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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Wow, i was just browsing through gundamofficail.com and i was shocked to discover that before the Akatsuki a.k.a. The Bling Gundam of GSD, there was already another gundam from Universal Century with gold plating? Its stated that the MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki from Zeta Gundam. Its even stated in the site that it was piloted by Char! And all this time I thought the Bling Gundam was a one of kind design that will be distinguished from all the mobile suits in the gundam saga. Another thing I was wondering is with the apperance of the DOMs, Zakus, Bling and other unique mobile suit design is there a mobile suit appearing in GSD that is based on the Talgeese 1,2 and 3 of Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz? I really those Talgeeses especially the 3.
  2. just curios, what's that military band like instrumental music playing on the background in this sequence of macross plus in its original non-subbed version. I think its both in the movie and the 4-volume edition. Its the scene were isamu makes the lock on on guld's yf-21. Also is it in any of the macross plus albums which one sorry for the crappy images by the way.
  3. Speaking of all this Shin must die in episode 50 rants, u might want to remeber this guys: http://www.geocities.com/grss1982/Rules_of_anime.txt
  4. Just wanted to bump this thread up. Anyway for those looking for the "information high" AMV take a look at my sig. Sorry about using megaupload, i don't know any other hosting site. EDIT: two more song added. ENJOY!!!
  5. It ain't pretty, but here's my 5 minute MS Paint version. 331008[/snapback] Anyway with the hole in the crotch, does it mean he does'nt have to take off all that armor to pee?
  6. Why do i have the sinking feeling that if Shinn is'nt killed in episode 50, we may have a char's counteraatck scenario in the 3rd installment of SEED?
  7. Thanks Druna Skass and azrael. Anyway here's a liitle something from Bishoujomae at the n-philes.com. its his take on some of the characters. :-) http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/4232/reyg6og.jpg http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2358/gshinnasuka9sz.jpg http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/720/athrunpromo1dt.jpg
  8. You've got to be kidding me!!!!!! He deflects a blast against the AA's bridge and survives? Let me guess when he defelcted the blast he said something to the effect of "i can make the impossible, possible!" BTW, azrael are those the dragoons in the middle left pic and the left lower pic or are they something else like a defensive dragoon system as what is illustrated in the lower right pic They sure look very pimpy though with thier gold finish.
  9. hmmm, that's weird i though u only had one codename for the fighter like may be alpha one of yf-19 no.1 and eagle one for yf1-19 no.2. Thanks anyway boxer. BTW just watched the Macross Plus OVA again, and apparaently the yf-19 isamu is using is called eagle one by the flight controller in the sequence where isamu was sky drawing.
  10. just wondering what the real code name ofr yf-19, is it: A) Eagle One B) Alpha One, seen a lot in the web of this one, whicj has me confused. P.S. : checked the compendium and their no mention of it.
  11. sorry wrong post!!!!
  12. just wanted to know, who the girl in the pics are. From where i got them its stated that she's a character from the manga who has never spoken a line from the anime. if she's from the manga does that mean she only making a cameo on the anime or is she somewhat imnportant to story of GSD? (sorry for the dumb question.) BTW, i havent really read the mangas of seed. EDIT: sorry about that azrael. Won't happen again. Changed to attached images.
  13. Remember my first post about those freinds of mine who called me immature, well lask night i had a very nice surprise for them. Last night i invited those anime snobs, who i call friends to watch Gun Slinger Girl!!! As we started one of my friends said, "Why the hell are we watching anime with little girls in them? this sucks!!!". But low a behold as we progressed through the first episode my freinds were shocked!!! Especially that scene were Henrietta bitch slaps to death a terrorists then in Antonio Banderas' Desparado style, pulls out an FN-90 SMG from here violin case and sprays lead all over the place. Boy the looks on my freinds faces were priceless after that , at that moment i really wished a had a digital camera on hand. In the end one of mehj friends told me and I quote "This Anime thing your watching sure is pretty cool." Sadly no apologies were forthcoming for what they said earlier about my wathcing macross zero. BTW for those who have'nt seen the anime, the images below might give u an idea, Henrietta is featured in all 3 pics.
  14. I hope that never happens, because I'm afraid HG might in some insidious legal way get the rights to the show and decide to make it into ROBOTECH ZERO. I can just imagine it now, Dan Woren reprising his role as teh "Skull One" and HG twisiting the protoculture theory.
  15. this is weird: so any thoughts on what his saying? BTW found this on another forum.
  16. thanks for the review roxman. :-) Just wondering though, does the arcade only let players use mobile suits? or could some of the players use mobile armors? I would really love to use one, especially with the funel/dragoon type waepon system.
  17. wierd. everytime i place my mosue pointer on a link it highlights it. and my smileys menus is also a bit wierd. take a look below. anybody know how to adjust this? its a bit irritating to my eyes.
  18. SWEEEETTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
  19. DAMN!! looking at this photos: makes me wanna flip the left throttle into the upright position and see if it transformns into a BATTROID!!!
  20. I rather like the deafult myself. although the new one might just gro on me.
  21. Yeah, that was a bit of a turn-off, but it sure as hell beats watching Macross Dynamite 7. 328192[/snapback] Spidey sense is tingling, oh-uh, AGENT ONE is coming this way. P.S. Can a VF really backflip/tumble ther way Roy did in episode 2?
  22. hey!! another BSplayer user!!! what version are U using there, azrael? BTW, with regards to the black boxes, i dont see it. I'm using Opera 7.54 though.
  23. Shessh!!!! For a moment there i thought somebody had defaced the fourms.
  24. NICE. Keep up the good work, Ryuji.
  25. sorry double post.
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