinyl Imai MinMei doll that she begged for me to get her. My son has several veritech Gashapons and a couple of toys (until he learns to care for his toys better). I've got a collection of models going back to Macross day one that just keeps building. I have my own closet thankfully to stash them...oh yeah and under the bed too I keep my kits in large plastic boxes for storage and protection. I try to squeeze time in when I can. One of my children usually flanks me at the workbench with legos, playdough or a coloring book. I'm slowly losing ownership of it. Even my parents and sister (after all these years) ask what my latest Macross project is and how's it going. The family that Macrosses together stays together (or something cool sounding like that). - MT
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