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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Looks great! - MT
  2. To keep things in scale - WOW! Those look great! I'm sculpting some 1/350 stuff now so I can relate. Magnifyers are great Keep up the great work! So what's next? - MT
  3. Lots of great stuff guys! The Tomcats are nicely finished. I see the difference between 101 and 200. 100 does look more realistic in weathering and paint. - MT
  4. That looks great! The lines on that design were always some of my favorite for an aircraft - too bad its not real That sculpt IS better than the vinyl one - which I had. Plus the annoying droopage frome the material was annoying. Great job! - MT
  5. The Typhoon and Yamato look great! I'm working on a 1/350 PBY Catalina on the side right now. The Space Wolfe looks great too! I saw that kit and was REALLY tempted to get it. - MT
  6. That is an AWESOME build! That thing is HUGE! "I smash you with my hand!" Don't give up on this thing! So you know what question comes next---TREAD?
  7. Very nice! The paint kinda looks faded. Is it paint or pen? I've heard of both being used. - MT
  8. Definitely a VAST improvement! - MT
  9. Thanks a million Dan! That makes sense now with what kits/models I have. The DYRL nose is angled near the front of the canopy while the TV is rounded and more conformal. The good news is the canopy for the TV version is easier to model too. I'm doing it in 1/350th so the simpler the lines the easier to duplicate - MT
  10. Thanks to EXO posting this on the front page, I found it! I'm usually burried in the models page. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME WORKS DAN!!! The timing finding this was great too since I'm scratchbuilding a Valk now. Guess what I'm working on - the nose. So your referances are perfect! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice that Hase messed up the legs on their 1/72 model. So what are the primary external differences between the TV and DYRL VF's? I can't find a good comparrison. Thanks again for posting your great work! - MT
  11. Thanks guys! It would be awesome to be there, but thanks to you guys we have the next best thing. - MT
  12. Thanks for sharing! Thankfully nothing tugging on my wallet strings this year. - MT
  13. Thanks for the link. I wouldn't put the words cute and destroid together, but I might make an exception here - MT
  14. A little slow getting to this, but personally, I see more potential in just getting some sheets of styrene (see my signature block for a suggestion). Get .020" and brace it with .040 or .060" thick styrene bulkheads/stringers. I think you'd be wayyyyy better off for about the same cost. - MT
  15. Thanks a million Shawn! On the U.S. West coast, we got the Robotech version of the models first in stores, which was a nice start. But when the original kits came out or I could mail order them (LOOoonng before the intrernet), it was awesome to see that amount of talent put into a box top! I loved the original art and even bought the kits sometimes JUST for that. I had no idea what Orgus was, but how cool were those packages! Thanks again for sharing! - MT
  16. That's the book! It's the best referance I've found or heard of. - MT
  17. Nice work on the Yamatos guys! I don't want to get into it (because I've read threads where others have), but I hear the deck was actually a blackish color from the tar-like covering on on it. Supposedly it burned TOooo good durring its sinking. I have the Anatonomy of A Battleship book if you guys need refernces. It's an AWESOME book with everything including the cross sections of a 25mm round (helped me build a mock fuse to fit into the 25mm round). I bought a couple of WWII 25mm shells/rounds to make a stand for my 1/200 version - if I ever get to it. Your Galactica came out great derex! You CAN tell the difference with all the work you put into it. - MT
  18. Welcome Raul! It looks great. Keep up the good work and check the other threads for posts with cars in them We've got other performance car/Macross lovers on here. - MT
  19. Need I say it, the 1/200 Nichimo kits (if you can find one). They do have small details, but they're pretty hardy. My 7 year old likes to play with my prototypes on the Daedalus. My first pick would actually be the 1/144th Macross 7 kits. They are nice looking, easy AND ALL ARE IN STOCK NOW at HLJ! - MT
  20. Wow, this winter's salting the roads can really wear on your Regult! Seriously though, that looks AWESOME!!! I agree, the Forced perspective with Misa made me think "what if that was me standing under that monster!" Looks realisatic. Just add mayhem! - MT
  21. That is absolutely faboulously AWESOME! And its HUGE too! Great work and it sounds like you're practically drinking resin these days with all your projects! Keep up the awesome work as usual! - MT
  22. I think I'm used to the whole change now. They look great guys!!! I'm glad to knwo what Pineapple eater means. And yes, I could be accused of it in real life too. I just try to avoid it before and after dogfights - it's just this weird complex I have. - MT
  23. WOW! It's actually the 30th Anniversarry! And my friends just thought it was a trend I don't know if I'll be able to make it out there, but it would be awesome to meet everyone. - MT
  24. In some cases you will have to use a harder resin. I'm making some TINY parts and researching what would work better than the usual plain old casting resins. I thought of getting a maker bot myself, but resolution is a BIG deal with the smaller scales I build in. When you see the samples they show you in the videos, I had to ask myself, "where are the layer lines?" - MT
  25. Not bad! I'd love to see one of these on the shelf. - MT
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