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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Thanks for claering that one out fellow macrossworlders!!! :-)
  2. Lately I have read articles about f-16s and f-15s having this conformal fuel tanks which to a macross fan like me could pass for a FAST Pack in the macross universe. I was just wondering did the engineers/designers of the tanks get their idea from the macross or what? just curious anyway. F-16 http://www.defense-update.com/products/c/F-16-CFT.htm http://www.f-16.net/f-16_photos_album08-page9.html F-15 http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/air...-15i/F-15I.html NOTE: mounted on the sides for the eagle, which can also hold extra more bomb/missles.
  3. another classic example of this blending in the environment in macross zero is when DD hides in the mountain/canyon/crevice then extends his sv-51's head to shot at roy. i think
  4. its robotech wav files. (bows head in shame) http://www.robotechcompanion.com/sounds.html I even have one of rick's line as an e-mail alert on my out look. I also love this one: http://www.robotechcompanion.com/waves/rick5.wav hope that helps. (bows head in shame, once again)
  5. People in the forums should start calling me "THE NIT-PICKER". Anyway, about the clipping problem i found it by accident. Actually if you must know i do watch certain parts of macross zero frame by frame. But mostly though its scenes that involve the mecha while transforming and at the same time fighting or vice versa. BTW here's another one although I wouldnt call it a descripancy, its more a demonstration of how good a pilot roy focker is. You see as he dunks shin and edgar into he is actualy cathcing his gun pod, which he had thrown into the air before he grabbed shin's vf-0d's gun arm.
  6. Hey, Datterboy, just wanted to know if this is your work? thanks!!!! if it isnt, i hope your ends as good or even as better as this one. Anyway keep the vf-0d cg coming.
  7. Yep, I think its time to look for a better copy of macross zero. I think i'll try to find the DVD here in the Philippines or maybe i could just get it by BT. BTW thats the best piece of advice you've ever given me.
  8. here's another one thats been bothering me for sometime. The first two caps are from the 1st battle between roy and ivanov at the start of macross zero vol.2. Did you notice the thingies I encircled? are those what i think they are (leg fastpacks)? Its bothered me a lot becuase in the beginning of the roy vs. ivanov rumble (as shown on the thrid cap) its clearly seen that roy has no more missiles on his wings, yet as seen in the previous caps he fires some at ivanov. Anyway i thought those nifty/cool fastpacks will be introduced in vol.5, but it seems its already been introduced as early as vol.2. What's got me more perplexed is that if you look at the 5th and 6th post in this page you will notice that there is no and i repeat no leg fastpacks on the vf-0s and those caps were alomst at the end of of vol.1.
  9. Capital Idea , if your stuck in traffic you just roll over other cars.
  10. The movie story is much tighter, has a lot better pacing, and is all around better. The OVAs just didn't flow at all and suffer from unnecessary scenes. Another thing that differentiates the two is that the OVA had the sweet battle between vf-11s and the renagade power armours at the start of vol.1. The ova also featured the battroid brawls, one one the city mock-up at eden and the second one is on eath as seen in the movie edition.
  11. WoW!!!!! Right Clicks and Saves :-) Pretty nice work, can't wait for the finished product.
  12. You might have convinced me there azrael, but again I found another one although this one i dont know who to blame the animators or there hardware (e.g. computers). try to look at the four picture sequence this is the fight after roy owns that first sv-51 and just right after you see shin running through the jungle in macross zero vol. 1. :-) BTW sorry about the big screencaps before, i hope that with this knew pic I might have just found a new to way take caps without resizing them.
  13. He fired some missiles off. It happens very quickly but you see the smoke trail. Watch it again. did you mean this one: i see what seems to be vertical smoke trails, are those the missles?
  14. YEAH YEAH YEAH, I know picture sucks!!! :-) But anyway here picture no. 2, right after roy shot down incoming missles and is about to take out oncoming sv-51: You can clearly see that at least six missles are missing, where the heck did they go? he could'nt have possibly fired them to intercept the sv-51's missles.
  15. thank god the forums are back!!!!!! Anyway i just found another error in Macross Zero that were made by the animators. The next trwo images are from macross zero vol. 1, "the Vf-0s transfromation sequence." first shot, with complete missles just after transforming to battroid mode:
  16. Damn another cut scene!!! and it looks as cool as the other cut scene where the vf-0s and the vf-0d are flying side by side, remmeber that one azrael? with so many cut scenes it really make me angry enough to shoot the makers of zero. AAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHH!!! sorry about that just ranting. BTW on the bright side this might support the theory of some that a macross zero movie is indeed possible, right?
  17. Just wondering: A) In Macross zero episode 1: shin tries to take out nora with the 20mm vulcan. Question: If his such a good pilot why the heck did'nt he just use sidewinders or the AMRAAM or was that sparrows he had? B) on the vf-0 and the vf-1 DYRL and TV versions. Question: this has bugged me for quite a while, Why is it that the vf-0 use the cockpit configuration were the "joystick" is in the right hand corner, but when it came to first gen vf-1's the stick was at the center then in later models goes back to the right? any ideas why that happened? C) BTW, which scene is this from in macross zero? or this this some box/cover art? Thanks!!!!
  18. this got me thinking, why the heck does the vf-0 use the later model vf-1 controls, if it suposed made before the vf-1?
  19. As shown in vol. 1 of macross zero the gunpod detaches and the hand catches it as it flies through the air. dont know though if their is such a control were in it can be optioned to be attached in the arm after transforming. just my $0.02 though.
  20. correct me if im wrong, but is that a joystick in the middle of the cockepit, i though it was supposed to be on the right hand side of the pilot.
  21. Hey Aegis, I was just looking at your avatar and I just remembered that scene also has errors. Notice that there is no skull-like ingisnia in DD's battroid, as seen in this pics:
  22. hi guys, i was just browsing through the sites' magazine section and i found this: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...ay-dh-page3.jpg notice the scene were the vf-0s and the vf-0d are flying together, its in the right most part of the scanned page. IIRC there is no such scene in macross zero. I was just wondering could that pic be for the boxed art or what?
  23. So you want us to fill you in just because you're too lazy to go to RT.com?!? Kids today... Yes, it's Dr. Movie cel-shaded. Search for Robotech threads and there was a big discussion about this a couple of weeks ago. Its not that im lazy, i just hate rt and my account over there ever since i new the real story about how HG bastardized macross to fit into their robotech series. I know, I know, I'm a macross purist convert. Im now anti-HG as well. :-) @areaseven: kumusta ka na? kababayan!!!! I really love your area seven web site, especially when i got the shock of my life [found out this site was done by a kababayan of mine] :-) Just wondering taga saan kaba? r u currently in the philippines ofr that matter? :-) I'm from Cebu BTW. :-)
  24. Talking about the new RT series, anybody got an idea on what they wil be using for their mechas? I mean how will they ne animated CGI (ala Macross Zero) or just cell animation. I also red some somewhere that DR Movie, the same animation team that brought as macross plus has a hand in this new RT series, any truth to that? BTW do have an account over at RT.com, but i rarely go there.
  25. speaking of gamlin's vf-22, I suppose his really happy that he now has a valk that can more than equal basara's vf-19, right? Anyway from the pictures that i have seen gamlin's vf-22 is almost colored pitch black.
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