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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. I'm anxious to see see I've never see the whole thing put together yet! - MT
  2. Just don't waste the nice kit you have up on the "workbench" thread - MT
  3. Awesome looking! I'm glad to see this design get some justice! - MT
  4. VERY NICE! Thanks for sharing guys (multiple links here). Nice and classy; even the tables have a simulated carrier deck to them. Jefuemon, that now makes 11 of us not on FB. Can I click the big "dislike" button on their homepage for them I prefer to call everyone or e-mail. I'm anti-tech and I do IT stuff for a living - MT
  5. Let's see, you want to make a model from a rip-off movie, then you should rip-off his model idea. It only seems right (somehow?). Then buy a rubber rat and lay it on top like that battle sequence. Hey, that's original! - MT
  6. Still looking great! A launch arm scene WOULD be awaesome. But you do have enough on your plate! - MT
  7. Yeah, as was said, our members build most of these and NOW we get kits. There seems to be a theme here ... - MT
  8. Thanks everyone, especially Valkyrie for posting a packaged photo! Petar, did you say cutie!? Have fun at WF guys! Bring back all sorts of cool stuff and photos to make us jealous I'm nearly done with the 1/350 Valk. Just need to consider if I'm going to prime it - yes its that small that I'm afraid some details will be covered up, especially the turbine. - MT
  9. Real world - no one leaves a multi-million dollar fighter on unattended. Cool world - stick a micro LED behind the panel and make it look awesome! - MT
  10. Well everyone, I'm finally releasing my first kit, a 1/350 scale VF-1J, GBP-1S. A GIANT THANK YOU to Valkyrie who's doing the casting and taking orders. This will be the first in a series that I plan to do in this scale. This kit includes every detail that could be fit into this scale to include a full load of missiles minus the ones in the box, and that's only because you can only get resin so thin! Some of the special features of this kit includes: - Optionally posable chest and shoulder missile hatches - Full load of missiles in chest, shoulders and arms - Fully detailed gunpod and missile boxes - Styrene rod head lasers If you'd like to purchase one, please contact Valkyrie, or see him at Wonder Festival where he'll have them packaged and ready to go! There's always room for another Valk in your collection - especially if it's under 1.75" and is a mere $10.00! There will be proper packaging and instructions included. Makes great playing pieces for checkers too! Here's some casting photos that Valkyrie has added primer on to make the details stand out: There's also a couple of prototype photos to show the original work in detail: Only catch is you'll have to get your own quarter for a stand ! The next project will be a fully loaded VF-1J fighter. - MT
  11. Back in the 80's I walked into a shop with ALL sorts of stuff in it. I looked around and saw it WAaaay up on a shelf with dust all over it (even back then). I casually looked away as my heart pounded. I felt like Indiana Jones with the Holly Grail I looked to see if there was any other cool stuff, grabbed it, and bought it! I might get one of these for my son! - MT
  12. Nice job Benson! Not so noob lookin'! I bet you turn out to be one of the regular "pros" here on MW - MT
  13. Awesome jobs - EVERYONE! It's always good to see your guys work when I don't have time to get to my workbench. - MT
  14. Great job; and my son adds "cool!" Its always great to see some new builds! - MT
  15. I need to get a bigger house, then I need to get one of those! Oh, and I guess a really big plastic "cup" to support my hobby - MT
  16. I saw your photos first and thought, MAN! THAT MUST HAVE BEEN EXPENSIVE! Until I saw you did it on company down time I want an SLA machine for Christmas AWESOME work and I look forward to seeing not so transparent castings! - MT
  17. Nice set! Thanks for sharing. - MT
  18. You know, not only are there differences with the engines and cockpit, but the first photo has a T tailed Fenestron on it. You know, to a lot of untrained observers a lot of todays gunships look the same, but are clearly not if you know even a slight bit of information. Perhaps this is styled after the Comanchero. As was said, an enemy copter? They even have art of Arab looking guys in gasmasks - clearly not SDF crew; so who knows. I also agree, it looks like the Patlabor helicopter in many apsects. Another word of advice, DON'T use animation sequences for referance. They vary GREATLY oftentimes deforming or distorting the line art as it was intended. And then there's the whole color issues they often have too. You DO bring up a great question though! - MT
  19. Nice job on the Cat'seye Neptune. It looks like "it could be." It just needs some tarmac, a crew and no one would know it doesn't exhist in real life I've got one of EXO's Skull Squadron shirts. A retired Airman asked me if that was a new plane the Air Force had Some day... - MT
  20. HMmmmm. You mean I could have bought these kits instead of my newer Honda CR-V? It would be one or the other that would take up the whole garage Since I gotta work to support my Macross habbit, I guess the CR-V stays. Plus my wife would have me sleeping in the garage I DO like that Phalanx though! - MT
  21. That's new to me. I DO want to get a big TV version. That one does look a bit off in shape and dimensions. Thanks for posting. - MT
  22. That looks great! I have SEVERAL ships in my closet waiting to be built. I'm just waiting on the display case now The ships I have built in the past got damaged or dusty to the point where they couldn't be safely cleaned. Nice work! - MT
  23. My signature block covers a lot, but for mostly "conventional" kits: http://www.scalehobbyist.com/ They had the cheapest prices I could find for most everything and they have a "live" stock status. Shipping and packing is good too. I still think I've blown more at HLJ though And I have to put in a plug for my Alma Mater where I used to manage (21 years ago ), Hobby People (Hobby Shack back then): http://www.hobbypeople.net/index.php/general-hobbies/plastic-models.html That's where I got hooked on Tamiya paints (which they carry). Great selection of most tools too. Have fun! - MT
  24. Whooo! Pricey but it does look nice. - MT
  25. That's totally awesome man! Congrats and I'm sure you'll sell the lot at WF! Can you print one in 1/350 ? - MT
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