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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Great stuff guys! I can't wait to see how your to resin kits come out Neptunesurvey. Shaorin, is it just me, or is your F-14 lookin' in the mirror going, "yeah baby, you got some nice set of intakes!" An easy suggestion for a photographic background, just use some chairs or couch with a sheet draped over it. It's ghettofabulous! It works better if you can get natural light from a large window. To bight of light will give you extreme shadows. - MT
  2. VERY NICE! Clean and sharp! Congrats on having the complete set! - MT
  3. Welcome to Macross World! That's a negative - sorta. The closest were the Dark Horse (Black?) Horse metal figurines. They were 1/200. I actually took that upper half and Frankensteined it with the Nichimo lower torso with the proper addidtional powerpacks (so the legs all matched up). Then I casted some, but without the equipment to suck the air out, they were a little potted with airholes. - MT
  4. Keep it up; looking good so far. Trust me, you might get frustrated, but you are learning something new. None of us just picked up a pencil and started writing the alphabet, we had to make stick figures first as kids then learn the alphabet. - MT
  5. This thing WILL BE Wonderfest!!! - MT
  6. Alright, fess up, you used an Easter egg for the canopy Just kiddin. Keep us posted on your progress. - MT
  7. I have to agree with all the above! I don't spend a lot of time on the PC at home (I'm on it ALL DAY at work, so why the heck would I)? BUT, what time I do spend is HERE on this forum and model shopping online. I've learned a great deal and met some great people too! I've even had opportunity to meet some in person amking it even better. What can I say, next to the latest greatest Macross kits we have to have, you guys are the greatest!!! Sorry, yes, I did put plastic before you guys - MT
  8. Insert the can into the barrel and fire it out Looks like you've hit another home run - in a LARGE ball park might I add. - MT
  9. Looks awesome! Do you have a link for JT Graphics? Why do I keep waiting for it to crush that rootbeer can or paint bottle in those photos!? - MT
  10. So like before WWII started, your pump was made That's cool. The older stuff was built to last. I recently bought a 35 year old 9" Craftsman Radial arm saw, same reason. The only change was to machine out the guard to fit easily available 10" blades. I'm cutting thin stock with fine toothed blades so should'nt be affected. Keep us updated. - MT
  11. He he, sounds like a variety of opinions on paint. Yeah Sharoin, the gunpod decals. On the topic of paint, now that the weather is improving, I need to get the Daedalus done before the humidity picks up soon. I'll have to worry about moisture clouding the finish later on if I don't. - MT
  12. I wish I had the budget to get in on this! AWESOME job as always Cap'n!!! And yeah, I hope someone is building one of these up as I type! - MT
  13. About paint. I have NEVER liked the Testor's stuff except for their paint markers (love the flat black). Their buffable metalizers are pretty good too. Other than that, I've stuck to Tamiya for the past 25 years or so. I used to co-manage a Hobby Shack (now Hobby People) and the stuff was staring me in the face everyday so I tried it out. Their spray paint is awesome too and worth the price (when you can get it). The bonus of water clean up for me menat my family no longer ragged on me about the smell of paint thinners, or the mess of trying ot get it off my hands with a scouring pad. Testor's has missed out big time in their formulations if you ask me. I was born in California and I'm ashamed of all the blasted beuracracy that goes on there. My drill press of all things has a big warning label on it that "Some chemicals are known to the state of California to produce cancer...yada yada yada." Really!? Are we that dumb? Good thing SOME San Franciscan's want to ban french fries from Happy meals. I wouldn't want my kids to get fat that one time a month we eat at Micky D's! (Steps down off soap box) Hey how about that RX-78!? Put a cloud background on it and would like the giant one! It looks great as does the decal job. Sharoin, $10 for that set is good (and so is the set)! I love their 1/72nd scale weapons too, I still have some. The gunpod decals are so 80's - MT
  14. Thanks Ahab for the tip! The Transformers custom came out great Maiden Japan! Looking great Neptune! That cockpit will hopefully visible for the diorama! And a little Sakura Wars love; looks good! My daughter will appreciate that, I'll have to show her. - MT
  15. She looks great! If I still built in that scale I'd have to get one! Thanks for keeping us posted. - MT
  16. Congratulations as well! It came out great and the casting looks clean too. It will go great with your other miniatures. Now you just have to paint one up - MT
  17. Thanks Tojiro for asking us! I'd ask, "What si your most favorite project to have worked on?" - MT
  18. Welcome vf1s24! Your work looks great. Do keep us posted! - MT
  19. What glue works with PETG? I've never used that before (I think). Looking good! - MT
  20. Everything looks spot on to me - and great! - MT
  21. The only good advice I can give is trila and error. Thick styrene (.060) gets gloppy and burns with the right speed pass to cut through. I got .040 to cut, but also got a bevel on it (what's up with that)! I got thinner plastic to cut clean (.020) for skinning frames (made big things lighter). The thin can be cut without burning or marring. You just need to adjust the speed and power settings to get it work. The acrylic (because of its properties) should cut clean through. I cut 1/4" acrylic with paper covered sheets and made trophies or plaques. Then there's adding LED light to the edges for affect... Try the moistened paper tape. I also found sometimes on straight plastic (regardles of thickness) that a second/third pass could cause flameups/fire. But paper lined could take the power on a single slow/hot pass with minimum flame. The paper also protects the plastic from marring and you only have to peel the tape up afterwards. The attached photo object was a rectangle cut from 3/16" acrylic (rastor etching and vector cutting used). Clean, glossy edges. You could make some REALLY awesome stands for your models with that laser! - MT Edit - why does my camera warp all straight edges!!??
  22. Check out Micro Mark (link in my signature block). Their papers are great and I've used them for years. Then Micro Sol's stuff is great too! All of their line to include cement. - MT
  23. I'm thinking 3D drawing and printing are the way to go! Keep up the great work! It looks just about perfect. - MT
  24. More great stuff guys! I'll post some pictures when I can of my 30th anniversary tribute. It's a secret so far, but the detailed turbine I built is 7mm long The Daedalus is on hold for weather to stabilize and me to find the right color paint. I'm gonna need about a half gallon! I can't find the right color rattle can stuff which is what I'm going for. Airbrushing would take all day! You guys have any ideas, let me know! - MT
  25. Cool! I like the designs - all of them! - MT
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