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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. A remake of an Arnie movie? Jeeezzzzeeeee........ What next? A remake of Chuck Norris action flicks? Delta Force: The Remake, anyone?
  2. http://www.abc.net.au/news/video/2009/05/29/2584259.htm This article comes out as T:S starts showing up in theaters. Talk about coincidence.
  3. Speaking of games...anybody wanna see this one? http://gamerthemovie.com/
  4. "I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." But seriously........a Tomb Raider reboot...should star Karima Adebibe, the seventh model of Lara Croft. She did do some combat training for the role and she looks quite young (24) -- perfect for an origin story, IMHO. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karima_Adebibe
  5. I jizzed in my pants when i saw the screen shots in the Marine. Predator and Alien POV. http://www.holyfragger.com/multiplatform/f...s/avp/pictures/ Those poor marines and their puny M41A's!!!! Also anybody saw the new Trailer for Modern Warfare 2?
  6. The lady with pigtails looks familiar. But for the life of me I can't remember which episode of MZ I saw her before.
  7. That's the only pet peeve I have with the movie. If they had included that scene Macross Plus: The Movie would be totall awesome. On an unrelated note.....It was quite a shock to be reading a thread of M+ in MW when the "Dogfight" music was being played by my mp3 player. I never got the hang of using it. No love for torrent? Well since I was born in the '80s I learned to love Valkyries in the '90s but they were the variety that was controlled with conventional flight controls. Never got sold on the whole guitar and keyboard flight controls.
  8. Earthlings never learn. :lol: Anyways...the show does look promising. But I wonder how long will it last.
  9. BTW...what's up the the boobage? http://randomc.animeblogger.net:8000/image...0Large%2009.jpg http://randomc.animeblogger.net:8000/image...0Large%2023.jpg
  10. So...uhmmm anybody saw Terminator Salvation: The Machinima Series? Episode 1 is out in youtube already.
  11. In new motherboards for either the Intel or AMD...there is only one ATA port. So utmost you can still re-use your old HDD in any new setup. I must add though that if you do plan to reuse that hard drive...you should just use it as a data drive get a SATA drive for the boot/O.S. drive.
  12. Thank God. When I first saw the trailer with those accelerator suits I instantly thought of a live-action version of Crysis directed by our good old friend: Yeah. Its him.
  13. For some reason when I saw the suits in action I though I was watching a Crysis movie directed by our good old friend Uwe Boll. :ph34r: :ph34r: ROFL!!!!! :lol:
  14. Same here. More on the Manga now than on the Anime. The fillers really turned me off.
  15. Wait until you get to the part where you see Mr. Chan Also loved that they had Mami Koyama a.k.a. Kycilla Zabi from MSG voicing Balalaika a.k.a. Fry Face. When some one pointed out that Balalaika was voiced by Mami Koyama I instantly though that this must be how Kycilla looked after receiving an RPG to the face.
  16. No Problem. What did you use? SMPlayer or CCCP?
  17. BTW...was Zaratan always a Aussie sounding dude?
  18. Try using CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack = http://www.cccp-project.net/) or heck if you don't want to mess up the codecs you already have installed SMPlayer ( http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/ ) is worth a try though.
  19. I actually like the first mission (Mexico) and the second mission (Oil Refinery in the desert) in 4 player co-op. Me and my buddies had a fun time doing dive bombing like attacks on the first mission. Although I had a blast on the second mission especially since I was the only one riding an A-7 (unlocked after repeating mission one several times) loaded with iron bombs and Joint Strike missiles (my other teammates were using SU-25s and one preferred to use an EF-111 Raven that he just unlocked). Nothing like obliterating some tanks with iron bombs. I hated the fourth mission (Afghanistan) though especially in 4 player co-op since it felt like a million MiG-23's were trying to shoot us down and the bomber we were escorting. Me and my buddies are only up to here for now, since they wanted to repeat missions 1 & 2 to unlock more planes like the F-22 and the F-35. For my part I only want to take an F-5A or F-5E for a spin since these same aircraft gave me and my buddies a hard time in the third mission with their freaking maneuverability and agility. Also wanted to unlock the F-15 and the F-14.
  20. Just watched Web Episodes 4 to 8. My thoughts.....
  21. Its appeared in Tokyo Toshokan as well...... https://tokyotosho.info/search.php?terms=mazinger&type=1 Anyways..Just watched the first two episodes.....and WOW....I felt like a kid again. Even though I've never watched the original MZ or the read the old manga, I felt nostalgia at seeing a Super Robot Show again. Bear in mind though that I grew up watching other Super Robot Shows like Voltes V & Daimos. I did see/play an old MZ game by banpresto some sort of vertical shooter, IIRC. But anyways about the anime....it was AWESOME!!!! Hot Blooded characters and all those screaming PLUS Big Bang Punch!!!!! ........and best of all NO BISHIES.
  22. HOLY SH*T!!!!!! Should we be preparing for some massive pwnage next episode?
  23. Thanks REbirth. Finally I get back my daily anime fix. BTW....they switched from .com to .info?
  24. Hey is it just me or did Tokyo Toshokan just vanished?
  25. OMNI of http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2009/04/18/basquash-03/ has it as Haruka Glacier BTW....lots of mammaries fanservice this episode?
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