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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Laputa rocked! My son and I are tempted to get the robots off HLJ. Looks awesome! - MT
  2. AWWwwww, I was hoping for one in 1/350th As always, awesome work - I'll be watching! - MT
  3. Thanks a million Kyekye! I actually bought TWO of these last year I'm modifying a couple of these (that are to scale or good enough). That armored valk you see in my other buildup is from this set. A Valk with swing wings is on my work bench as I type - MT
  4. Looks awesome! And with engines visible too!!! Keep up the awesome build! - MT
  5. I just caught this! That mod looks great! It reminds me of the British Nimrod ASW/AEW designs. From what series or artwork was this from? I must have been under a rock or something at the time. - MT
  6. What you have so far look great. I agree with the engines, but I'm sure it will be an easy fix. - MT
  7. Looks great everyone! I've also go the Nichimo 1/200 Yamato. It is HUGE! It has all the metal barrels and photo etch. I'm trying to sell it just to make room I have the 1/350 Tamiya New Jersey and like it too. I also ordered the New Tamiya 1/350 barrels for the Yamato (fodder for other projects). I can't wait to get my hands on them. But what I'm REALLY itching to build is the 1/350 Space battleship Yamato! I'm trying to get a curio to put them all in and protect them from dust and dust bunnies. The one ship I do have out is really dirty and I'm afraid to dust it and break something . - MT
  8. AWWwwwww, they're ALL so cute (yes I said cute). I like the Monster. - MT
  9. Congrats on taking this on! I actually did one in 1/200 (Neptunesurvey has the only "released" copy). I think this is another great day for MW'ers everywhere! I'm not a betting man, but I'm betting 1/72nd scale wins hands down. This is a cool looking aircraft and will go great with all the Hase kits out there. - MT
  10. Hey GU-11, sorry for the delay replying. The thinner is what the paint is made of before pigment - its the solvent. It's the main part of the paint in this case. Stirring or shaking? No scientific difference I'd say other than I stir and shake my paints, no differnce. Stirring DOES help pick the solids off the bottom so it can make a difference if the paint has been sitting around awhile. Shaking does make air bubbles, but they of course go away. About 1/3 of my Tamiya paints are mixed colors I make and keep for projects. No difference again. Many are a few years old too! If you are brushing paints on by hand, layering can possibly take up older coats of paint. Brush GENTLY with thin top coats (like for effects). A thick coat WILL cut through to the lower coats since its "Wet" enough to act as a solvent still. I dry brush Tamiya paints with no problem. I have had wet top coats take up parts of the lower. If you use water based on top of enamels, no problem. Enamels on acrylics are also usually alright. The different solvents are litterally liek trying to mix oil and water - litterally. I hope that helps! - MT
  11. Thanks vt102! I think I have a caster. I'll keep you all in the loop!- MT
  12. The UV light does look cool, BUT be careful if you ever use it. Flourescent/UV lights cause styrene to break down and cause white paint to yellow. Its good for short bursts, but not to display all day. Everyone has some great feedback for ya! - MT
  13. Thanks cool8or! Now you know why I'm scaling down to 1/350 I can still build "big," only smaller.
  14. Fifthed! I'm still waiting on a TV version of the Macross. - MT
  15. Hey GU-11, I just saw this. Are you talking about the light blue "wash" in some of the seems? If you ask me, just get Tamiya light blue like X-14. - MT
  16. Thanks EXO, you bet I'm exited. Now I can begin to move on to other stuff. Anyone got one of those little airline champagne bottles?
  17. Thanks guys for the advice. I doubt my son will care about the seems, but I'm trying to teach him patience I have seen that guys Yamato website. He's got some insane work on his pages! I wonder how long it takes him to build that stuff!?? I DO like his Andromida in 1/500, even with fiber lights. I'll probably put some LED's into my son's, I can tone down the light so it's not so strong on the engines. I'm thinking of using candle LEDs for a combustion flickering effect. The main guns, just some LED's on a switch. - MT
  18. Looking great man! - MT
  19. That'd be great BigF! - MT
  20. That looks great! I'm interested in a couple! I think it's close enough to 1/350. - MT
  21. I SOOooo need to get a display case like you guys I've posted earlier versions of this, but it's a very SIMPLE setup. I got a cheap milk table (front folds up for more space) for the actual bench. The columns are simply cheap plastic pull out drawers screwd onto the table. On top of that took a cheap pine board and put several smaller plastic drawer units on it with bolts. Lights are hooked up under that. The important thing - this was done over a period of time so I could pay out a little at a time. I have moved four times with this setup and with the exception of a couple bins cracking, its hanging in there. The bad part, it's white and so are styrene parts that fly out of your tweezers - MT
  22. Great job! I'd have to say the camo is more 90's like you see from that era. It looks great all the same. If you've never heard of adding talcum podwer to your paint to make it "chuncky", it works great. I also had some Tamiya paints that lasted about 20 years! The secret is to keep them in an airtight container like a modern ammo can. - MT
  23. Awesome finish and build cool8or! The chipping looks great and realistic. The "bad guys" never were good maintainers. Thanks for sharing! - MT
  24. Guys, what you don't realize is Mike has a full sized hanger for a "garage." That would have to explain all these giant builds, either that or he is slightly visually impaired and can only see big things - just speculation now... I agree with EXO on the scale issue. Many of the drawings and even size comaprison charts done don't match up with the stats. I'm going to use that to my advantage with some of my builds. It's easier to use a 1/72nd scale figure than try to find one in between that and 1/48th for a Zentraedi. I just went through trying to do the math on that one last week. It doesn't work out. Awesome build as always! Keep up the great work! - MT
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