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Everything posted by broadshore

  1. Holy Grail. I think I would be the spark that bring Model building of Sci Fi to a whole new level. Even thought Yamato<I think these are the people who have the 1/48th scale VF> has the 1/48scale model already built. I personally think Hasa would bring collectors to a new life of Macross.
  2. O_O. Then I would say. "OUCH my wallet hurts alot..." You know the 1/32 F-16 is like dang near 150 bones. Even thought it a GREAT looking model. But does Hasa have a 1/32 scale fighter. I remember reading something in Fine Scale Modeller about it.
  3. I just resently pick up the 1/72nd Hasagawa VF-1S. It's a rather detailed kit. Way better then any of the older Macross kits. Has almost the sences of Realism vs. Cartoon. I think Hasagawa did a rather great job on the kits. Just wish they made then in 1/48th scale for Decal sences.
  4. http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com/Hasegawa/...decal_set2.html HELP! I need the Gray!
  5. Hey guys, In search for decals in the US. Mainly Custom sets of VMFA-531 "Gray Ghost" that was based in El Toro MCAS.
  6. O_O Beautiful!
  7. ooowww! hey do any of you have the Front, Back and Top views of the VF-1 and the VF-3000?
  8. Is that drawn? or 3d modeled? Can't tell. But I gotta say. Good pose, dang good rendering of the shadows. Like how the white look real dirty. hmm... awesome! Never seen Orguss. <DUCKS FROM FLYING OBJECTS!> <Peeks back up> Okay, is it like Macross?
  9. First one: ooookay... letting that one slide for now. Second: If you ever do a job with animation and they see that. They’ll look at it and say. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! It crap! trust me. I have been there! If you consider that nit picky of the animation? Sorry to say it. Not being mean or C but it real cuthroat out there. They want the best! Third: Helping the animator in the areas that REALLY needs the help is a big thing. If he or she was going to use this animation in a demo reel, thrust me, they well garbage the Tape. Now, back to the model itself. You got the telant like I said before. Great Model.. Kingnor! you got yourself a great start of an awesome model. Truthy, I'm Jealous. Check your Keyframes. I don't how it works with Lightwave but I believe it almost like XSI. See if you have a animation Mixer or something that you can control the animation itself. Play around with it. Some fine tuning would help with the jumping. As for the polygon, I'm thinking you could have and extra poly in that thigh. You should double check that. Good luck and keep up the work! I want to see MORE!
  10. Nice work on the Recon Operation VF. Love the Two Tone Grays.
  11. I'll give that stuff a try! Been using Squardon Green on my Armor stuff for like ever! I guess it time for a changing of the guard. I'll order out some Mr. Surfacer this week!
  12. As from the other post! hehe. where can I fine Mr. Surfacers. Would Microsomething can't remember the name. Micromart would have it and what does it run about?
  13. Pretty much the rating I'm looking for WM, you Valk is awesomely sweet. So the VF-1 series would be great on lets say. Getting back on the track of model building. I used to do Militray Scale 1/35th Modern. Would it make a differents by switching to say the smaller scale 1/72?
  14. Good animation. I see some errors thought. Looks like the beganing animation is a little choppy, then it go great untill the transformation to the Soldier. On the left leg if seems that you may have some extruding polygons emurging from the thigh of the left leg. Great model. Time is great just some choppyness and the polygon on the leg. Sorry, I normally rant on when I am on CGITalk or XSIbase.
  15. WM? How would rate this model in the 1-10? I'm planing on going back into model building again. Been along time. I was thinking on building the VF-0 or the VF-1 series Valkiyers. Looks great should sends some shots to Fine Scale Modeller. :-P
  16. Have any of you modeled builders tryed um.. Squardron Green Putty?
  17. Well. it could get worst. Testor could be making the Macross Models. :-\
  18. I just wish Hasa would make a 1/48th scale Valkyer. There are so many decals I would love to place on a Marine Corp Version VF-1SER or SAW.
  19. ow... I think I just did something messy in my pants... <Check> yep... i did... What did that Kit run you for? That just one plan sweet looking resin kit.
  20. Dang.. that looks so sweet!
  21. sweet! Gotta see if my airsoft stuff sales. Maybe interested in picking on up.
  22. Is there shipping Rates pretty good? I know many asian online hobby shop like hlj.com is like off the wall shipping. I have to sale. That Model kit is really really awesome!
  23. Woah.. That to darn nice then. I mite just hit on EBay. Maybe I could fine one a little cheaper. I just wish Hasagawa would make a 1/48th kit.
  24. Ouch! No kid! Nice kit thought. But ouch. My guess is? there are photoetch and some Resin cast parts on this model?
  25. How much do they go for?
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