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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Don't forget this badass was also mentioned by name: http://ghostlightning.files.wordpress.com/...ght-kamille.jpg As for the OVA, it was AWESOME!!!!! Loved the funnel action in this episode. Poor Jegans and the the new mass produced Zeta-like mobile suits, they got pwned pretty hard by the NZ-666. Although I do have some misgivings about Marida, whose supposedly 18, and then she ends up sounding quite older than her age. By the way about the Vist Foundation, if they did not want another Zeon, why entrust somehting as important as the Laplace Box to Zeon remnants?
  2. Looks like the RAW is out: http://www.tokyotosho.info/search.php?term...ndam&type=0 So it's confirmed then no bishies. YAY!!!!!
  3. So that is really you in the avatar? Back on topic: What's up with the casting choice. Always pictured Conan to be this buffed up dude who can't speak coherent English. I think I'm gonna be joining Agent ONE as well at the roof top if this pushes through.
  4. DARN, I'm speechless. Loved the first image, BTW.
  5. Was that a Black Vajra Queen, I just saw on the Youtube link?
  6. I like that rule of thumb. However, could we also say that any desktop or laptop, which had Vista pre-installed including those based on the infamous Intel 915 chipset will work with W7?
  7. ditto!!!! Rambo taking the role of Richard Crenna? DOUBLE DITTO!!!!! Thanks man that made my day.
  8. Saw it in 1999 in the WOWOW channel. I was hardcore back then no subs and dubs. The bad thing though was I saw the tail end of the final Guld v. Isamu dogfight. However, the musical score during the whole fight, which I would later learn was titled "Dogfight" would renew my love for all things Macross, and eventually lead me here to MW.
  9. What a coincidence!!! I just installed build 7600 (32-bit) over the weekend (yeah I'm an XP hold out ) and HOLY SH*T this thing installs fast!!!! From pressing the power button all the way to the desktop it took me about 20 to 25 minutes, AND this was on the following system: P4 2.6Ghz with HT Intel 865GBF Mobo 1GB DDR400 (2x512) 64MB Radeon 9000 Pro 160GB Samsung IDE Hard Drive Realtek 8139 NIC CMI 8738 Sound Card Sadly though no drivers for the Video card. Sound did not work out of the box, but using drivers from here: http://code.google.com/p/cmediadrivers/, I was able to get the sound card to work. Today, I manged to install it on a much beefier system, and for lack of a better explanation, when I'm using 7, it feels like XP under the hood with the Vista eye-candy. The beefier system BTW: Intel C2D E6420@2.13 Ghz| Gigabyte G31M-S2C| 512MB DDR3 PC HD4670 PCS | 2x1GB DDR2-533Mhz Corsair Value| W.D. 80GB SATA| W.D. 250GB SATA| LG CD-RW/DVD-ROM| DELL M770| SilverStone ST400 I was able to install the ATI Win7/Vista drivers although before that Windows' Defaut drivers worked fine. Some programs I installed were: Firefox 3.5.2 Foxit Redaer Version 2.3 Adobe Flash Player Yahoo Messenger Far Cry 2 (DX10) VLC 1.0.1 SMPlayer 0.6.8
  10. You mofo!!! You knocked my teeth in!!! BAM!!!! Seagal: Anybody know why Richie did Bobby Lupo? Perp: F*ck YOU!!! "Under Siege" reference?
  11. May or may not be a scoop, but looks like some retroblogging love is on the way for our favorite 80's anime, SDFM. http://that.animeblogger.net/2009/08/17/eo...re-in/#comments Yay, Nostalgia.
  12. WTF!? Steven Segal???!!!! I though that dude retired from acting already. Anyways....I know its nmainly gonna feature Danny Trejo, but I'm still hoping we get to see Seagal open a can of whup ass...... ....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMu2xNBpyQc&feature=PlayList&p=6644993F4C5ED544&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=11 ....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_efS4lfhD4&feature=PlayList&p=6644993F4C5ED544&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=12
  13. Did she have a European accent? Like the baroness of G.I. Joe: Resolute.
  14. It became http://tokyotosho.info/
  15. Uhmm....from the various trailers of MW2, it seems like most of the action takes place during the day. So....you might hurt your eyes playing it that way.
  16. Just saw it. The bathroom/sex/toilet gumor killed it for me. If it was toned down, I'd have enjoyed this flick more. WOW!!!!...Devastator looks way more awesome than what we see in T:ROTF.
  17. Just saw the tail end part of this movie....and I lol'ed at the part were Optimus Prime is revived. Optimus Prime + Jet Fire Parts = Optimus Prime with Fast Packs???? Macross Tribute, perhaps?
  18. I'm assuming that since My Otome and My Hime are animes with a huge female cast...you might wanna try Claymore? Its shounen-like but its quite awesome although a bit on the violent side. Plus its been months since episode 3. And supposedly there is still an episode 4. Watched Otome myself back in 2007. Anyways...any news yet on the third installment of Black Lagoon?
  19. My Bad. Should have said the "Gamer" trailer. Anyways fixed my previous post. As for a wait and see approach on Gamer, I totally agree. Should have given it a chance, since it was just a trailer and all.
  20. Anybody seen "Gamer" trailer? You know the one that stars the dude who played the role of Leonidas in 300. Anyways..would it qualify as an entry here? It feels like a Running Man/Death Race knockoff to me. EDIT: Looks like its coming out this September. http://www.gaymerzngeek.com/2009/06/gerald-butler-gamer.html http://www.scificool.com/the-game-trailer-...-gerald-butler/
  21. Could you be more particular? Aside from the UH-60, AC-130, F-22, V-22, C-17, CH-53, F-16 & A-10 from the first movie. What other "military hardware" appeared this time around? Thanks. Didn't the dude playing Sam say in an interview last year that he was signed for three sequels?
  22. Speaking of SEGA....... HOLY SH*T!!!!! I want that game NAO!!!!!
  23. Saw the trailer. Looks like we get melee weapons (e.g. chainsaw (ala GOW?) and a Frying Pan). Hope we get air support seeing as their were a couple of F-18's in the trailer bombing the zombies to the stone age.
  24. BTW...never saw the original TV/Movie of V....so I was wondering..whose the chick with the M16 supposed to be in the new series? BTW...that's one humongous camera.
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