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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! 381463[/snapback] YES!!! ITS TRUE!!!!! I can imagine it now, DUBBED Bleach!!! I pity the North American Fans, because of the possibility of lousy VA's being used.
  2. This thread wins an Academy Award. [best Title]
  3. Who cares about Mobile Suits. Variable Fighters are where it's at. I'd much rather see countries fighting each other with VF-0 & SV-51 Graham 381145[/snapback] Well that's also a possibility.
  4. Wait a minute was'nt kacrikorn (check spelling) and jerid flight testing the other two MK. II units in the other green noa colony, the one which apolly and roberto were spying on? Sweet Jesus!!!! I gotta have that one!!!!!!
  5. OMGBBQ!! His researching the feasibility of the 360-degree wrap around view cockpit for use in the development of Mobile Suits. Very soon now we will be seeing countries fighting one another with MK. IIs, Rick Diases, Hi Zacks, Marasais, etc., etc., Whoops, sorry about that, just had a little to much to drink last night. Anyways according to the article, the guy/gal who did this is a researcher. But if so why is he researching on Quake III?
  6. BUMP! Hey I was just wondering in the first few minutes of Heirs to the stars, the Gundam MK. II Unit 01 was the one that was shooting at Char, right? So is it safe to say that Emma Sheen was technically the one shooting at Char by way of the MK. II's vulcans, since we see her pilot it later when delivering Bask Om's letter to the crew of the Argama?
  7. Just wanted to bump this thread for some important news. Bleach just got licensed. Source: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/pressrelease.php?id=1602
  8. It's somewhat related to GSD: Scroll down and read the part about Mass produced MS from ORB. http://anime.miao.us/archives/2006/03/09/653/
  9. AHHHH.... Houston we have a problem: http://matrixcollectibles.site.yahoo.com/bliczaswkep.html "SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!" WTF!? Anyway's there are other choices? Renji's Zabimaru Keychain!!! http://www.kikumarubeam.com/store/product_...83cb2058a9628d4 Ishida's Quincy Cross!!! http://www.kikumarubeam.com/store/product_...83cb2058a9628d4
  10. WOW!! Yalking about bleach, here something interesting: A Zangetsu Key Chain !!!! (in its shikai form) Check it out: http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/2449/m7...hch217003be.jpg
  11. Not to mention that its simply UNCOOL to have the Valks in this alternate universe designated as the: VF-1 Valkyrie MK. II A gold-colored valkyrie is even more UNCOOL.
  12. Had nothing else to do so ripped the intro music from zeta 1: http://www.mytempdir.com/507583 Bear in mind it was'nt done by a PRO. BTW, I accidentally included the narration on the one year war and the introduction of mobile suits. I still hope some of you may like it though. BTW i wanted to compare the last battle in zeta 1 with the old zeta series, ah what episodes should i watch?
  13. Post some pics then if you have! 375164[/snapback] 375190[/snapback] AHHHHHH, I dont want to burst your bubble but is'nt she a bit, I don't know, flat chested?
  14. It won't be all new. Most of the action sequences will be. After watching movie II and the direction they are taking it, it's hard to use the old stuff. 371207[/snapback] DAMN!!! Both the Zeta and The O are looking pretty good!!!
  15. After watching the movie, I went ahead and watched the orginal series, and i was wondering: Is it just me or is the sound effects for the MK II's vulcans upon firing different from the original series? Sounds more realistic, maybe?
  16. After ep. 64 I have'nt watched belach again. I'm just gonna wait until the filler arc finishes. Anyways, I'm instead reading the manga and guess what..... [qoute=spoilers!!]Tousen finally appears.
  17. Thanks for eevrone, sugesstions. Anyways just saw movie 1 last nyt and i was totally blown away. The Opening song was really cool. The MS designs and animation in general was absolutely gorgeous!!!!! can't wait for subbed version of movie 2......... :-)
  18. Ahh, could u guys help me out a bit. I recently downloaded the first movie, but I'm having trouble burning it to a CD. (I downloaded it from the office, DONT ASK WHY.) I notice that the avi file is quite huge, any idea on how to solve this problem. DVD Burning is out of the question since i dont have a DVD burner here at the office. THANKS!!!!
  19. Finally saw the trailer for movie1 and I can definetely say I'm in love: this thing must be a lot better than GSD's Akatsuki. No idea what this thing is, but whatever it is it looks really great. THe head reminds me of the DOM, but with a hood. THis must be what they call the marasai or something, I've got only one grip with these particular suit: why does it have a very powerful beam rifle, I mean when it hits that GM??? it explodes, but you later realize that its the GM's shield that's being hit not the GM itself. Overall, I'm really liking the designs though!!!!! Man, cant wait to DL this baby..........
  20. I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Anyways, What the hecks going through the "geniuses" @ Hollywood. Live action KITE? PLEASE, I rather like have a live action Space Gandam V.
  21. Episode 60!!!!
  22. could you at last get us a screen cap or better yet tells us what exact time and volume did you see this fighter?
  23. AHHHHHHH, Your guess is as good as mine. the creator of BLEACH, Kubo Tite never really explained that aspect of soul society.
  24. Same here. Lalo yata tayong dumadami dito ha?
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