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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Oh, and yeah... even tho in some pictures the 19 doesnt have it. In this one it does... it's actually the vf-11. Notice that theres no visibles LCD/TFTs or diplay in the sides and in the bottom of isamu. Anyway thanks to axrael for this: It's known as a face curtain. http://science.howstuffworks.com/ejection-seat1.htm Modern ejection seats use the middle handle system as opposed to the face curtain. Although, there are models incorporate both a face curtain and a middle handle still in use. The "face curtain" design is to protect your head from debris and other nasty stuff upon ejection in addition to holding down your head. A similar method is used by passengers on commercial airliners (for those of you who have flown, remember the safety briefing before every flight). BTW here's something i noticed while watching Macross Zero (AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!) http://users3.ev1.net/~sinime/anime_pictur...oss-zero-13.jpg Could somebody tell me what's wrong with roy's helmet? that does'nt look like the skull squadron logo to me.
  2. can anybody explain whta the heck is that yellow-black striped thingy on top of isamu's head? ejection set swith perhaps? Also the only other valk i've seen this one is one the sv-51.
  3. try this site: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/home/home.php they have tons of videos not just of macross (although they have all the macrosses from the original SDF upto macross zero), but also of other anime. :-) hope that helps !!!!!!!
  4. Anybody could tell me what the heck is that red thingy on top of the triple barreled gun pod . i've never seen that in previous macross. not on the gu-11 of the vf-1 or the gu-15 of the vf/yf-19 or or the GUXX of the vf-11 or even on the gvl-17 (i think) of the vf-22/yf-21. Or if i'm msitaken could somebody give me a shot or link of this type of thingy on another VF beside the vf-os. Thanks!!!
  5. a bit Off topic: If that ever happens, we might be seeing valks flying by 2009 in time for the the zentraedi invasion.
  6. m7? dont you mean M+? i thought M7' animation sucked compared to M0's and M+
  7. nice one!!!!! hope you do that with fast packs attached. VEry nice!!!!!!!!!!! I'm also hoping you could that for a yf-19 and the vf-22 as well. keep up the good work!!!!!!
  8. Actually i have two newbie questions: 1) In all the the macrosses i have seen (M0, M+, M series/robotech, M7), why is it that its only in M0 and M+ do you see pilots moaning or grunting in pain or even having difficulty to breath when they make complicated manuevers with their valks. (example isamu when skywriting over eden and battling one on one with guld over earth and of course the nora vs. shin dogfight in the final episode of M0), but in the original macross series and m7 (espicially the fire bomber people who dont even where a flight suit) they have no such difficulty. 2) My second question is what do the shoulder guards or thingies of somesort with the gold/yellow-black combo colors on the valk pilots do, i mean do they have somekind of ligitimate tactical/military purpose or something or are they just for show, (I ask this because they seem to be sort of restrictive for a pilot when worn)?
  9. thanks!!!!!!
  10. no pics in battloid or gerwalk mode? or is that a nontransformable kit? sorry kind of a newbie here.
  11. could anybody direct me to a site or earlier MW posts or post pics here of a very big UN Spacy Logo, the popular fighting kite logo or someting. I need someting that would fit on to a 4inches by 4 inches square box. Thanks!!! also anybody could include the famous skull squadron logo on Roys' VF-0S tail and the one on his helmet. many thanks!!!!
  12. hey, whose the pilot in these scene?
  13. Anyway why does the skul insignia on roy's VF in Mac Zero and Macross TV Series so familiar, i think i've seen that insignia in real-world war movies or n the news a long time ago? is there a real world military unit that actually use that insignia?
  14. Is it just me or are the helmets of roy, shin and edgar in macross zero one of the coolest designs compared to those of hikaru, max and milia in the original macross TV series. How bout you guys, which one's the coolest from the series and remeber wer talking helemt designs here not flight suits!!!
  15. Thanks azrael for the heads up. Anyway about this inertia vector control system on the vf-22/yf-21 is this the triple flap/fin thingy on each of the vf-22's/vf-21's engine exhaust? Is'nt there i real world application of this vectored control system? i think there on the newest russian fighter jets the sukhoi designs, but not sure which model.
  16. It's definetely the Sound Force Mechas that get my vote as the ugliest ever, but I would to make special mention to the Sound Force Vf-19 its the ugliest among the three. You're asking Why the Vf-19 right? Well the most obvious reason is that it's head desing deviated a lor from macross plus' yf-19, granted that the yf-19 is a prototype and changes do happen to its design, i still think that basara's vf-19 head desing went overboard. Oh yeah could somebody post shots for emerald force's vf-19 heads from M7 i mean. BTW I heard somebody from in this thread say that the VF-0S head desing is ugly, I beg to differ on that, since if you will notice it llok a lot coller compared to the VF-1 with two lasers, VF-1D or VF-1J i think, its much cooler because of its visor like looking sensors compared to the polygon/ triangular type sensor on the latter.
  17. Not really. http://www.eurofighter.starstreak.net/Euro...er/cockpit.html The Eurofighter (and this is what I like about it) actually uses a Helmet-Mounted Sight. This system projects info onto the helmet's visor, in addition to the HUD. In effect, you have a HUD display right on your visor. What is also neat about this system is that it also incorporates Night-vision equipment which can also be displayed on the HMS, eliminating the need for night-vision goggle attachments. wait a minute is'nt the HMS systeme similar to the VF-22S Strumvogel system?, i mean i've read in steelfalcon.com that it does use something to that sort. Anyway i was just wondring if in the real world somebody would implement all around cockpit display ssytem of the vf-19, i mean did no ever realize that the vf-19's ability to look down at targets literally below it in fightermode is very useful?
  18. hehehe, sorry for newbie questions guys, just new to this forum. Anyway i wanted to ask you guys if you've seen the cgi vf-0 transformation in macross zero(episode 1 i think), i could'nt help but notice that targeting system on roy's helmet, (the triple red ligths on the front top part of his helmet i believe, which follows his eyes movements as he "paints" the oncoming multiple missles, i have'nt seen that before, i just wanted to know if this is another one of those overtechnologies/overtechnology derived from the crashed ASS-1. any data to support? thanks
  19. I don't know if you've noticed this guys, but there are HUGE differences between the VF-0A/S and the VF-0D. Aside from having two pilots, the D model seems to have a delta wing design compared to the A and S models' conventional swept swing wing design. (1) My question is what's up with that and why name it vf-0d when if its a deifferent design? And here's aother question, i've heard from some web sites that the vf-1 is actually a "stylized" or in the mold of the f-14, so: (2) is it safe to say that the sv-51 is a stylized f/a-18 or f-18 hornet then? i'm actually just wondering.
  20. It's definitely the Valkyries, when i saw the macross tv series i instantly fell in love with the VF-1's and there ability to transfrom from fighter to gerwalk then to battloid/battroid and back again. When I first saw rick hunter do that in the middle of the first zentraedi attack on macross island/south atria (correct me if wrong) thats the exact moment i was hooked to macross. Later on in the series I fell in love even further with the VF-1S aka Skull One in its strike valkyrie modification, it has to be the coolest of all the VF-1s in the entire series. Then i became even more hooked to the macross universe when i first saw macross plus and the wicked yf-19 and yf-21 prototypes, the yf-19 with its cool forward swept wing design and the yf-21's female zentraedi female power armor look in battroid mode, BCS-BDI combo, and off couse the dodging of multiple missiles by charging right at them. And lets not forget, the first ever mecha fist fight using PBS (Pinpoint Barrier System) and the first killing of a full size zentraedi pilot in his renegade power armor by Isamu off course using the VF-11's bayonet. Later i was awestruck again, this time by macross zero, when i saw for the first time a macross VF rendered in CGI transform from fighter to battroid in glorious detail and intercept missles using its head mounted lasers. BTW I really like the full armored VF variant looks very wicked!!!
  21. Hey guys, I just saw macross zero and i was awestruck by the vf-0s transformation sequence from fighter to battloid/battroid I never knew those head lasers could intercept multiple missles like that , since i was under the assumption that they were were only capable of being forward firing weapons in fighter mode and an arcwelder of some sort in gerwalk mode (as seen in the macross tv series' VF-1 (i think) rick hunter rescues lisa hayes in th alaska base) My question would be if the head lasers were capable of intercepting missles the way the vf-0 did, why have'nt i seen that happening in the original macross, macross plus movie (Isamu uses it only to shoot Guld in the climactic battle on earth) or even in M7? Could somebody explain that to me? just curios
  22. why do i have the sneaky suspicion that macross zero's ep.5 is somekind of a clue? I mean could this be a hint by the creators of macross that the next macross, which could possible be around the time line of 2045 and above will be about the AFOS' return to earth or something to that effect. I also would like to point out that i base my suspicion on the "birdman" in zero that went on a rampage when it was told that humanity has built ships, etc. etc..
  23. With the conclusion of macross zero just recently, I was wondering what are the forum members speculations or theories for the next macross saga? Will it be about the SDF-02/Megaroad-01 or perhaps a continuation of M7? or even another prequel or mid-quel or something that takes place between the originall macross saga and macross plus, so that we the fans get to see the other VFs (eg. VF-4, VF-14 (the original one not its supposed varuta derivative)) that were never featured/animated in the different macrosses. BTW thanks to azrael & Radd for their input on my first post in this thread.
  24. Hi Macross Fans!!! I'm kinda new hear (This is only my second post) and i was wondering if someone here could direct me to a site or even tell me of: (1)what happened to the Misa Hayase-helmed SDF-02/Megaroad-01 after it departed from earth? (2) According to dave deitrich's site the Megaroad-01 dissappeared in a general area near or maybe somewhere near what is now called the varuta system in Macross 7? Is this true? (3) Also I would like to know if its true that the well know couple of Max-Milia (from the original macross) are going thru some sort of separation/divorce in M7? and why or how did this happen?
  25. It's got to be the original Macross for me, coz its was the the one that got me hooked to the whole macross universe. It's then followed by the Macross PLus MOvie and OVA editions. I also liked DYRL, although I only saw bits and pieces of it from footage in the dowloads section of www.unspacy.de (Thank U UN Spacy Database!!!!!) I never did get to see the DYRL even though i heard a lot of macross fans raving about it.
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