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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Nice going Darth Yeti! What are you using to turn that on? I'm working on getting a lathe when tax return time comes. I'm thinking Sherline or Taig to keep the jobs in the U.S. The Sherline costs more, but everyone seems to take the Taig and make it just like the Sherline anyhow!? At our house it was Lego Ninjago and Pokemon! Both my son and daughter are into that. Around my shop area is starting to look like Lego Land! Hmmmm, I'm going to start charging admission too! - MT
  2. Thanks F-ZeroOne for the update. That DOES totally suck! The icon of some TRUE British culture (and some US) has moved on. Thanks Gerry for some cool memories! I've never looked at people with purple hair and puppets the same since your works! - MT
  3. The mods are really making it look classy! - MT
  4. Thanks! I might give it a shot. - MT
  5. Does it come with a finger pointing hand option to stick down it's throat? Cause it's skinnier than a supermodel! It really looks TOoooo much akin to an SD type model - I hate to say it! BIG head, skinny body! The choice of weapons is cool though. I HOPE they're not done with the prototypes yet. Why do I think WE here could do a better job in the modeling department making this thing? - MT
  6. I don't normally check out the toys much, but this looked fun! My wife's getting a new laptop and I'm getting lathed! I need a lathe so I can stop using my drill press and creaking my neck into weird positions. The children are getting Nabi tablets! - MT
  7. Cool8or and ahiachris's work is awesome! You guys did/are doing a great job! Ahiachris, what are you using besides styrene? There's some yellowish mixed in with it? - MT
  8. Looks great Derex! The base DOES look great and the build! - MT
  9. Great looking stuff guys! Somebody's on a naval kick! I love the "Flying Dorito." I think that's the first kit I've seen built up of it. Too bad the real thing never made it into production. - MT
  10. Looks great! Can't get enough of the classics! - MT
  11. Those look GREAT EXO! Too bad they can't print in micro 1:350 scale I gotta say it, the middle gray proof looks like he's kickin' it Gangman style - MT
  12. I like it! It reminds me of the AA mecha from Macross Zero! - MT
  13. Mine is still in the box - MT
  14. Valkyrie has been really busy. In fact, I asked if he could do the next round of moldings again for my 1/350 series and he had to decline because he is so busy. I'll try contacting him for an update. - MT
  15. Now I understand, cool! Maybe my son will get one with his Christmas money from the family - MT
  16. Thanks! I showed my wife how much the others cost that were online there and that pretty much sealed the deal We've gave up our personal allowances for the last few months to finance the stuff we wanted to get the children - and our "Christmas" presents to for each other. So I had to ask nicely to get this kit. Thankfully my wife understands the whoel "Macross Thing." In fact, everyone that's known me for the past 30 years! - MT
  17. I've got all my old school vinyl stored away. Why? I don't know, I can't play them anymore Great memories though guys, thanks for sharing! - MT
  18. The ones from Maiden's collection (thanks for posting) in the center were being sold at Kimono My House. I just checked, and they are STILL being sold there: http://www.kimonomyhousetoys.com/shop.cgi I used to buy all sorts of stuff from them, now I have most of the Macross stuff - MT
  19. I don't normally look here, but I saw the ttile on the main page. I would LOVE a Macross cover for my Ipod. I've even looked and haven't found one. I'm almost to the poitn of getting a regular case and using t-shirt paint to emboss the Macross kite on it. For cell phones, I guess we're stuck with themes! - MT
  20. Thanks 505th! It's the one in cruiser mode, but I do have the attacker version that could use some love. I got the Yellow Sub ball joint s that should help that baby out. I think your Shin version will look better than real life! The Valken looks good Cain. I saw that on HLJ, but it looks a bit better now. I like the more realistic looking mecha personally (outside of Macross ) - MT
  21. I shake the heck out of my Tamiya bottles and then stir them with a toothpick. It gets them well mixed and the last step helps drive out the bubbles. Cap them and keep them in a well sealed container. I've got bottles that are sold old I lost count! They just need a little mixing and thinner sometimes. I hope things work out with the humidity. You're spraying in summer temperatures for the states. Cold, no. Humid, yeah! I hope all works out for your painting. - MT
  22. Yuo guys know I love the 1/200 kits! Yes, the fighters have stubby noses, but all the other mecha look good for that scale - and era they were made in. Thank God I just scored a 1/5000 SDF-1 (Robotech) off ebay for $56 including shipping! The box is crushed, but it's not the original Imai so I'm not worried Now to find time to build it. My original looks like the Zentaedi wacked it! - MT
  23. It sounds like you're getting there! - MT
  24. Thanks for posting VF5SS! I don't think we have anything to worry about so far. I think the head may be a little too large, but every other detail looks good. AND REMEMBER - it's still under design kiddies! - MT
  25. AWESOME BUILD TIGRILLO and welcome to MW!!! Great use of various materials and your imagination! - MT
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