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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. That's Missilicious! Yes, it's a word (now) Thanks for taking the time to share and show a BETTER way to do it! Please at least give us some completed shots of the model! - MT
  2. Great work guys! The valks look great and so does the 19 pilot and seat. That Blue Thunder kit brings back memories Shaorin. Girls with big cleavage standing near windows will never be safe again! Let alone those doing pilates in their own courtyards -MT
  3. Man, that's gonna be HUGE! As I'm working on mine, I think it will fit on top of that coke can! How much are you thinking of charging for these? I'll have one in 1/350 (pending), 1/300 (Justiciar's Kit), 1/200, and 1/100. Getting one in this scale would be cool too! Yes, I LOVE the Monster! - MT
  4. He he he! - that's funny! - MT
  5. Thanks Vifam for the new link. This is looking GREAT now! Guys, if they have EXTRA detail you don't like, just cut it off! I don't believe those probes are in the original line art. so if they look out of place or too big, get your side cutters out and SNIP! The important part is that the needed details seem to be spot on (from what I can see). This kit is looking MUCH better. I'd like to know how the trasnformation is supposed to go. I hated the two piece swap on the old Imai kit, but loved the clean trasnformation of the Legios kits (still do). - MT
  6. That's cool, I had no idea they were "aged" Like EXO said, you would have seen problems by now so you're good! Time is on your side as the saying goes! Keep us posted with your progress. - MT
  7. Those modules look cool! What plans do you have for the layout? - MT
  8. Pardon my lack of knowledge, but what fighter is that - it looks cool (and so does it's depiction)! - MT
  9. Samir's got a SHWEET ride! Nicely done! - MT
  10. EXO is right. Plus not all resin is the same. A lot of it "bleeds" out other chemmicals with time. I've had resin pieces melt styrene parts next to them to prove this point. The test will tell you if your resin does this. Let it sit for at least a week AFTER curing to see what happens. That's just to be sure if you're concerned. Have fun! - MT
  11. You're welcome! Awesome and clean build Indigo (in all the right ways)! - MT
  12. I'm a hardcore model builder and after building two or three of just about everything, kinda wanted more (that's when I started to R/C ships and put bottle rockets on them as ordinance) But the first time I saw the transforming "Robotech" model kits (sorry guys, I had to say it for referance), I HAD to get one. Then when it hit the air about a week or two later, I HAD to have ALL of them. My hobby budget went from R/C to robots (which I've loved since a kid in the 70's). The transforming part is cool to me with all the engineering involved - especially those 80's kits! Not much computer anything at that time. But I still love them because if you get bored of it, you can change it. I always used special paints or unpainted areas when there might be rubbing so no big deal. Why a transforming kit? Because it's AWESOME! Just my two cents! - MT
  13. Looking AWESOME so far. Yes, more photos when done please! - MT
  14. That looks great! The 1/200 toy is a pretty good referance, but looks like a Gundam fighter in Gerwalk - MT
  15. Looks GREAT! This thing would be cool printed in 3D resin! - MT
  16. It's AWESOME work like this that I have to get my head out of the model building section more often to see! ALL of your work looks AWESOME Nel! Hopefully we'll be able to get a poster of your collage when you're done. I'm opposite, I SUCK at people - drawing and sculpting! But I can scratch build models and line draw machines. Don't feel bad, few can do both well. - MT
  17. Thanks for sharing Zinjo! - MT
  18. Looks AWESOME man! Nice work with the details and hanging in there being patient. Great job! - MT
  19. That's cool! Half model, half hardware store! In 1/6 scale looks you could fit REAL turbines in that puppy with bottle rockets for munitions. Sorry, just the meniacle side coming out Thank for keeping us posted. - MT
  20. MechTech

    Regult Model

    I'm glad I popped in thsi side of the forums! Looks AWESOME! The weathering and details make it believable! Thanks for sharing! - MT
  21. In the words of Dr. Frankenstein, "IT'S ALIVE" Great to see one of these baby's come to life! - MT
  22. Tim Burton claymation backdrop Although I thought the same thing as VF-19 initially! - MT
  23. It sounds like a poor grade/batch of ABS for sure. It happens and I've even seen it crack in R/C car chassis like it was peanut brittle. No, peanut brittle is stronger! And they charge how much for these!? Sorry guys. If the joints don't have to have to have friction in them, I use silicone oil (like they use in R/C car shocks). I use it on styrene without it crazing the plastic (vegetable oils and petroleum oils can soften or craze plastic). Hopefully it's safe on ABS which is a more robust plastic. The smoother action may take the stress of the plastic joint. - MT
  24. It looks great! It looks naked without the missiles! Get some clothes err, missiles on that thing! Tell your client their model is only half done In all seriousness though, it does look great! The lining and shading aren't overdone. - MT
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