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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. The only thing left is the 360º cockpit (strange they haven't used this one) and moving the Gundam directly with your mind. 327608[/snapback] Ala macross plus, perhaps? I can see it now, a yf-19 type gundam with the all around cockpit view and then another gundam ala yf-21 with BCS, BDI type systems and all that jazz. What's next? an unmanned x-9 type drone, a virtual pop superstar and the Itano missile massacre attack? Given their track record? Ha ha, that's funny. I wouldn't hire them to assassinate a cow... 327551[/snapback]
  2. I havent seen GITS-SAC, yet. But i was just wondering does the major do her thermo-optic camo thing in the series. You know the stripping of clothing to make herself invisible then assasinate or fight somebody, like in the 1st movie. BTW who was the major's voice actor in the movie (original not dubbed), is she the same one on the series? Some more questions: Oh yeah, one more thing who the hell's the voice behind the major in the dubbed GITS 1? BTW the voice of bateua seems to be the same guy who did Guld in the dubbed macross plus. EDIT: Just found out who the japanese VA is for the Major, Atsuko Tanaka. have'nt found the one for the dubbed variant.
  3. The X-47B Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems almost makes you wonder if this is the UCAV from STEALTH, does'nt it? 326820[/snapback] You said the S-word! 326831[/snapback] Yes, but i did'nt start a new thread saying it.
  4. The X-47B Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems almost makes you wonder if this is the UCAV from STEALTH, does'nt it?
  5. Anyway back to topic guys!! With the upcoming battles of Shinn V. Athrun and Kira V. Rey, is it a distinct possibility that there will be another gundam show to continue GSD? I'm thinking along the lines of the amuro ray v. char aznabe saga, wherein they went through a lot of gundam shows and IIRC they even once become allies to counter the "titans" in one of those shows then there's char's counterattack, etc., etc., you still with me guys?
  6. So we see the alterior motive to allowing EA to set up the Requiem. Except you know he'll pick the wrong damn target. Emperor (Dullindal) convinces Anakin (Shinn) the dark side will lead to peace, who in turn fights with Obi-wan (Athrun). Meanwhile we have Newtype cage match. Enough loose ends look to be wrapped up to be satisfying enough, though it'll be rushed, which isn't really a surprise anyway. Some SEED factor/newtype info when they explain about Rey would be nice but I doubt it. For the surprise ending Lacus should appear in a pink Qubeley and wipe everyone left standing out. Then Haro bounces and says "owned". 326547[/snapback] so thats why i'm hearing this (http://moviethemes.net/music/starwars/imperial-march.mid) in my head when i watched the last episodes of GSD. Rey's birth? Rau Le Creuset and Prayer Reverie, anyone?
  7. Just read a review of episode 41 and I Just wanted to ask Lacus Clyne is piloting a Gundam!!!!???? Whats going on here? IIRC, I never even saw her in a cockpit in SEED.
  8. I just notice on the bottom pic of the site you provided that inlcuded in the Major's set of weapons is a revolver, which vaguely resembles Togusa's revolver? IIRC, the Major did'nt carry revolvers she prefered automatics, right?
  9. I never seen Hentai because of an overwhelming fear of the clerk looking at me like I'm some sort of freak that gets his jollies of watchig anime babes getting raped or just plain having sex. There were times I was tempted to by this one hentai, but decided against it. this was a fact that if I did, my nephew who was once living with me at the time would go into my room and watch my video's with out my permission and I get yelled at by my sister for owning it. 325584[/snapback] thosew kinds of files should be hidden and password enabled.
  10. Brilliant!!! This post made my day. 325384[/snapback]
  11. this onlny goes to show that the u.s. military is stretched thin, right?
  12. My thought and prayers goes out to all those affected. Im tuning in to bloomberg here in the office, really sad sight to see with the destroyed homes, the news of looting and all. AMEN!!!
  13. Just watched macross zero again, but unlike the other times I've watched my older friends (around 10 to 15 years my senior) nagged me this time for wathching macross and anime in general at. According to them watching anime or what they think are "cartoons" is for kids not for grownups like me (early 20's). Have you guys and gals encountered this kind of comment from someone?
  14. Maybe its time that i should see it, too.
  15. Been a while since i posted here. well anyway i just watch macross zero, again last weekend and in the episode were the armored battroid appears it got me thinking on what DD said after he nailed Roy with the telescopic head technique of his. DD said something about reactive armor, but when i look at the hits on the armore battroid (see picks below) AP rounds or maybe slugs are hitting it, my question: is'nt recative armor supposed to blow away when hit with either shaped charges or chemical rounds like HEAT or something? I was under the imprerssion that normal slugs or some AP rounds wont trigger the explossive filler inside recative armor. Or i'm wrong and all this recative armor thing is the work of OT. Thanks guys!!!! and gals!!!!
  16. is that the video where the author condensed M+ to fit in with Info High song time? 323715[/snapback] yep, thats the one. have it on my office PC and listening to it right now.
  17. BTW before i go, the series of pics i posted at the begining of the page belongs to a animemusicvideos.org AMV maker. Its quite good even though its uses TOP GUN music. In fact i'd even say that its the best among the top gun-theme macross AMVs in the site. Anyways title of that song is "skyfire amv productions - need for speed.mpg" check it out u might like it.
  18. I'll check those out. I also reeeeaaalllly liked one that used Cake's "The Distance", but I can't find it on Anime Music Videos dot org. This one matched the lyrics up with Macross Plus, and it was pretty entertaining. 323548[/snapback] Hey, i have that one on my office PC, "he going the distnace, he's going for speed.......". BTW, U cant find it in animemusicvideos.org, bcoz its in that macross german site: http://www.unspacy.de/, sites temprarily unavailable though. its saturday here in , so see you next week on office hours. OUT!!!!
  19. sorry wrong post.
  20. There are other great ones as well PAT S, Like: macross zero - action.mpg = some unknown artist i never heard before with macross zero footage [highly recommended] Macross Black.mpg = macross zero footage + that song made papular in vietnam war drama "tour of duty" burntoast - macross forever.mpg = uses foo fighters music, i think titles everlong +macross zero footage
  21. Just saw a couple of macross inspired AMVs from animemusicvideos.org. After watching the videos it got me wondering, why most of the videos use the Top Gun song, highway to dangerzone or whatever its title is and even the top gun anthem as an intro or end to their macross inspired amv's. [[ Oh yeah when i mean use the song, i mean use them to death, there are more macross amvs using the top gun songs in the site. ]] Heck one of the makers even had these inserted to the tune of the top gun anthem: What's up with them, why the MACROSS PLUS + Music = COOL? When there are other cool songs to use [hint: Information High AMV from German macross site], right? BTW check out the site: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/home/home.php, u might like some of the videos. and what was the addres of the german macross site, i really had a hard time using google.
  22. The XB-70 inspired who to make which anime? 323008[/snapback] Thanks JBO for a while there i though i was gonna go insane wracking my brain on the relevance of the xb-70. must be getting old or something.
  23. Speaking about MAW and folding wings, it might interest you to know that the XB-70, yes the plane that inspired or partly inspired the creator of macross to to make one of our most fav animes, has a folding wing design. Check it out: http://www.vectorsite.net/avxb70.html I'm thinking this concept also inspired that scene in macross zero where guld fly the yf-21 directly towards the missles. IIRC the wings folded downward similar to the xb-70.
  24. the sv-51 model is soooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt!!!! Keep up the good work, IAD. And BTW, welcome to Macrossworld!!!
  25. Please refer: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=15678 Its possible he might ban you, his been sick of all this STEALTH Sh*t mushrooming all over the the thread. That's why i'm suggesting that: We take off and nuke the site from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.
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