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Everything posted by Wiz13688

  1. That's it. I did not realize it's the same one they put out back in the early 2000s. Guess I'll put in an order but it seems it's coming in late as it still say Nov restock. Thanks.
  2. My package from HLJ just came through the door. The problem now is that I did not realize that the stand you see on the box and some photos does not come with the kit. Anyone got a link to the stand that was used in the official photos?
  3. Where are the under wing weapons or do we have to buy a weapons pack? Dec release, I'll just pick it up while I'm there then.
  4. Thanks guys. I'm working my way backward on the kits I built while I loaned out my airbrush setup. Hopefully, I'll get back to the VF-25F soon.
  5. looking good. I may start on this after I finish up the VF-25F.
  6. Finally got my airbrush equipments back. Since the GP-01 was the last kit I finished and still sitting on the workbench. I went and got that painted first. This is my 1st Fully painted, decal/stickered, panel lined and coated kit since I return to model building after being away for over 10 years. Made a few mistakes, learn a few things. Off to a decent start considering the eyes are not as good and hands are not as steady as they used to be. Here's a few pics And a short video: Now this is done. I gotta work my way back to the VF-25F
  7. Did the RG GP01Fb over the weekend. Now have to take it apart and paint.....
  8. One thing with any of the Bandai 1/72 VF kits is that it's not really meant to be played with as a toy. The transformation is just so you can change and display the varies configuration from time to time. There are a lot of small fragile pieces involved in the transformation and they will wear out or break overtime. That said. Taking on a VF-27 as your first model is a pretty big risk. I consider myself a fairly experinced model maker and it took me a bit to figure out how some of the pieces goes together and interact with others. You should look at the translated manual here and refer to it often while you are building this kit if you still wants to give it a try. http://www.mech9.com/blog/2009/12/172-vf-27-lucifer-translated-construction-manual/
  9. All the VF have been advertise as Variable since the Imai 1/72 days and as someone who have actually built one. None of them can stand being transformed too many time without fittings getting loose and parts being stressed. That said. I thought you build looks great.
  10. I have all the 1/72 VF-25 includimg Base, Super, Full Armored and Tornado version. All of them have major problems. 1) Have you ever got all the small pieces that makes up the wing sholder area to line up perfectly in fighter mode. If so, how long did it take you. 2) All the base model have nothing keeping the leg section lock onto the top of the fuslage in fighter mode which means it's a pain to get both leg section perfectly align. This was finally fixed in the Full Armored and Tornado 3)The main booster of the Superparts that goes on the wing will fall off with the drop of a hat. 4)The Gunpod is held onto the fuslage by friction from one tiny peg and will fall off easily. 5)The waist section is not the most solid during transformation. I always thought I'll break something when I transform them.
  11. How many fully trandorming Gunpla (MS to MA, etc) are there where pieces won't fall of during the process? My last count. none. How many fully transforming Gunpla are there where you'll be worried about stressing/breaking a part during the process? All. Enough said.
  12. Wow, that must be a lot of work. If just the thought of putting on decals is giving me headaches. I can't imagine what all that hand painting will give me(maybe a heart attack ;-P). It looks amazing though!
  13. So the Aztec pattern is already on the hual? I have a 1/1000 Polar Lights kit and just looking at the massive amount of decals for the Aztec pattern gives me headaches. I loaned my airbrush and compressor to a freind's son and won't be getting it back till this weekend. So with nothing further to do on the VF-25, I went and did the initial build on this: Cosmo Fleet Set 1 from Space Battleship Yamato 2199.
  14. Got done with the Superparts build. Here's a pic with the main booster attached and a few pieces just laying on the fuselage. Next up will be checking and removing seams and then proceed to painting.
  15. Well, I finally went ahead and started building some of the Yamato 2199 kits.First up, Comso Fleet Set 1. This is just the initial build to see how things goes together. Will have to take it apart to paint, decal and panel line next.
  16. I'm going to keep mine for the memories. I did see one on ebay just now for $50 shipped in the U,S,
  17. Not a 1/100 but one of the original Imai 1/72 VF-1S that I just dug out of my closet
  18. Yea, I was dis-appointed with how the many pieces of the shoulder will take a lot of effort to line up properly in Fighter mode. But then once I started the Superparts. It looks like some of them will be covered up with the Superparts attachments so it should look better once those get put on. Here's what I got done on the Superparts last night. LOL. That sure wasn't. I did the MG 00 as a warmup. It turned out pretty well (shows that I havn't forgotten how to do things) so I then started on this. ;-P
  19. Recently got back into building kits after being away from the hobby for over 20 years. Built a MG 00 Raiser as warmup and I just start this last week. Got done with the initial build over the weekend (cut, sand, assemble). Doing the Superparts this week. Then taking the whole thing apart again to prime and paint.
  20. I'm just putting one together now but it's a recent buy from HLJ. I did not notice any color problem on the white. I do have a 1st release VF-25S but since that one is gray. I don't see any problem.
  21. I still have a couple of original kit from 1983 and then I bought some of the Bandai re-issue later on. I built a couple for display at my local hobby shop to help them sell Anime kits. I then went away from building models, I was building enough kits that I would really need a spray booth but couldn't justisfy spending at least $500 on one back then. Then life got in the way but I did not stop buying kits (then the varies Yamato transformalbes). I recently took a look at the collection of models that I have and decided that I better get to them before my eyesight at gone (already started) and my hand start shaking (fortunately not yet). So I went and bought a whole new compressor, airbrush, spray booth and tons of Mr Color paints and Started building.
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