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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. I think it came out great. I believe you pulled off what you set out to do. - MT
  2. Yeah, please post photos! The TH looks missilicious EXO! - MT
  3. MechTech

    Kit's Power

    Not to be a jerk, but there are a lot of inaccuracies with it. The feet are way off and the engine compartment. So they are copying and not looking at the line art - MT
  4. DarrinG is right - right on! I think you got the right colors and weathering on that. The fact that the proportions are spot on help too (except those tiny hands ). It looks great overall. Make sure you case that thing to protect it from "real" wear and tear! - MT
  5. You've made the Jarheads proud! Jardann is right though. I've NEVER seen a clean Marine plane except when it's a Marine pilot flying in the Blue Angels. - MT
  6. The "Jug" looks great! Dan's VF-1S head looks absolutely spot on! The detail is great too. It makes me wanna get off my bench and start 3D modeling! - MT
  7. I think I know who owns the washer and dryer now That looks great - there are so many "posabilities!" - MT
  8. Lots of variation - even some vintage Tamiya. I got a buggy out in the garage my Dad and I built. - MT
  9. WHOOOHA HA HA HA HA! The "smile shot!" Why don't they incorporate that into our modern weapons systems? That's what we've been doing wrong all these years. "In the even the Kuratas tips over, cover your head and kiss your butt goodbye!" I can just see driving that to work in the mornings. I bet it gets crappy gas mileage too! That's tooooooo funnnnnnyyyyyy! - MT :lol:
  10. That looks awesome! I think you pulled it off. Nice to see a new paint scheme on an "older" design. - MT
  11. Looking good so far. I'm going to have to buy some of that wash. I tried using the regular mix I use and it just doesn't cut the mustard. Keep up the good work and posts! - MT
  12. It came out great and the green still looks good. Nice job! At least somebody's cranking a finished model kit out - it's not me - MT
  13. That came out great. Wood can be tough to shape and seal with all those compound curves in the design.
  14. I think you are having moisture problems; it's why I can't finish poainting the Daedlaus. Too bad you can't cast them and throw them in a food dehydrator like with paints. The moisture gets in the resin before pouring. The humidity was only 90% today - MT
  15. Thank you guys! The humidity is way to high for me to finish painting this in the RIGHT colors. I'm hoping to finish this in the fall when the weather mellows out. I waited too long and summer came way to early! Thanks again! - MT
  16. That looks totally awesome! The nozzle looks great too! - MT
  17. I think I remember seeing those once upon a time. Nice customization! - MT
  18. I think its too late now, but don't forget that soaking it in some Pinesol will strip the paint off without harming the plastic. I actaully tried it my self first. Looks great so far! I'd be paranoid that the mic thrusters still worked - MT
  19. So, like where's our Macross World shirt commemorating the 30th anniversary? I'm working on a model, who's got the shirt...EXO - MT
  20. This has been posted before, but I wish the inside of my garage looked like that hanger bay - MT
  21. That looks awesome! "Crisp and Clean with no cafeine" I mean issues...The only downside is it's not a real aircraft - MT
  22. It does look pretty cool, but I still think its missing something like the internal guts. - MT
  23. OK, I really want one armored too. I think it may have to be seperate because of the amount of rework. I'll start a new thread on it for photos and orders since it's completely different. - MT
  24. That 11 looks great! Nice choice of colors. - MT
  25. Man! With prices like this, it's good to be more into models than toys - phew!!! - MT
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