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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Isn't anyone interested in these one? Anyways some leaked but blury clips have appeared in youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBBaspEoixY...feature=related ==> at 0:30, are those sentry guns? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF3l7CHCFV0...feature=related Screenies: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthrea...mp;pagenumber=1 With those screenies I hope we get to see some very interesting weapons like the "sonic electronic ball-breakers." Anyways... I like to keep this handy for close encounters. Tentatively stated for Q12009!!!! ===> http://kotaku.com/5125946/aliens-colonial-...due-before-july
  2. Now why am I not suprised by that capability in Gra... Mr. Bushido's new ride? The only question now though it it has a time limit, and if in fact it was based from notes left behind by Elfman.
  3. So uhmmmm...Michael Bay managed to get backing from the U.S. military again? Lets see now...I see AH-64 Apache and some UH-60 Blackhawks....anything else I'm missing? An Aircraft Carrier perhaps?
  4. Someone needs to integrate this with a current line fighter so that we finally get a prototype VF.
  5. Aliens: Colonial Marines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliens_(Gearbox_Software) Too bad there's no P.C. version. Anyways the screenshots so far look promising. I especiallylike the fact that when playing there's no HUD instead you get a "motion tracker."
  6. Mr. Bushido's new ride from another angle. AWESOME!!!!
  7. Just read the synopsis of episode 14 over at http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2009/01/11...age-2/#comments and this one caught my attention: Shades of Macross? First Point: Same as above. Second Point: I hope it is'nt something named: "NZ-333 α Azieru (Alpha Azieru)"
  8. Why do I get the sinking suspicion that Louise manages to kill Saji and then she finds out the real circumstances of why Saji is in CB. Seems too cliched, right?
  9. Hey the site also features the "Worst Body/Case Mod Ever" http://www.geekologie.com/2008/10/not_awes...asebody_mod.php
  10. So anyone seen the trailer yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfDVKLXX8d0 Jack: "So help me God, I will kill you and you will STAY dead this time." ==>
  11. About saji and louise.... @ l33t speak. Reminded me of this:
  12. IIRC, when the Gadessa first appeared a LOT of people here (including) and in A.S. did see some resemblance with the Tekkaman suits.
  13. The good thing is it reminds me of Ramba Ral's Gouf in MSG. The BAD thing though is that those "beam fingers" also reminds me a lot of "Shining Finger."
  14. WOW!!!! http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Gundam%2...0Large%2031.jpg http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Gundam%2...0Large%2032.jpg I just know Patrick wouldn't mind having a copy of th second pic. ALSO......Is this dude ageless or what? AND he's supposed to be older than Sumeragi/Kujo and even Kati. Episode 9: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Gundam%2...0Large%2031.jpg Episode 2: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Gundam%2...0Large%2011.jpg BTW.....This Sumeragi vs. Kati dynamic reminds me a lot of Seed (Murrue VS. Natariel) and Seed Destiny (Murrue VS. Thalia). I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. But despite that I hope we see to get bouncing boobies in 00 ala Seed.
  15. Be advised though that the first of the Lunar *.avi for episode 25 was pretty crappy. I hope Lunar rolled out a version 2 for episode 25.
  16. Oh yeah. We did see that in Season 1 on Ali's stolen Gundam. Hope we see that on Ali's new ride although from the looks of things...Ali's Archee seems to be a close combat unit.
  17. This got me thinking...if Innovators can talk with one another "wirelessly" are we gonna be seeing Bits/Funnels based weapon systems for some mobile suits in future episodes, then?
  18. BTW Ali's Gundam has beam sabers on the feet. Reminds me of Aegis Gundam from Gundam Seed. http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/91/archeju3.jpg
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%8Dru_Furuya
  20. For me Full Metal Panic a.k.a. FMP was one of the few that I consider to be "Military (real) Mecha Anime." Others were Macross & Gundam (U.C.). I especially have a special place in my heart for FMP, because of the setting, Cold War-like, IIRC.
  21. WTF!!? Head EXPLODES!!! Also.....Tekkaman???? PLUS.....Al x Marie FTW!!!!
  22. @ 1st spoiler: DAMN. I thought he would be given the "Bright Treatment" like in Zeta so that Sunrise can truly paint A-Laws as the bad guys of 00. @ 2nd spoiler: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Gundam%2...0Large%2028.jpg Anyways....
  23. IIRC, the Jupiter Energy Fleet or the Jupiter Energy Group. If we follow the analogy above....then who's Axis Zeon (Haman's Group) in 00? I think that is Ali's new ride....it was seen at the end of Episode 5. He'd be AWESOME if he starts dropping colonies on earth.
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