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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. NEWSFLASH!! Chapter 4 of the FMP: COMO novel just came out. Check them out at the usual sources. Anyways, for those wondering why I posted it here, my reason is that this is the part were we finally see the real "Wraith." And let me just say: Wraith is HAWT!!! Check it out: Don't open though if you don't wanna be spoiled. http://i4.tinypic.com/1128ux0.jpg
  2. AHEM!!!!!! FUNimation Entertainment Awarded Rights to Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid by Kadokawa Pictures USA Read all about it here: http://www.animeondvd.com/news/pr.php?pr_view=716
  3. Better check it out then: Its based on a manga. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=6159 http://anime.miao.us/archives/2006/04/08/694/ http://mangaminxslair.blogspot.com/2006/04...-lagoon-01.html http://www.batrock.net/anime/?p=452 http://www.yayapapayaz.com/handofgory/2006...lack-lagoon-1-2 You got that right.
  4. Another batch of pics: http://i4.tinypic.com/zwaque.jpg http://i4.tinypic.com/zwas85.jpg http://i4.tinypic.com/zwaut0.jpg http://i4.tinypic.com/zwawqb.jpg http://i4.tinypic.com/zwaxsm.jpg ENJOY!!! BTW, if no one has guessed it yet the anime characters being protraye are from the anime: BLACK LAGOON.
  5. Ball's on your court, grss1982. 399250[/snapback] Salamat Kabayan!!! In Full Metal Panic! What was written on the main screen of the ARX-7 "Arbalest" when Souske Sagara first booted up the the A.S.'s A.I. and entered his name, rank and serial number?
  6. You got that right. IMHO, Bible Black might actually a better watch than this. Anyways there is a manga of it. Which IMHO is way better than the anime version. If your really interested to know whats inside the other discs on this anime go over to www.ezmangaforums.com and search for the anime on the "sharehouse" section. I think somebody uploed copies of a DVD rip of this hentai. If your interested on manga go over to ezmanga.com.
  7. Sorry about reveving this old topic, BUT Guess what anime show there from: One of them is a bit spoilerrish so open them on your own. http://i2.tinypic.com/zkih6g.jpg http://i1.tinypic.com/zkij2x.jpg http://i3.tinypic.com/zkij50.jpg http://i3.tinypic.com/zkij6h.jpg http://i2.tinypic.com/zkijc0.jpg http://i1.tinypic.com/zkijd4.jpg http://i2.tinypic.com/zkijhj.jpg http://i3.tinypic.com/zkijir.jpg http://i3.tinypic.com/zkijkm.jpg ENJOY!!! COSPLAY pics by Cal-Reflector over at animesuke.com
  8. Char's Counter Attack!!! I hope there's a Sazabi in this game.
  9. My first reaction after reading: Seems to be interesting though if that many people attended the California gig, I guess.
  10. IIRC it was Saitama.
  11. I recently went on an FMP and FMP:TSR marathon and I was wondering.. Did anybody notice how that ARX-7 from FMP and FMP: TSR are different in color? FMP = White-Black combo http://www.full-metal-panic.com/hangar/hangar.php FMP: TSR = White-Blue(ish) combo http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7783/vlcsnap330507fl.png http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/2368/vlcsnap340585io.png http://i3.tinypic.com/xmvhuo.png Coudl it be the change from Gonzo to Kyoto Animation, perhaps? BTW what the heck is Souske using in reeling in the 4th venom he took down in FMP: TSR Ep. 13 http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/2807/vlcsnap362303zu.png http://i3.tinypic.com/xmvdqp.png http://i3.tinypic.com/xmvjue.png Detonation cord or something? I never thought that venom would explode just by being slammed to the pavement?
  12. Is it the U.S-Japan Security Treaty?
  13. It was still there wasn't it? 396210[/snapback] Don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but its (teh knife) not mounted. Pics from OP in Episode1 TSR: http://i2.tinypic.com/x38rrn.jpg http://i3.tinypic.com/x38s1y.jpg http://i3.tinypic.com/x38s51.jpg Pics from EPISODE1 TSR: http://i2.tinypic.com/x38sih.jpg http://i1.tinypic.com/x38twn.jpg http://i1.tinypic.com/x38unl.jpg
  14. Just rewatched this show last night. And I was wondering what ever happened to the head mounted knife in the ARX-7 Arbalest? IRCC, Sagara used that during the initial fight with Gauron in Episode 6/7 of the original FMP. Also I just recently noticed that the Arbalest now has a knife on its left hip. (FMP: TSR Ep. 13).
  15. How about direct download? AT Bakakozou. Also if some of you are still having problems with playing this file try this one: Detritus Player Pack. http://www.detritus.qc.ca/static.php?page=...ic060331-001208 http://www.oxyshare.com/d/7U0IkdtEYIq/DPP_100.zip.html Its similar to VLC, but a lot smaller. It plays almost anything including mp4 and rmvb. And on top of that it doe'nt even need codecs AND is only 4mb in size.
  16. I see. With regards to your gripe about MKV files, Try VLC. No codecs needed. BTW, get the latest non-beta version: "0.8.4a" get it here: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html
  17. Just watched it my self. It was pretty cool, but i would have love a more explosive fight scene for a first episode. Like Black Lagoon's 1st episode, perhaps? UN Spacy: Don't want to sound like a noob, what the heck does MILF, means?
  18. UPDATE!! Subbed Episode 1 is out. Curtesy of Conclave and Bakakozou. http://www.bakakozou.com/
  19. OK, i've heard from animesuki that the released RAWS are now upto episode 3. But still I have yet to see anybody group post it for download :-(
  20. Just love it!!!!!!
  21. I always wondered why she had to be naked. And do protecting the naughty bits help more than protecting....i dunno...vital organs? 393334[/snapback] In addition, I also wondered why Sara Pezini always had ripped clothes after she transforms from Witchblade back to her human form.
  22. BUMP!! A huge spoiler pic/collage for you guys and gals: http://i3.tinypic.com/w6qex3.jpg Pic curtesy of Catgirls of http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=19100&page=2
  23. Ripped this bit of news from animesuki: Post is by Sonhex of http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php...ight=witchblade Garasu no Kantai or Glass Fleet (subtitle 'La Legende du vent de l'univers' or 'Legend of the Wind of the Universe' ) is a 24 (tbc) episode mecha/sci-fi series starting 4th April. It's an impressive co-production between the ubiquitous Gonzo Digimation and fan favourite Statelight with character designs by Okama and mecha designs by Shoji Kawamori (who most recently worked on Eureka 7). Art Direction is by Takeshi Waki (Mushishi, Samurai Champloo). Cast includes Tsuda Kenjiro, Ueda Kana, Ishida Akira (Athrun from GSD) and Kaida Yuko. Music by Kousuke Yamashita (Xenosaga the Animation). Official website is http://www.garakan.com (with some cool Okama wallpaper!) Here's the blurb from AnimeNfo: So an intriguing mix of space opera, political and religious subplots, a smidgen of romance and lots of grandiose space battles (hopefully). There's a lot of potential here. I hope Gonzo doesn't screw it up. Their recent shows have been lacking to say the least. In a new season largely devoid of serious action fair I have high hopes for this series... Sources: ANN, AnimeNfo, Anime-Days I could'nt believe it an anime featuring the work of Shoji Kawamori and no one here in MW reported about it? This post was like almost a month old over there at animesuki. BTW, I used they keyword to find anytthing about this in MW, but I came up with nothing: "Garasu" "Glass Fleet" "La Legende"
  24. any idea how many episodes/installments there are of this anime?
  25. BUMP!!! Hey did anybody watch the new Bleach OVA. Its called Sealed Sword Frenzy. I just watched it recently and it was quite entertaining, although I would have love this OVA more it the animators show other people's bankai.
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