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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Glad U like them anubis. Here, I found some more: http://img480.imageshack.us/img480/8696/mobilestudent2pn.gif http://www.gundam.org/azumanga1yrwar/ ENJOY!!
  2. HMMMMM, Never seen this anime before, so will TRY and take a look at it.I've heard good things from some of my friends who have watched this anime though. ANYWAY, since everybody is posting Azu related pics parodies or not. Here are some i picked up from other places. GUNDAM AZU? {insert new type reaction sound here} Another Translation:
  3. Pfft! Roy Schieder isn't fit to wash Borgnine's sock. Earnest Borgnine was in The Wild Bunch for pete's sake! Schieder's biggest claim to fame is narrowly avoiding being eaten by a shark. Please. Scheider is a friggin LEGEND man. Borgnine is cool, don't get me wrong, but he was teamed up with JAN MICHAEL VINCENT, whose claim to fame was how being on long ocean voyages didn't make him lonely, just horny. I would say Roy wins. Plus wasn't his archnemesis Malcom McDowall? You have to be badass to go up against him, with or without a tricked out helicopter! And he was in French Connection too. SUCK IT! 208190[/snapback] I've always thought that Malcolm McDowell ( BTW, Bloodcat u spelled it wrong. ) was Teh Best Pilot in the movie. Heck he took on Blue Thunder with an OH-6D Defender after two F-16's could'nt shoot it down even though is uses heatseekers. Back on Topic, I've always liked Airwolf and its ability to go supersonic? V4lkyri3: putting the airwolf side by side with the cobra really makes the former look linve an unarmed helo, instead of the most heavily armed helo of th 1980's. Thanks for the nice pics, BTW.
  4. NICE ONE!!! Hollywood should stop there grand delusions of remaking movies. It's gone to far.
  5. With the game to movie bug biting Hollywood in the ass, I'm starting to dread the day that they will get the bright idea to make a GTA Movie!! or worse Starcraft: The Movie!!
  6. WTF? That thing looks like a Nu-gundam RIP-OFF!!!! BTW, I just found out that the U.S. Military is building the RX-93!! Don't believe me, take a look at the picture: http://www.gundam.org/special/newtype39_800.jpg I'm thinking its in Boeing's factory or it could in Lockheed Martin's.
  7. Someone's childhood is about to be raped. Hollywod is going too far with all this crap they've been spewing out the last few years.
  8. ULTRA ELECTRO MAGNETIC TOP!!!! With weapons like the one above and THESE Voltes V PWNS!!!!! TO MY FELLOW PINOYS: Wow, dumarami yata ang mga f/pilipino dito sa MW.
  9. Using AVG here at the office, seems to be working fine. No viruses found so far. Seems AVG updates and checks for viruses everyday, might be a nifty feature for some users, but really annoying for me. (BTW my office PC is a Celeron 400 on an Asus 815e mATX mobo with 192mb RAM, shared VGA, blah blah, it kindda slows down evwrytime it updates and checks for viruses.)
  10. Man, looking at those pics, brings up fond memories. I especially remeber the OPENING THEME!!!!!
  11. Just curious, what is that mobile suit model with three "eyes" behind the dark blue gouf? is that model from the gundam shows?
  12. Is'nt he that kid doctor, doggie howser? IIRC, he really sucked in starship troopers, BIGTIME!!!!! I nearly what i was drinking when I saw him wearing that Waffen SS/Nazi uniform.
  13. DAMN, I am so starting hate Hollywood and their blasted remakes!!!! This idea of a new predator with out Arnold is really pissing me off. John Cena as the lead, R U fracking kiddin me? After reading this thread I decided to search some pics of the original predator movie to calm my self down. Agent One this ones are for U: and here's some more: http://lesiteducinephile.ifrance.com/images/predator.jpg http://www.homevideos.com/moments/predator.htm
  14. Sorry about reviving an old topic, but i wanted to share a couple of screen caps from this anime: Its from episode 13 and was done by [ghetto-subs]. The caps came from this guy's Blog: http://brymac.blogspot.com/2004_12_01_brymac_archive.html
  15. tried googling using the search word: "armored +vf-0" and came up with this: http://www.macross.com.cn/otm/zero/VF-0_ReactiveArmored.asp
  16. yes there are, try to look at Nanashi's Information Group particularly here for the super vf (sort of).
  17. looks like gerwalk alright, but were the hecks the arms?
  18. Of course. What's the point of killing Superman if you can't say you violated his anus afterwards? 339124[/snapback] Well, hope you do after his demise, since I don't want to know what he can do with that super-rectum of his, he'd probably end up cutting off your,.... bloodflow 339208[/snapback] THAT!!! Sounds very painful to say the least.
  19. TRY THIS!!!
  20. or you could use connectix.
  21. Thanks, for claering that one out anubis. I rally could'nt remeber which ship andy commanded in the first SEED. BTW talking about reused footage on GSD, A guy from another forum pointed this one out. see link below: http://img197.echo.cx/img197/9918/similiar5aj.jpg
  22. IIRC, Andy commanded either the Eternal or the Kusanagi near the end of the original GUNDAM SEED. As for his apparent death it was explained in later episodes of the original GUNDAM SEED that he somehow survived that battle with Kira, but Andy's lover, i think her name was aisha was not so lucky. After that he joined the clyne faction. Other people here could help explain it further. azrael perhaps can shed more light in to it.
  23. Just wanted to you guys to take a look at this guys work over at comic fiesta. some hastily done fansubbing by someone named "Iluna." http://www.comicfiesta.com/forumz/lofivers.../t4116-750.html There funny and creepy at the same time!
  24. It really pisses me off that He-Man and She-Ra have'nt made a statement or even at least denounce the "barbaric" attack on the smurfs. BTW, were the heck is the Voltes Team? I also have'nt heard anything from them or Camp Big Falcon, regarding said attacks.
  25. Amen to that. ( Barny, i mean. )
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