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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Great cockpit Jefeumon! The Mig looks great VF-19, nice weathering good. The Ikazuki is coming along great Derex. Working on the micro SDF-1 next? Here's what's on my bench (and not taking up much room ). Just some 1:350 hints at what I'm hoping to sell after we're all done blowing our money on the chillins over the holidays - MT
  2. Happy Veteran's Day everyone (observed in the US)! Thank you to all those serving or who have served our nation. Most people won't understand all of what you go through, but know it's appreciated! I've been watching the weather and TODAY was the day to repaint the Daedalus in the proper colors. It topped out at 70 with minimal humidity. I apologize in advance for the lack of photos, but as I finished tearing off the masking tape and getting the parts shoved in my closet, I didn't have a lot of time. 1. Dinner was almost ready and I wasn't going to make my family wait on me. 2. I needed to get the several square feet of curing spray paint shoved in the closet so it wouldn't off-gas in the house and stink it up (even though scent is minimal). I got all of the hull parts painted and this time even the ramp (in gray)! More photos of everything to come later on in a few days when I can open up the closet without a waft of stinky paint blowing up the living room. The photo from my closet is WAAAY to dark, but you can see that the bridge is now painted. SO, how did the paint come out? The Montana paint color was spot on to the cap color (check out the photo). Montana paints are origianlly designed for graphiti art and VERY fast curing, not to mention STRONG! I oversprayed one area and was sanding forever to get it off. Still, the color was not affected by it! The pigment is great and as I said, durable! The smell coming out from the cans is not strong at all, which is kinda bad because it's still a hazardous organic compound. The finish unfortuneatly is NOT smooth and more akin to textured paints (you can see it in the photo). I thought the nozzle was sputtering, but it is the pigment as it comes out. In fact, the nozzle is EASY to depress and unlike my last coat of paint on my baby, my thumb is not killing me! The paint DOES NOT scratch easily. Use it where you don't need a fine finish and something that will take abuse like armor models or a diorama. Of course, I got it all over my fingers. It cleaned up with one soap and water wash along with a little scouring pad action - half of what I'm used to doing to include some thinner. It also DOES NOT NEED PRIMER! It goes on that thick and covered every flaw the last paint left to include my re-glue jobs where parts were accidentally stepped on. My model is huge so I can get away with the texture. For EXO: Yo man, I was straight up trippin when I saw this gorgeous blue come outa da can! I was like, "Daedalus Blue man-foshizzle!" I got four cans and I got two more left for my 1:350 honey---if I ever make her! This paint is da bomb yo - you gots to gets you some homey! So anyhow, to summarize, my baby is almost TOTALLY done, more photos coming soon, the paint is awesome, but chunky out of the can (sticks better than Rustoleum Plastic). - MT
  3. There's a new and cool idea! Looks great. - MT
  4. Nice touch with the weathering! The Zentraedi weren't exactly the cleanest guys if they never fixed anything either. They were probably lousy neighbors too! - MT
  5. Rank has it's priveledge, he he he! - MT
  6. This project is looking great! A power wheels Monster would be AWESOME. It would open up a whole new opportunity to unleash insane ideas like airsoft guns, water cannon, pintballs - and that's just the "legal stuff." - MT
  7. I concur, the nose is pointier than a pine needle and the windshield looks a little on the low rider side from what I can see. You gotta love those translation engines man! At least now I have clue (only that) about what they're saying. - MT
  8. "Go go go Godzilla!" He looks big enough to fit into the tennis shoe under his tail! We're waiting on the 2012 Godzilla Christmas ornament to be released. We've got all the others except where's he's stomping the maser. The Mak figures are looking good. - MT
  9. Yo, I'm down withat! Word to ya modeller! - MT
  10. Thanks guys! The spray paint instructions say to shake for three minutes which is three times the average. Thanks for your advice EXO, I'll shake the snot out of it for three minutes upside down! I'll test it and if it's thick, I'll try warming it up in some water. I looked all over and at every brand of paint, and this is the closest match I could find color wise. I'll post my paint review when I get to test it out! - MT
  11. Awesome work as always! Those micro valks are great. They're almost small enough to inject through a needle into someone's bloodstream to "fly" aroudn in. Hey, that could be a movie! Anyhow, great lookin' progress!!! - MT
  12. Thanks Benson! Now I gotta fit it into my budget (alongside the lathe). - MT
  13. Awesome models everyone! Nautilus, you got the hook up man! Great stuff everyone! - MT
  14. Their productions varies from year to year and it's hard to tell. For instance, they recently re-released the 1/100 Macross Factory which hasn't been on the market in decades. Wave supposedly still has their 1/00 Monster coming out too! Just keep your ears to the ground and on Ebay. Our fellow members are good at getting news out to the rest of us too! - MT
  15. Well guys, I was gonna paint the Daedlaus this weekend, then hurricane Sandy came into my back yard, so its gonna have to wait another weekend. This is the color I chose and bought four of for the "blue part" of the upper hull: http://www.utrechtart.com/Montana-Gold-Spray-Paint--Matte-Acrylic-Color--Mt--Fuji-MP27213-i1001029.utrecht What do you guys think of the color? So here's hoping we're not all washed out on the East coast and able to paint next weekend! - MT
  16. It's coming together nicely! I'm still throwing around gettingone of these. - MT
  17. Thanks for sharing! There were some other beauties on there too! - MT
  18. I second Noyhauser's comment on the 1/200 Nichimo Yamato. The first pain, 1970's parts fit. The second pain, ABS plastic versus styrene. It takes tons of regular glue or ABS glue which is "hot" and far from healthy to use without ventilation. I built the bridge and now I'm trying to sell it. I even have all photo etch and GIANT brass barrels! - MT
  19. That looks great! He cleaned up rather nicely. - MT
  20. Just put a stobing LED in the gunpod and that will look great - like the Godzilla Christmas ornaments - MT
  21. That looks awesome!!! If you get it signed you'll have a primo combo! Just curious, drop tanks on there? - MT
  22. I'm hoping this will be molded in color so any scratched paint will just look like wear and tear (unless of course you're doing a custom paint scheme). - MT
  23. Your kit came out great! Nice job and I look forward to seeing some build-ups! - MT
  24. BEAUTIFUL JOB! I think you got everything right. Too bad I won't see one at the next air show - MT
  25. Nice Lorn! - MT
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