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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. @kanedaestes: so how di you find it. I just finished watching episode 12 myself and was very satisfied even though there was no real ending to the story. Anyways I gonna wait for Season 2 to come out next year.
  2. @bsu legato: A re-invention more or less. -- new time line -- new wielder (who happens to be a mother, instead of being a cop) -- there are even "Clone Blades." There kinda similar to the Witchblade only they're not as superioir as the real thing, I guess. In effect clones of the WB.
  3. Hi Everyone, Looks like the offical web site has a comparisson of the DVD vs. TV footage for witchblade. check it out at http://www.witchblade.jp/gallery/dvd.html Hmmmm....... Seems WBMasane is more "naked" in the DVD. BTW, episode 7 just came out. the RAWS are up to episode 20 already. :-( Damn, why is no one else subbing this series. BK-conclave has great quality in its subs but there kinda slow though. :-(
  4. BUMP!!! Official Shots of Kotobukiya Witchblade PVC (WARNING: Pics are not, I repeat NOT office friendly) http://ikimashou.net/2006/06/27/official-s...witchblade-pvc/
  5. Damn!! Just saw the trailer and I think I'm hooked.
  6. yf-19 cells!!!! Pretty awesome find you got there. Really liking them.
  7. BUMP Black Lagoon gets a Second Season!!! http://ikimashou.net/2006/07/19/black-lago...rmed-first-dvd/
  8. For those looking for a direct DL of Stargazer you can also get it here: http://mirror1.anistash.com/downloads/ its under the ongoing series section. ENJOY!!! BTW, its an MP4 file and I used VLC 8.4 to watch it. :-) Accoridng to VLC:
  9. sorry about that posted on the wrong thread.
  10. BUMP!! A third Bleach movie is coming out this year. Its entitiled BLEACH: Memories of Nobody Check it out: http://www.bleach-movie.com/ I'm kinda wondering what part of the timeline this will occur. The current fillers?
  11. Don't forget to include a very reliable getaway vehicle or you might end up recreating the 1997 North Holywood Shootout. Jessica Biel up for auction. YUM-YUM
  12. Some have noted that Stargazer's lack of armor covering may truely mean that it is not really for military use. 414859[/snapback] So its possible it might have a learning AI similar to that of the ARX-7 "Arbalest" from FMP, right? BTW, when the heck is Zeta III coming out, I'm dying slowly just wating for the funsubs to come out.
  13. hmm...... anybody posted this yet: http://www.transformersthemovie.com/video/cgitest.mov
  14. Just for everyone's knowledge the answer to my question: that's right its Kurz Weber = Uruz 9
  15. MORE BAD NEWS!!! It seems like the team of [sHS, YesY, ureshii] just dropped Witchblade. Lets hope bakakozou does'nt do the same thing.
  16. The only thing I can say about the ninth episode is: WOW!!! Words fail me as of the moment in describing the AWESOMENESS of this episode. Agent ONE, if your reading this thread, I highly recommend that you watch this. EDIT: More Black Lagoon Cosplay pics: http://members.cosplay.com/costume/30686/ Enjoy!!!!!
  17. Damn it!!!! The maid/meido appears and struts her stuff in episode 9. I can't wait for the sub to come out!!!!!!! People in animesuki are saying that this is probably the best episode so far in Black Lagoon.
  18. I know its a bit late, but this is one of the animes that has made a buzz over there at animesuki and I though it deserved its won thread here in MW. Just looking at the first episode, It would seem this series has a different style to it. The sound quality and animation are pretty AWESOME!!! So, who's watched it? I think its only me and wolfx (as MW members), who watched this and talked about it sparingly in another thread. I would really love a comment from Areaseven in this anime. BTW, the raws on this thing are up to episode 9 and i heard the "meido" (who is one of the most anticipated characters of the anime) has appeared. Oh yeah some pics can be found in this blogs: http://anime.miao.us/archives/2006/04/08/694/ http://mangaminxslair.blogspot.com/2006/04...-lagoon-01.html http://www.batrock.net/anime/?p=452 http://www.yayapapayaz.com/handofgory/2006...lack-lagoon-1-2
  19. HOLY COW!!! According to this forums: http://anre.org/fo/viewtopic.php?pid=91588 This Company did some the follwing anime: CPM also licensed: Dominion Tank Police New Dominion Tank Police Now and Then, Here and There Mobile Police Patlabor (OVA) Mobile Police Patlabor (TV) Project A-Ko Roujin Z Venus Wars Its also interesting to note one comment from a member of that forum (GrinfilledCelt): It true that the market is changing but I don't think it is shrinking by any means. I have seen the anime section at Best Buy double in size in the last year and have been seeing more outlets start to carry anime, like Meijer's - my local grocery/department store. I love to shop brick and morter stores because I can easily strike up conversations with other people browsing the anime. I'm seeing more and more diversity in the people interested in anime - not just kids and young adults. They are still true fans. They know that they have found something good and are starved for information. It's sad to see a small company like CPM go under after doing such good work but others will arise to take it's place. What really scares me is that eventually the growing popularity of anime will make the large media corporations like Disney and WB decide to get into distributing anime instead of just imitating it (badly), specifically that they will almost certainly decide that fansubbers have served their purpose and will set their lawyers on them and shut them down. I for one don't like the idea of those Disney Dickwads deciding which pasteurized and homogenized anime I get to see. I don't like that idea at all. I commpletely agree with the second paragraph.
  20. BUMP!!! After the slow start by the team of Bakakozou-Conclave. The team of [sHS, YesY, ureshii] released three episodes in sucession!!!! WTF!!!??? Check the usual sources, people. AND ENJOY!!!
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