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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. This lady looks hot: The catch though is that she's a total PYSCHO. I mean she smiles while shooting to death a whole bunch of mercenaries!!!!! OMGBBQ Jason Miao of the Anime on My Mind blog even describes her as "a more controlled, sane, yet happy Tomoe." [NOTE: That Tomoe from Mai-Otome, I think] BTW, here name's Levi/Revy a.k.a. Two-Hands from the anime: Black Lagoon!! info and more pics here: http://anime.miao.us/archives/2006/04/08/694/
  2. Alright!!!!! GO FOR IT Bakakozu!!!!! I'm really loving what they did with the subbing of Blood+ Although I was hoping that Lunar might do it.
  3. Hmm...... I just re-watched the trailer, and i was wondering did any of you guys and gals get the feeling that this anime is kind of fanservicey/full of fan service? Heck i've read comment from the other forum that the transformation of the main character into witchblade is kindda of eroticized? WTF?
  4. Just to tell MWers taht there are trailers circulating in the net: http://broadband.biglobe.ne.jp/sitemap/index_anime.html The anime seems to be promising. ENJOY!!! EDIT One of the first to Blog Witchblade, limited screen caps though. http://www.ass-no-ryu.com/animeblog/?p=715
  5. Anybody watching the filers still? Is it interesting? some my freinds still watching say it is, but how you guys here? I myself gave up on it. Instead, I'll just read the manga and wait for the anime to get back on the main story.
  6. That's great. Anyways has a subbing group announced any intention of doing this anime. I hope Lunar and Shinsen subs might do these one though. So for now only the raw is floating around, ehh? Hope ypu give as a glimpse or even screenshots of this anime, GRAND CANNON. EDIT: Just read your latest post. That's really sad to hear. You can hear audio, but see no video. DAMN!!!
  7. WHAT!!!! They have that, but none of this one:
  8. Finally a quote as my sig.
  9. You and me both, brother!!!!
  10. Man watching that video, made me want more macross. Damn, I hope Shoji gets the hint do a Zeta Gundam: A new Translation for macross: DYRL.
  11. The top left aircraft kinda reminds me of the yf-19/vf-19. Image link: http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=soxon8
  12. Look at my SIG. There big *.avi files though, while some are small *.wmv files. Less than 100mb.
  13. Just saw Zeta II last nyt. And all I got to say is that despite his limited time in the movie, Amuro Ray still pwns, even though his only piloting a Rick Dias.
  14. 25 here. though i seem to look older for my age. (I look more like a 30 something dude.)
  15. I'm curious to hear areaseven's take on this anime. HMMMMMMMM.... Areaseeeeveeeeeen, where are you?
  16. OK I could'nt help myself so here's a little spoiler pics for episode 2: PLEASE FORGIVE ME. warning, open at your own risk!!! [this is my favorite] http://www.geocities.com/grss1982/Bscap001.jpg http://www.geocities.com/grss1982/Bscap003.jpg http://www.geocities.com/grss1982/Bscap003.jpg
  17. Just watched the first episodes. WTF!? Main protaganist uses a compact shotgun, which is almost the size of a deagle. That's way bigger than Makoto Kusunagi's automatics. check out the lower left pic: http://www.seaslugteam.com/archives/2006/0.../ergo-proxy-01/ or better yet: EDIT: I just read from that blog, that the lead protaganist seems to have an uncanny resemblance to the female voclaist for evanescence?
  18. The pic is quite small, but I was wondering, who the heck is the red head?
  19. I've tried the search function and it seems no one has posted about this anime. Its a 26 episode anime. BTW, first three episodes have been released. The screen shots i've seen so far scream HIGH QUALITY!!! I've actually seen episode 1 myself and the animation is just just AWESOME!! As stated in the official web site, this anime came from the creators of Sumurai Champloo (and possibly the creators/directors of Cowboy Beebop). Here some more info: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=5115 Official Web site: http://www.ergoproxy.com/ Screenshots could be found on this blogs: http://www.seaslugteam.com/archives/2006/0.../ergo-proxy-02/ http://silverado.efx2.com/view/14708/highlight/ergo/ Anyone else interested on this anime?
  20. If Roy had lived, he would be a much maligned character. (Thinks of a certain Mu La Flaga from GSD.) He (Roy) had to die to make his greatness as pilot and mentor to hikaru that much more AWESOME!!!
  21. Just by looking at the pics, is it safe to say that Strike Noir does'nt feature DRAGOONS? [i'm really not a fan of them, BTW]
  22. you got that right!!!!! BTW. there's a manga on the way, so doujins will be there also. Anyways, anybody else waiting for this series? I heard gonzo is gonna use some CG.
  23. Just wanted to bump this one for an update, I guess The Witchblade animated series, produced by Gonzo in conjuction with Top Cow, will debut on Japanese television. Witchblade will air every Thursday morning on Japanese TV's CBC, beginning Thursday April 6 at 1:45 a.m., and every Saturday morning on TBS, beginning Saturday, April 8 at 2:25 a.m. BTW, i forgot from where i got this bit of news. Also, looks like the witchblade website has been updated. check it out: http://www.witchblade.jp/ Oh, yeah accoridng to this link: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=4284 witchblade even has a manga!!! EDIT: Heres the source of the news: http://www.akadot.com/article.php?a=478 officiall its starts on 4/6/2006
  24. That was one sweet scene when the Vf-0S transformed. But your gonna love episode 2 more, beacause of a certain battle. Instructor V. Student.
  25. This sounds pretty interesting.
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