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Everything posted by broadshore

  1. Awesome Wild Weasel, Aggressor, Low Vis, High Vis scemes. I love them
  2. Awesome work WM! That Launch arm came out awesomely nice.
  3. Oh dang that to freaking hot WM. Looking very very sweet.
  4. Looks nice! Give the Vf-1D a look of a old beaten up bird. Good work I would say. Keep it up man!
  5. Great job! Thats one dirty bird.
  6. Mostly for mixing large amounts of paint for the airbrush or just put smaller parts into for safe keeping.
  7. Wow! Beautiful Colorization on the VF. Great work!
  8. Oh What the crap! O_O To dang good! Are you using final gathering for your renders. My god man! Take a Bow!!
  9. You have ask and now you shell receive. <bows head>
  11. Looking at the photos again and again. Just relise how dirty as in dirt the VF really is. Eh. I'll clean it up after I am done with the hanger bay. 333266[/snapback] oh yeh, heres the top view.
  12. Looking at the photos again and again. Just relise how dirty as in dirt the VF really is. Eh. I'll clean it up after I am done with the hanger bay.
  13. You have a gift for stating the obvious. He's obviously a beginner when it comes to modelling so the best thing to do is give praise. Trashing his effort will only discourage him from building any more kits. The hobby is dying out already but it seems like you want to hasten its demise. 333251[/snapback] As a Beganner? No.. Been doing models for quite some time. I mostly stay with Militray Scale 1/35. Now going down to a smaller scale model is rather different to handle. Have to deal with smaller detail like this Valkiyer. I think matter a fact. I know I did a good job NOT and outstanding pro-scale job. The Weathering was my first attemp at a smaller scale model. Thus, Including a Aircraft at 1/72 scale. In the later run, I start building more aircraft type models. Lay off the 1/35 for a while. Well see.
  14. The majority of them, as given away by the "VMFA-531" are nicked from a decal set for the 'Grey Ghosts' squadron. Annoyingly I can't find the buildup of a Hornet kit I was immediately reminded of, or any other clear photographs of a Hornet in these markings, but this Gray Ghosts site has a rather grainy image near the top of the page; the Hornet at the front of the picture with several 'planes. The kites I'd be guessing at at best, though. ;-) 333048[/snapback] Mostly Photochop <Photoshop> work to get what you want in custom decaling. Some is in scanning of older Decals and pictures. Gotta scale the decals just right so keep the scan copy as close to the original scale as posiable. As with Inkjet printing. You need three things. Inkjet <I use a Lexmark 511> Decal Paper which testor makes a pretty nice set of custom decal then the Solvent Spray it called the Decal Bonder Spray. A few light and I mean LIGHT mist over the paper is enought. Make sure you test it out on some screwed up Decal sheet you printing out first. You mite need a few layers of the bonder before the decals can be used. Remember. LIGHT MISTY SPRAYS! Over kill well just ruin the sheet. Well, that really it. Thank you for your comments of the VF-1S. I was thinking on building one more and have the two Valk's siting side by side. Would be 01 or 00 second in command.
  15. Greetings all! This well be my first time posting pictures of a few of my models. This one is my VF-1S from Hasegawa. The Decals are Custom made to represent a squadron from the Carrier UNS-64 Enterprise. The little thing under the nose is a reconaissance Camera and Sensors for speical operations I was going to do more to this kit to make it more, Spiecal Operations. Which the Storyline of VMFA-531 Gray Ghost was based as. <Palladuim RPG and revamped to D20 System> The Valkyier was to be called VF-1SAW or Model S Assault Westymier. Doctor Hymen Westymier is the name of the person who reinvented the VF-1S for Marine Corp Force Recon and other Operations. Only four squardons had these speical fighters. SVMFA-531 "Gray Ghost" Numbers in Squadron: 5 00 VF-1SAW or SER Speical Mk2 01 VF-1JEW "Model J Electoric Westymier Jamming Fighting" 02 VF-1AAWH "Model A Assault Wesymier Heavy" 03 VF-1AAW Speical Mk1 04 VF-1DEJRW "Model D "Modified" Electoric Jamming Recon Westymier" 05 VF-1AAW SVMFA-314 "Black Knights" SVMFA-414 "White Arrows" SVMFA-??? "Squadron informations lost" Diorama isn't finished yet. Blame College Classes and work. Well, Enjoy
  16. All I gotta say is..... woah..... To bad it not 1/35. Would be awesome on a Militray Scale Dio.
  17. There a shot of shear VF Ownage. Nice work.
  18. A little coloring and some HDR Lighting. That model well look real.
  19. You mispelled "meant." 326778[/snapback] I ah.. meant to do that.... yeh.... I did.
  20. Beautiful. I love the deepth of Detail. Looks very awesome. Great work!
  21. I mite get shot for taken someone Wallpaper and added more stuff. So I'm going to duck out from the heavy MG fire. I mite add some more or do something different to this. I think it looks cool...
  22. Okay. I got two crits I want to point out for you. and I know someone is going to say. "YOUR NIPICKING!" Here it goes. The model is great! Love the Toon shading you done to the TV Series SDF-01. Now, the shoulder cannons during transformation seem to hit the two carriers. It could be timing or something got screwed up somewhere. Same with the Bridge area. If you look at it. It seems that head itself is going inside the left side of the main gun. Looks like the timing is off or something. great model thought! Which 3d App did you use? 324338[/snapback] hmmmmm it was about time *somebody* pointed that out. You are entirely correct. I appreciate the critical eye! I am working on the dimensions of the model. As probably dat, rod and aztek can tell you, if you follow the designs from the TV series or the movie to the letter, you'll find out that they aren't 3-d coherent. That is... things like you just observed start happening. I think that is specially evident in the valkyrie. So.. what dat did is follow a toy blue print, but I want my model not to look toy-ish... hence I am experimenting... I am modelling in 3ds max, as for the toon shader... it is done in Maya. the transformation you saw there it is with a very simple model. I have a rather complex sdf 1 model, but I wanted to see how it looked in a toon shader... so I gave it a try. I'll post more pics/movies and see which one looks best... or rather.. not as awful! Thanks for the crit! mac 324457[/snapback] Hey Mac? Just watched it like 8 more times. It looks like it just down to timing on a few parts. Try retiming the head and shoulder cannons again.
  23. Okay. I got two crits I want to point out for you. and I know someone is going to say. "YOUR NIPICKING!" Here it goes. The model is great! Love the Toon shading you done to the TV Series SDF-01. Now, the shoulder cannons during transformation seem to hit the two carriers. It could be timing or something got screwed up somewhere. Same with the Bridge area. If you look at it. It seems that head itself is going inside the left side of the main gun. Looks like the timing is off or something. great model thought! Which 3d App did you use?
  24. I presonally get the best use out of Model Master Acryl. Easy to us with the Airbrush and easy to clean over water. Dry Brushing is easy and contorlable with Acryl. Thats my presonal thing I can say for Testor.
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