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Everything posted by broadshore

  1. Where did you fine that kit?
  2. O_O Dang.
  3. Dang........
  4. broadshore


    its even bigger in person then it looks in Mike's pic...it's unreal! (and solid! Gotta be a gallon of resin in it..if not more! ) >_< yulp.... With all of that resin for the stratch build. Must be on HEAVY mother. Just looking at the pic of the main body is like yeks!
  5. Dang.... that to dang hot man. to dang hot.
  6. broadshore


    O_O Holy Crap! THAT THING IS HUGE!! and sexy at the same time.
  7. Awesome work! A real beauty.
  8. I use 3 kinds of Airbrushes. Testor Body Airbrush. <Excellent for your painting Militray single colors on armor. Or Autos> Cheap 12.00 Harbor's and Freiates pos. It works, can really complan. Pachae, Pashea, Pac something a rather. One of them really expensive airbrushes. <I use this for very fine detail or just using it on my art work.>
  9. Harbor and Freight has a set of Needle Nose--Wire Cutter set for 1.99. These are the mini types. I have used them for a few months now and I have no problem with them.
  10. A little bit of background and some HDRI Lighting. This beast would look totally real. Good work!
  11. Thank you once again Cheng! Your Cockpit of the VF-1A is awesome. Just gives more realism of how a cockpit should. Thank you again.
  12. What about the EA-6C Prowler that the navy uses? I got shots of the Yellow tinted Canopy of the ship on deck.
  13. Thank you very much WM! SO how far off is your cockpit in detail then towards the Drawings?
  14. Shweet! I'll give it a shot. How long does it take to dry?
  15. Subject tells all! WM? I was wondering if I could get some shots of your http://www3.sympatico.ca/wm_cheng/Macross/DSCN3693.jpg Cockpit. I notice alot of changes from the hasagawa style Cockpit? Could you help? Uswin
  16. Tamiya is Acrylic based right? I have used Testor Acryl Paints for a good quarter of my Armor building times.
  17. Shweet! Also got some word about Food Coloring? Would Yellow Food Coloring work too?
  18. Title tells it! I was trying to fine a way to get the Clear plastic to have a Yellowish look like some Marine and Naval Fighters. How would it be done? I like to get some help here first before making my way to Fine Scale Modeller board. Come on model Proscalers! Give me a hand here! <PS> Can't wait to show off my VF-1SER.. EEeeeeeeeee
  19. Well, if you want some more, check out the MW wallpaper section http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/fun/wa...llpapers_mw.htm Theres a couple more Hasegawa ones and few other misc stuff... Shweet! Thanks Alpha!
  20. Turthy... I don't remember where I got them. Been almost a year I had these.
  21. ohhhhh dang that's hot..
  22. O_O dang that hot.
  23. Oh dang! Thats going to be a nice gerwalk.
  24. Here another
  25. I got a few Wallpapers in my stock pile. Here one.
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